Help! Looking for Guidance with a Strange Encounter

Hello, I am new to witchcraft or Wicca whichever you prefer to call it, but ever since I have been researching magick and practicing it, strange things have been happening at night. I don’t have a doorknob on my bedroom door, so I can’t fully shut my door. So instead of fully shutting it, I shut it almost all the way in case I have to get up in the middle of the night. During the night while I try to sleep, my door creaks open a slight bit and kept going. I get scared I turn my lamp on and try to go to sleep again. Then I get this weird vibration/vibe that someone or something is trying to get into my room and/or harm me. Another strange encounter was last night I went outside to our hot tub and (me being an animal lover I had to bring my dog) tried to relax. About 5 or 10 minutes later my dog and my cats were kind of freaking out and not acting like themselves. My dog started barking and ran towards our grain bins. He stopped barking then went towards our shop (which is where we keep our machinery considering I live on a farm) and did this check of things to make sure they were normal. He walked back to the hot tub and stood on the steps glaring at the grain bins. I said, “Sonny you’re scaring me, what’s going on?” He didn’t look at me or bark or doing anything he just kept staring. That’s when I knew something was wrong. I grabbed my towel and took my dog and myself inside. I locked the door behind me. Both of my parents were getting ready for bed, when I walked in and said, “Mom, Sonnie is acting really weird. He kept looking at the grain bins and when I tried to ask him what was wrong he just kept staring.” She replied, “Well, just lock the door and hopefully it was nothing”, but it was something I know it was something. Even before I starting practicing magick weird and non-ordinary things would go on in the night that I couldn’t explain. I would hear voices and strange sounds, even though there was no wind or anything. I asked my parents and I bet they thought I was crazy considering how they didn’t hear anything. During the nights that my door would open by itself, I would hear these strange noises. I understand that I went through a lot of detail and this is a long ‘question’ but I felt like I needed to explain everything, that way I can get the best and most accurate answer(s) that will hopefully help me solve this problem or understand what’s going on. Thank you for reading this, my question is, am I going crazy, is there someone or something trying to either contact me or hurt me? Please, please help me because honestly I am only 16 and I don’t believe that it’s my time to go. Therefore I would really appreciate it if a fellow witch or Wiccan would help me to understand. Thank You and have an amazing day!


Hello @moon, welcome to the forum. I’m just sorry it’s for such a scary reason. The good thing is, ghosts can’t hurt you. But I wouldn’t know more than that, really. But I don’t think it’s your time to go either so don’t fear that.

Are you out to your family? Do they know you’re studying Wicca? I ask because there are things you can do to banish negativity and it depends on how comfortable you are in your space and if you can do things like sage your area or not. This site has a whole list of Protection Spells, including a couple that I think may help you.

Shaman Blessing Easy Protection Spell sounds just what you need. Either that or the Home Cleanse Spell With Salt. The latter you might get away with even if you’re in the closet. It depends on your home.

Hopefully, someone with more knowledge of spirits will pop on and help you out, but these may be a good start for you to feel comfortable in your own home again.


I have told my parents that I am practicing Wicca. Also thank you so much! It really means a lot!!


A very warm welcome to you @moon! :heart:

I hope you don’t mind that I moved this post into it’s own post so it can get the attention it deserves- hopefully your new forum family will have lots of advice and guidance for you :blush:

It does sound like a scary situation- I’m glad you had your trusty companion Sonny with you! :dog2: It is also wonderful that your parents are supportive of your beliefs- you are surrounded by good presences and the light of your loved ones :sparkles:

Kasie offered some great advice- I would definitely start with a Protection Spell. It will help you feel safe and relaxed as you move forward with figuring out what is going on :thumb:. When the protection spell is in place, you may want to consider using Divination (such as tarot, pendulum, tea leaf readings, or other methods) to try to gain insight about who or what this presence is :crystal_ball:

Wishing you the best of luck, Olivia! Please keep us updated- blessed be! :sparkling_heart:


Welcome stranger, be at peace. Sound like a ghost and or someone trying to communicate with you. Do some reading about deep meditation, relax and see if they are trying to talk to you
First Lay a circle of protection, relax and open your mind. See if they want to contact you. Ask why they are there. Most of all, don’t be afraid.


You’ve gotten some good advice here so far :heart: but I just wanted to calm you down a bit, too. If you live in an old area, the chances of spirit activity are high but that doesn’t always mean they’re trying to contact you or harm you. They live there just as you do :house: and were probably there long before your family.

One of the best things you can do is to set boundaries. Let these spirits know that you live here now. I don’t think you should banish them, but setting wards and protections around your house would be a good first step. I recommend this book on home warding. You can also find a lot of good information on YouTube, too.


I agree :kissing_heart:


@moon , one of our family dogs was named Sonny too. Beautiful and kind dog.

You’ve gotten great advice from some of the great talents of this coven.

I’ve been a Wiccan almost a year now and learned quite a lot so far .When I first started to practice my magick and the craft, I’d get spooked at times because i would hear strange things as well. Before any spell work or ritual, i always do a circle of protection. Doesn’t have to be elaborate, just in your mind works fine for me. Just remember the elementals are there too guide you and they won’t hurt you. Now i never get spooked anymore. I gave up many of my Christian beliefs ,which i think had much association with what spooked me. Our Wiccan/Pagan practice isn’t evil or harmful, on contrary…

Be well and blessed be.


The way I look at it, circles are there to protect those unsured or those playing with fire.
Play with fire and you burn yourself.
Better safe than sorry.:relaxed:


You’re welcome! I hope some of the information here can help you!


Good for you, Walter :100: :100: :100:


Thank You love I do appreciate it. I do have some idea of who the spirit is, I believe it might be my best friend. You see she committed suicide on November 29, 2019, and she had been moving around her parent’s house as a spirit, 1) because they told me she was messing with things & 2) because I could feel her presence. I kept begging her to come to visit me, ya know I guess I was trying to find some closure. I think it’s her, but I don’t know for sure.


Thank You, you too!!


Maybe she just needs someone to tell her it’s ok to move on. The dead don’t always want to leave or maybe puzzled or m. Maybe she needs that closure for you to release her. Don’t be sad or afraid. Blessed be.


I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your best friend, @moon. It seems that she may be reaching out to you from across the veil- perhaps, like @Garnet mentioned, she may be seeking closure and peace just as much as you are.

In such a case, perhaps you could consider doing the Prayer for a Lost Loved One or the Farewell Ritual for a Lost Loved One? Perhaps these spells could help both you find the peace you are seeking :pray:

Sending good thoughts your way- Love and Light, moon! :heart: :candle:

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