Hello to all from New England

You are very welcome @lisa65, I agree the history & just the feelings up that way are very different than any other part of the states that I have been to, even here on the Cape the energy is great & different all in the same kinds of ways!

We do have a topic Astrology Information :milky_way: that has links to different topics for celestial events & the skies. All kinds of things in there about the skies & positions & aspects & such…

Weekly Witchy Challenges :fire: A History so you can check out some of the topics & things we have done here in the forum. Everyone approaches each one differently too. So there may be some hidden inspiration in there for you!

We also have the :books: Spells8 Book Club! - Introduction and FAQ which will list the different reading sessions & I believe it also has the correlating book review links included as well as other information…

Don’t worry about not casting anything yet, being completely honest I haven’t done any spells that I can think of in a while. I do have a plan for one though just trying to figure out the best time & what I want it to do specifically & how I want to go about it!

I have done meditations :woman_in_lotus_position:, connected with my deities, made up incense & started an infusion for a roller bottle of oil to wear, & some divination. I use crystals (A LOT), tarot, oracle, and runes (Elder Futhark & Witches’ Runes), as well as my pendulum & mat for connecting too.

(I haven’t done these all at once, just things over the last 5 weeks or so that are regular things that I do)

So you don’t have to jump right into casting until you feel comfortable doing so on your own. No pressure to do anything if it doesn’t feel right! Maybe just start small & learn & figure out what feels right… I’m a big fan of baby steps :footprints: because I have hit burnout more than a few times over the course of my time here. So I learned the hard way to do things slow & in my own time :laughing: