I’m pretty sure that we all have had a version of this feeling before & it’s called burnout. As a matter of fact, this entire week I have been just popping in & out so quickly due to family from out of state being here for a few days, my 2nd child being a part of a traumatic event at work first thing in the morning, my daughter well; hormones & her aren’t friends yet never mind I had 2 therapy appointments & a follow up to surgery within the same. The whole week this was going on, I was very, nonchalant with my magickal workings or not doing them.
I know what feeling you’re talking about & for everyone it’s different. It’s like, you’re not connected to anyone or anything. Nothing feels like it’s right. I have found that’s myself telling me that I need to rest & go at my own pace or 1 thing at a time.
Something else to remember is that you may not outwardly feel anything… but when you do 1 little thing, even mundane, that’s your magic in all it’s beauty, & it’s going to blossom when you are ready for it. It’s okay to take a break or just leave it to when you get to it after your home things are done with something simple.
How To Deal With Spiritual Burn Outs