Tarot Readings For Yourself- a Quick and Easy Guide!
Whether you are a tarot expert or a card beginner, reading for yourself has a host of benefits. Practicing tarot can be a quick part of your daily routine, or can be something you turn to for answers in times of uncertainty .
For more information about tarot, Spells8 has a Complete Tarot Video Course with informational videos to walk you through tarot step-by-step.
When most people imagine a tarot card reading, they picture two people- the card reader and the answer or guidance seeker. But this is not always the case- it is possible to use your tarot cards to do a self-reading.
So Why Do a Self-Reading?
There are several reasons why a magick practitioner would do a self-reading. These include:
- Finding answers or seeking clarity for problems in your personal life
- Connecting with your tarot deck
- Practicing new spreads and learning new reading methods
Let’s Get Started- First Step: Purification Cleansing
Connecting and reading your cards is a deep and powerful process- as with any magickal ritual or spell, it is a good idea to cleanse and purify before you begin in order to attract good and helpful energies while deterring and removing negative forces.
Purify the space you will conduct the reading in. There are numerous good ways to purify a space- consider saying a spell or incantation, burning sage, drawing a circle, or surrounding yourself with purifying crystals. Noah Tempestrarii on YouTube has a Quick and Easy Cleansing Spell using candles, salt, and crystals that can be adjusted to suit your needs and materials.
Purify and cleanse your tarot deck. You can use a magick circle, salt, crystals, or burn herbs to cleanse your deck. Spells8 has a Clearing Deck Ritual that you can use or adapt to make your own. @SilverBear has also shared a fantastic method for casting a Quick and Easy Circle.
Note that you may not feel the need to cleanse or purify between every reading or every session- follow your feelings and cleanse your reading space and tarot deck as you feel is necessary. The most important thing is that your show respect to your practice and the tools you use to work your magick!
Second Step: Focus Your Intent
Before you begin your reading, clear your mind of negative thoughts and distractions. You can try visualization tactics and focus on your goal, or try a simple meditation to quiet your mind and invoke peace before you begin
Just as you may do before conducting a reading for someone else, focus now on yourself and your goals. What answers are you seeking? What do you ask the cards to reveal to you? Your cards are deeply connected with you- be sure to be open and honest with them.
Third Step: Do Your Reading
Choose a spread that works for you and your current desire, and ask those cards!
The Witch of Wonderlust on Youtube talks about doing a 1-card daily reading in her video Reading Tarot for Yourself
A very versatile and adaptable method is to use a 3-card reading. Most commonly, this involves drawing 3 cards to represent the past, present, and future aspects of your question. Check out Easy Daily Tarot Exercise for an intro to 3-card readings.
There are many spreads to choose from, and all can be adapted to suit your own unique practice- take some time to try something new, or adjust a favorite spread!
Final Step- Finishing Up
Everyone has their own closing practices. You could choose to do another purification spell or ritual to complete the reading, or perhaps thank your cards for their help and guidance . Tarot-ically Speaking has a blog discussing Opening and Closing a Tarot Reading.
One recommendation is to write down any insight the cards showed up in a tarot log or reading book . While some advice from the cards might be immediately obvious to you, some things may become clear over time. Meridian Tarot talks about Keeping Track of Tarot Readings and offers a Tarot Tracker that can be downloaded for free.
By keeping a tarot log, you can look back on previous readings and see how things played out!
Have You Ever Used Tarot for a Self-Reading?
- Yes, and I enjoyed it!
- Yes, but I probably won’t do it again
- No, but I’d like to try!
- No, and it’s not something I’m interested in
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If you have any advice, resources, or interesting stories about Tarot and/or Self-Readings, please feel free to share them with everyone!
May you all be well, and may your cards always guide you to happiness!