In Need of Very Powerful Protection Magick

Hello!! I am what I call an “experienced newbie” and am in need of some advice to protect myself from a very dark and powerful cult/coven of warlocks and energy vampires with ties to the Illuminati. Very long story short, I have been under spiritual attack since I was born, due to what this coven perceives as my divine birthrite and my own personal spiritual abilities. This coven worships Satan and the older man that appeared to be the leader identified himself to me as the Devil and his grandson identified himself to me as Lucifer. They consider themselves to be very powerful and high-ranking warlocks that like to do evil. They have been practicing for generations and were able to perform satanic rituals on me for years, without my knowing, due to the use of what I believe to be date rape type drugs.

Anyway, this is what lead to my membership to Spells8 some months back. I have done many candle protection spells, spiritual baths, and prayers but still feel like I am under attack. I believe they are still gangstalking me and are continuing to attack me through witchcraft from afar, as they might still have personal items of mine.

I am wanting to try a freezer spell next and wanted some advice on how to effectively bind their power over my life. I’ve been reading that vinegar and ammonia can make these types of spells more powerful. Any suggestions on a creating a very powerful jar spell to fight extreme relentless evil? Or can you recommend some other type of spell or ritual? My resources are very limited at the moment, so the simpler the better. Thank you!


Welcome @celine!

I am sorry to hear about your difficulties!! I did a search of the forum and website found some things that might be helpful.

I’ll look up some cord-cutting spells as add them to this post here in a few minutes.

Banishing spells

If you are being physically threatened or harmed, get the police involved!


I’m so sorry to hear of your experience. May I recommend you place this post in Sacred Space as this can currently be read by anyone online.

If you are in danger, the authorities may be able to help especially if this group is using drugs to control you.

I work in the left handed path, may I just add that the Archangel Lucifer is part of the Angelic powers same as Michael, Raphael or any of the other Archangels. This group is hiding behind this angel to hurt and create fear, this would not have the approval of Lucifer. I don’t know where you live, but if you can get protection, if they are stalking you, from the police or likewise this may help. A little mundane and magic can go a long way.

If you’re up for working with angels you can invoke the Archangel Michael for protection. He’s a kick-ass angel. Just light a candle, and call to him to help. Simple, like a prayer.

@Artemisia has put some wonderful magic for you.

If you’d like me to place this in sacred space I’m happy to. :green_heart:


Hello and welcome @celine I’m sorry you are experiencing this You have been given great advice and resources We’re glad you are here


Welcome @celine.

You have been offered a great resource. Thanks to @Artemisia and @tracyS.
I cannot add much to it, but it may be worthwhile to have a talk with the demons “represented” by the warlocks. State your experience. Ask if they really support the coven’s actions. If not, what are they willing to do about it? You may end up with some friends out of this.


First off, welcome to the coven @celine ! I’m glad you found us! I’m from Minnesota and have been practicing many aspects of the craft for 35+ years. I currently work with chaos magick and voodoo. I practice what many call left hand or dark magick.

I’m so sorry you have been under attack for so long. You have been given some great advice already.

A couple other things you could do is a binding spell. Simple and easy. Black candle, piece of paper and a string. Light your candle. Write the name of the coven or the lead people you believe to have the control of the coven on the paper. Fold the paper in half, fold away from you so the open side is not facing you. Wrap the string around as many times as you feel you need to while reciting “I bind you “names on paper” from doing any more harm to me and casting any more evil my way. Repeat that the entire time you are winding the string. When you are done winding the string secure it by tying 3 knots in it. Light the paper on fire with the candle and put it in a fireproof bowl or cauldron. Let it burn away completely. Let your candle burn completely down.

You could do a return to sender spell. Some witches do not believe these are appropriate as it does harm to others. In this case, I would say very appropriate.

You could also do a voodoo doll and do a binding spell with that.

Feel free to message me privately on here if you want to with any questions. Or you can ask any questions here directly as well.

Hope some of this helps and you get relief from the attacks.


Merry meet @celine,

I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles with the cult coven. It sounds like you have been trying various types of protective spellwork and I’d encourage you to continue trying. I can see that Artemisia has kindly shared a great collection of spells to try - I would second the idea about a Cord Cutting Spell to cut bonds and ties with them permanently, while simultaneously layering on the protective magick. Combining the magickal with the mundane is always smart in my book, as the two work in tandem.

Whatever you choose to do from here, I hope your spells are a success and that you can reclaim your peace and protection. Please be at home here in the forum :pray: :candle:

Blessed be :sparkles:


Good reminders!

If you have anything personal of theirs, you could bind it into the paper or voodoo doll… or weave it into your hair, repeating that what they attempt to do to you will happen to them instead. This does tie you to them, though.

Take a lock of your own hair and make a dolly of it. Ask it to protect you and keep it in a safe place. That way, the negative energy lands on your hair instead of on you. I had to do this one, and it worked well for me.

@MeganB shared a wonderful trigger spell idea last year:


I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through with this. It sounds absolutely terrifying!

You’ve gotten some great advice in the magical way of things but I want to specifically point out this statement you said:

If you believe or know that you are being drugged against your will, it would be wise to contact the authorities. This is absolutely illegal and getting the authorities involved may help. It would also be wise to limit their ability to do this. If you know who they are, limit your in-person contact with them, if possible. Don’t accept any food or drink from them, if possible. Make sure you’re taking the mundane steps to keep yourself safe, too.


Thank you so much for searching this information! I’ve decided to do a few different ones, instead of just one!


Thank you so much for concern. I have good reason to believe that they have influence with my local authorities. I don’t eat out much anymore and mostly prepare my own foods now, since I think they may have been able to drug me through a coffee shop I frequented. I purchased some drug tests from Amazon in case I ever feel weird after eating out again, so I can have some proof if I go the police.


Hi. Thank you all for this wealth of helpful information!

@tracyS I think they may have influence with my local authorities. I purchased some drug tests in the event I ever feel groggy after eating out again, so I can already have proof if I go the police.

@georgia I’ve never heard of trigger spells. This seems like a solution to my anxiety about them resending more hexes after my spiritual cleanses. I am definitely going to try doing one.

@Mystique Thank you for the information. I like the black candle binding spell you mentioned, I am going to add that to the list of spells I am going to try from all these suggestions.

@BryWisteria Thank you for the well wishes and information!


I’ve never thought to do this. I’ve kind of alway been scared to seek out communication with demons. I will research this further. Thank you!


My pleasure, @celine - I hope you’re able to find some spells and methods that work for you! Wishing you the best. Blessed be :heart:


I have, too. @tracyS and @starborn did some wonderful research with them and calmed my nerves.


First of all, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with something this intense. What you’re describing is heavy, and it’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed. It’s clear you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself, and that takes a lot of strength.

As someone on the Left-Hand Path, I want to reassure you that Satan and Lucifer aren’t about causing harm or perpetuating evil. What you’ve encountered sounds like people weaponising those symbols to manipulate and control. The energies of Satan and Lucifer are about empowerment, self-realisation, and rejecting oppressive systems—not about fear or cruelty.

If you ever feel drawn to learn more about them, feel free to reach out—I’d be happy to share what I know or just talk through your concerns. You don’t have to face any of this alone.

You’re strong, and you’re taking the right steps. Keep going—you’re reclaiming your power with every action you take. :black_heart: :sparkles: