Ingredients: Cleansing tool of choice (I used patchouli incense) Salt Chamomile Lavender Rosemary Sage Clear Quartz Chips Black Obsidian Chips Green Candle
What to do:
~Cleanse space
~Light the candle.
~Make your circle/call in guides
~Light the candle
~Light incense/whatever cleansing tool or herb and cleanse I’m the jar (I put the incense in the jar).
~Add the ingredients. There’s no right or wrong way when adding these!
“Cleansing herbs, healing stones,
Take from me the pain in my bones.
Let this healing jar set the pain free.
Harm none, so mote it be”
What about warm water salt rinses? Do those provide any kind of relief for you? Sometimes those help me when I am having tooth pain. Sending you healing energy & light to hopefully help relieve the pain you have.
Beautiful spell jar, @Christina4- thanks for sharing the recipe! May it help you overcome any pain you are dealing with. Hope you are doing much better!
Tooth pain & Ear pain are the absolute worst pains! I hope it gets relieved after your appointment today & they have a plan for you to get better. Keep us updated on what they say & if there is anything that I can do, please let me know!