Happy New Year! 🎉 Numerology of 2025

Another year, another number! With this being the first week of 2025, let’s take a look at the numerology of the year and how that might affect you. We will also walk through how to find your personal number(s) for the year – yes, you probably have more than one!

2025’s Number Is 9

Using the basic foundation of numerology and reducing numbers, we can easily find 2025’s numerological number for the year is nine → 2+0+2+5=9. That is all good and well, but what does it actually mean? Well, let’s explore some different sources on numerology to see what we can find!

Numerology is still a subject I am learning about, so I am going to different sources to gather information about a Nine Year for 2025. Let’s explore them together!

From Numerology.com

While we’re welcome to begin something new in a 9 Universal Year, in general, there is no need to rush into anything or make enormous changes. The more we focus on wrapping things up and coming to terms with the people we have become since 2017 (the beginning of the current cycle), the more brilliant and fruitful our options will be when we embark on a new journey next year.

From Astrofame.com

While this year might be challenging geopolitically and socially, the number 9, being associated with humanity and great causes, gives us hope that some enlightened minds will pursue a convincing path of peace. On a personal level, this year acts like a mirror, challenging our certainties and encouraging us to reassess our priorities and the impact of our actions under the best possible conditions. Our future is more than ever in our own hands! 2025 Numerology: An 9-Year Full Of Change And… © https://my.astrofame.com/numerology/yearly-predictions

From Astrostyle.com

In numerology, the 9 is a sacred number. It’s the number of the compassionate humanitarian, spiritual ascension, letting go and forgiveness. The 9 invites us to step back from materialism and lead with our hearts.

It seems that in numerology, the number nine is one of endings and completion. Cycles are coming to a close and we may begin embracing a more compassionate and community-based life. I am all for that, honestly! After the tumultuous time we have been having around the world, I am ready for the average person to live a more compassionate life.

Your Personal Year Number

Another interesting aspect of numerology is your personal year numbers. Yes, that is plural because your number does not change until your birthday. So, since my birthday is in November, my personal year numbers for this year are Nine (from Nov. 2024) all the way until Nov. 2025 when it changes to One.

You can figure out your personal year numbers by adding the numbers in your birthday for the year together. So, my birthday this year is on November 8, 2025. This means my math equation looks like this:

1+1+0+8+2+0+2+5 = 19 → 1+9 = 10 → 1+0 = 1

This means on my birthday this year, my personal number will be one. However, until that happens, my personal year number is still nine from last year!

Here is what Numerology.com has to say about my personal number for 2025. I know this doesn’t start until my birthday, but I am okay with looking it up now!

Year One (2025)

A Fresh Start
The world may be wrapping up as a general rule, but you are very much starting fresh this year. A 1 Personal Year heralds a time of initiation and new beginnings when you can put yourself in first place and focus your attention on yourself without fear of being selfish. Indeed, you are receiving cosmic clearance to be as “selfish” as you like, albeit in the sense that you must put a premium on your own needs and desires this year. It’s those very needs and desires that will impact the rest of this new nine-year cycle, which you are beginning in 2025.

Pay special attention to the people and situations that enter your life for the first time this year, including romantic connections, new friends, professional opportunities, living situations, or even hobbies you’ve always wanted to try. These will likely impact you for a long time to come, but you are still being asked to assert your individuality as well, so don’t be shocked if you feel that you are growing in tandem with others, but also on your own personal timeline with your own personal program. This truly is your year.

See what 2025 has in store for you → 2025 Numerology Predictions | Numerology.com

I am really glad to see the numerology bit here about being selfish and putting myself first. Last year, my word of the year was “heal” and I think I’m still really working on that. I think I may make picking a new word of the year a thing for my birthdays instead of the New Year… anyway, that is a tangent for another time!

It is interesting to me that this starts on my birthday in November and, if everything goes as planned, I will be starting the nursing program at my school in August. So, embracing this idea of starting fresh and going after my own needs and what I want is perfectly timed with continuing my journey to becoming a nurse!

I am really excited to see where 2025 takes us, both as a whole year and in my personal world.

Want to build your personal numerology report? @Cosmic_Curiosity wrote a wonderful five-part series to help you do just that!

:1234: Numerology: Build your Core Number Report Part 1

:1234: Numerology: Build Your Core Number Report - Part 2

:1234: Numerology: Building Your Core Number Report - Part 3

:1234: Numerology: Building Your Core Number Report - Part 4

:1234: Numerology: Building your Core Number Report - Part 5


Ooh number 9, a sacred number in Norse practice :thinking: that could be absolutely fabulous (depending on which deity takes an interest this year) or Loki has full licence to go mental :partying_face::rofl:


I think it’ll be great! It’s going to be interesting to look at the numerology in conjunction with the yearly reading I did. I’ll have to look and see if there are numerology correspondences for each month that could be worked into the monthly readings :thinking: I can’t wait for this year!


Same, I do feel excited, and for you too with your folk Witchcraft exploration. Good things ahead. :partying_face:


This sounds interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with this idea.

My current birth year number is 3: communication and exploration, heading toward foundations in August, but it’s also a 22 coming up for me. Balance, manifestation, confidence, trust, slflssness, responsibility, intuition, inspiration, high expectations, Soul mission, and Spiritual mastery are my key words from August on.


I haven’t found anything yet, so I’m going to tag in @Cosmic_Curiosity and see if he knows! :blush:

Ohh, that’s going to be a wonderful year for you! :tada:


My number changes to 5 in 19 days. So that means I got most all of this year as 5, correct? :thinking: I suppose that’s a good thing. I’m beyond ready for change.

The 5 Personal Year

Get ready to shake it off! Last year may have felt like one big homework assignment as you completed task after task in order to strengthen your own sense of security and stability. In 2025, however, you are embracing the 5 Personal Year, which is all about change and the kind of exciting disruptions that will bring new opportunities into your life.

The way your life looks at the beginning of the year versus the end of the year can be drastically different, even moreso than the usual sea changes that occur over a twelve-month period. The 5 Personal Year can bring big moves, new relationships of all kinds, new professional and financial endeavors, and a wide selection of detours to help you enjoy the change and freedom on offer.

A big part of this year is discovering the person you’re becoming and evolving into, so you may find new hobbies or interests that you never would have imagined in a million years. Part of the fun is uncovering these sorts of surprises. Don’t be shy about doing some major personal excavation. The things you dig up in the process could change the trajectory of your inner and outer lives for many years to come.

My favorite part of the whole thing it said -

A big part of this year is discovering the person you’re becoming and evolving into, so you may find new hobbies or interests that you never would have imagined in a million years.


Yes, that’s right! I think five is a great number for you for 2025 :heart:


I feel really at peace with the beginning of this year! I was reading on mumerology.com and was really struck with this year being used to purge and reset. My sould really needs that!

My number is 3. Y’all… if this doesn’t sum up my life the last two years…

Last year, you may have felt like you were being confronted with endless red tape or other detours that forced you to slow down and wait while other people took their sweet time catching up to you and your needs. Now, however, you are entering a 3 Personal Year, a time of discovery, exploration, and communication, which will allow you to stretch your metaphorical muscles and move beyond the blockages you dealt with during your 2 Personal Year.

he 3 Year puts a big emphasis on the exchange of ideas and networking, allowing you to meet new people who can bring wonderful experiences and opportunities into your life. Even if you think of yourself as a bit of a wallflower or a lone wolf, you will have a hard time ignoring the social prospects on offer. As a general rule, don’t turn down any invites that might arrive – you never know when you’ll meet someone with the potential to change your world into something exciting and new.

This is also a very creative and inspired cycle, so projects begun this year can wind up having a big impact on your life for a long time to come.

Growing is hard y’all!


Growing is hard, but you’re doing such a wonderful job! So much has changed for you in the last few years. I remember when you were struggling with the job transition, interviews, and everything else. Look at how far you’ve come! I know the next year for you is going to be amazing!


The simple connection to each month is the order that they fall so Jan is 1, Feb is 2 etc when it comes to Oct, Nov and Dec, they have to be reduced so Oct would be 1, Nov would be 2 and Dec would be 3.

You add this to your personal year and reduce it.

So if your personal year is 8 and its April (4), you add them to give 12 and reduce it to 3.
This means 3 is your personal month

You can go even further to get a personal day as well:
Personal year: 8
Month : April (4)
Day: 12th = 1 + 2 = 3
8 + 4 + 3 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

You can find simple meanings for them here:

Hope this helps



I know! All of that was less than a year ago! I just now feel marginally settled… so I’m looking forward to maybe just slowing down a little! But thank you, I think it’s going to be a great year too!!


It absolutely does, thank you!

Would it be possible to relate this to a collective numerology reading rather than an individual, like how 2025 is a 9-year? Would we just then say January is a 1 (9+1 = 10 → 1+0 = 1), February is a 2, etc.?

You’re welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I think slowing down is a great idea, especially now that you’re a bit more settled in place.


Yes its called a universal year and universal month where the collective energy will be felt.
2025 is a universal year of 9
Jan 2025 is a universal month of 1 (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 10 reduced to 1).
Today being Jan 4th 2025 would be a universal day of 5. (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 14 reduced to 5).



Perfect, thank you for the explanation! :blush: That’s exactly what I needed to know!


You are welcome.

I think the meanings are just the same as for the personal numbers but its felt more collectively.

Maybe best to double check though.



Okay, I’ll do some more research and see what I can find :blush: You’ve helped point me in the right direction, though, so thank you!