Hi everyone, I have just joined today. Not sure where to start but ive been interested in the Wiccan way for quite some time now. Really keen on starting a Book of Shadows but no clue where to begin with it so any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Hi @Moomin and welcome. I am still newish here but have to say that there are many experienced and very helpful members who willingly answer questions and offer advice. Hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do.
Welcome to the forum @Moomin
My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 It’s nice to meet you!
I’m glad you found your way here and I hope you enjoy your time here with us. There are so many things to read, learn, and see that even someone like me can get lost for hours
Well, you’re in luck! There are actually a few recent posts in the forum from others that are also starting their Book of Shadows or looking for advice. My personal advice is to include things you know you’ll need, but don’t feel like you need to have everything. Some things will resonate and others won’t – that’s okay!
Topics tagged bos (BoS is an acronym for Book of Shadows)
I’m sure you’ll find some inspiration around here somewhere!
Hi @Moomin
I’m Garnet, a solitary Neopagan witch. I’m delighted to both meet and greet you.
I come originally from the South of Niagra Falls (one of the Great Lakes).
You will find this an informative and exciting place to both learn and visit with like-minded people.
I am sure my brothers and sister will give an easier answer.
Start with Q&A.
Hello and welcome home
I’m so glad you have joined us, Cheryl, I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. There is a lot of great information here, so if you need any guidance, or have any questions, let us know. Welcome to the family
With love and magick
Hi @Moomin! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum!
I see that the lovely and talented @MeganB linked you to all the useful BOS things, so I’m going to point you in the way of the Courses. They’re full of great information for you to start on your journey as a witch. There are even some pages that you can use to fill your BOS out! You never know what you might find.
If you have any questions, just ask and someone will be there to help you out. I look forward to getting to know you!
Hello and welcome @Moomin looks like Megan already has it covered. Good luck on getting your BoS together.
Merry meet @Moomin,
I’m Bry, one of the moderators in the forum and an Eclectic Witch- wishing you a very warm welcome!
Congrats to you for embarking on your magickal journey! It looks like you’ve already got some wonderful resources and tips, so just wanted to pop in and say hello As you can likely already tell, your coven here is a very friendly one- please make yourself at home!
Hope to talk with you more soon- Blessed be!
Welcome to the forum @Moomin! I’m Siofra_Strega another moderator here at Spells8
We have a lot witches from all over & many practices! I currently have a sort of BOS on my laptop & a smaller one with things in it that I regularly practice However, when I first started I used a binder then binders that I decorated & used printed pages for it on the topics I was learning about at the time.
I hope to talk to more throughout the forum I agree, if you have any questions or something to share then feel free to jump in on any open topic or start your own
Hello! Welcome to the forum. I know you already have answers regarding the BOS but for my two cents, I like using a binder so I can add information easily.
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