Every night at the time, I feel this rush of someone energy and pressure in my heart. I get super tired and have no energy to do anything. Lately all nightly devotion have not been happen and I just lay on the couch. I have done several protection methods and it’s still happen. Im sure I know why its happen and It not good and It is meant to find out what Im doing and to harm me but Im unsure as to who is doing it. Can someone help me out…please
Have you tried a Return to Sender Spell? It basically sends what they are sending to you back to them.
Another good one from our @SilverBear is the Protection from Draining Energies. I personally use this one often. I make up one for my daughter to keep in her backpack when she goes to school too.
Siofra has a good idea of the return to sender spell and the protection from draining energies. I’d also set up wards and protections around your home. You could do some divination to see what’s going on and if you can get to the bottom of the issue.
I’d also like to mention that you should probably see a doctor, too. There are health conditions that could create the same things that you’re feeling and it would be better to rule out any health concerns and take magickal steps at the same time.
Symptoms That One Has a Psychic Attack
- Irritability.
- Diminishing aura.
- Depressed mood.
- Physical illness.
- Dizziness.
- Sleep disturbances.
- Loss of energy.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Muscle tension.
- Headaches.
- Mental confusion
Psychic Vampires Spiritual Meaning And Interpretation | Auntyflo.com
I’ve heard of this, this is a person who seems to suck the air out of a room, leaving you exhausted. Hyper energetic kids do this, but it isn’t intentional.
Learn who takes from you emotionally and gives nothing back, that’s draining. You have to decide to whom and how much you’re willing to expend on them fruitlessly.
The ‘Return to sender’ idea is a great one. Good luck and blessed be.
And check with your Doctor, better safe than sorry.
I agree with Megan’s advice to see a doctor. Science and faith work better together than separated.
Also, I might be a lone voice on the forum to say what I’m going to say but I hope it helps.
While there are certainly “emotional
vampires” and toxic people that we need to cut out of our lives and protect ourselves from, no one has magical or psychic power over you. None of that would ever work. You are equal to all other people on earth.
You are a child of The Divine - however you understand it. Nothing stands against you in the spiritual realm.
I absolutely agree with @MeganB & @praecog29 to see a medical professional to rule out any health issues.
I know that I can count on anxiety or similar symptoms after dinner before I go to bed. I also have my regular hot flashes & then I can have surprise ones that vary in severity as I go through my day.
Yes I have done return to sender, also a freezer spell. I have invoke the light of Christ and the white light. I have crystals in every room and candles burning. I live alone and I can tell the difference between my kids energy. It only happens when I’m home at that time. If I’m out it never happens. Btw my health is good but this things is trying to bring me down.
I’m thinking next time it happen to ask to see the face of the person. Maybe that may work??
It sounds like you are doing all the things you need to do. I would check the house out, though. Hidden mold, rodent damage, radon, and carbon monoxide could all be factors in your health when you are only at home. I’m not downplaying faith and magic. I always recommend the physical plane is fully investigated, too.
Return to sender, freezer, crystal, and candle magic is more than enough to bring peace. Francisco has a salt in the corners of the home spell to fight negativity. I’ve seen it bring comfort to close friends and you might want to try it.
You mentioned the light of Christ. I don’t know what you believe when it comes to divinities. Most Christians believe Jesus inhabits them spiritually. If the God of the Universe resides within you, nothing can stand against you. That goes for any deity you might serve. They protect you. They keep you safe. We’re mere humans. They are Gods and Goddesses. We don’t have to fight and when that clicks in us, we find freedom from what oppresses us. Just my .02.
Thanks everyone!!!
I may be risking some lectures when I suggest this but sometimes a witch has to do what she’s gotta do. My mother in law is a practicioner of “dark magic” and by that I mean that she has admitted me and my husbands whole immediate family that she’s cast hexes and curses at me and that is not even the worst of things she’s done to me simply because she doesn’t want her boys to have wives because she can’t be the center of their attention anymore. And she did it to both her boys ex wives as well. She’s just a mean nasty person who goes out of her way to make people miserable. Her hexes and curses are truthfully a large part of why I started practicing. The law can only protect me from no magical warfare. I however refuse to actually hex, jinx or curse anyone for any reason (tempted as I may be) but my wards and baby witch protection spells weren’t keeping me safe enough and she made sure I knew it when she stole every crystal herb and candle I had (which wasn’t much as I’d just come out of the broom closet anyway) as well as my grimoire. So as a last ditch effort to keep her in her own broom space I made a modified witch bottle protection spell and I used war water in it. It was a repulsive spell and I had to really focus because I almost couldn’t make myself cast it because it grossed me out and goes against my moral compass about harming people. As an empath I can’t even stand for people to be mad at me so this was desperation at it’s finest. I then brought my war bottle back to my mom’s an hour away from my mother in law and I’ve buried it somewhere much farther than my home. Because I was told by a former friend and mentor that the only way she can bring me harm once it’s buried is to find it, unearth it and release the spell.
I will say if you decide to go this route be EXTREMELY careful how you word your petition and that you focus your intentions entirely and without a flicker of negativity thinking on your wording and work because this could very easily turn sour for you if you aren’t careful. It took me weeks of rewriting and editing and rehearsing what I needed to say so I wouldn’t misspeak and catch repression over it. And honestly I can’t be entirely sure that I haven’t at some point but I do know that it was effective enough that she has been unable to directly torment me ever since. My sister in law is wearing the bullseye these days (and she’s no witch at all)
I do carry a significant amount of guilt on my conscience over casting a spell like that so I highly recommend only going this route if you have exhausted every other option. I felt like I was up against a wall when I cast it because it had gotten bad enough to catch me a felony and 2 misdemeanors on a spotless criminal record and had literally become a life or death situation because her hatred just gets deeper the longer I’m with her son. (Thank goodness Justin isn’t interested in visiting the forum because I haven’t even told him about this one and I have no plans to do so any time in the immediate future either )
Very well said
As I read this some more again. Is this rush of energy coming from your lower region, near the groin area, where is this rush coming from? It’s hitting your chest area, it could very well be your heart chakra and a blockage there, your kundalini energy is building up at that area, blocked. At night, when you’re laying down relaxed, can feel the effects very much. When you feel this and your eyes are closed, what do you see? How is the static when your eyes are closed and this happens?
Thank you for sharing that. Im an empath to and it hard because I feel my husband energy all the time. He is not happy but he stubborn and at this point in my life it may sound wrong but I dont care. I dont deserve any of this. The law doesnt work for something like this at all. Your method may be the one I do if this doesnt stop.
btw did you have to wait to a waning moon for the jar work?
The rush comes when Im sitting down, watching tv or on the laptop. Sometimes it starts in my thoart and down into my heart space then I feel the pressure on my heart. After that my eyes get heavy, sometimes I get dizzy but I alway feel like something has let the air out of my tire, if you know what I mean.
It almost like a feeling that someone is stalking me energic level.
I have experience kundalini before that has never left me feeling like my body had been invaded.
Greetings @elvelyn!
You’ve got some wonderful advice both mundane and magickal here, so just adding in my two cents from someone who suffers from a similar problem from time to time. Have you considered Acid Reflux? It’s a weird and sometimes dehabiliting feeling that often appears between the Throat and Heart Chakra zones.
Whenever I experience pressure in that region from acid reflux, I’ve personally found a warm cup of Chamomile Cleansing Tea (soothing for the throat, stomach, and digestive system), or Ginger Healing Tea (aids with digestion and eases nausea/dizziness), or the herbal medicine blend called Iberogast to all do wonders to ease the icky feeling.
(Note that I am not a doctor and this is not a diagnosis- I highly recommend visiting a medical professional, especially for potential heart problems!)
If you do think your issue may be acid reflux or some other digestive concern, then it’s best not to lay down when you are experiencing symptoms, as laying down makes it worse.
Wishing you all the best in your quest to determine what it is! If you do find that it is some kind of negative spellwork or outside force, then I hope you can find freedom soon
Good luck and blessed be!
Honestly I don’t remember if I did or not.a lot of times I don’t really take the phases of the moon into consideration because I usually keep mass amounts of crystal infused moon water that I make on the full moon each month for adding extra oomph when consecrating my tools and I try to work my spellwork to where it includes a couple of drop. I’m a cancer though and given we’re ruled my the moon I feel like drawing down the moon is kinda a special perk trait. I think about trying to work with the phases but sometimes I can’t seem to login them up and just add as many ingredients as possible that coorespond to my intentions and that includes dressing my candles with cooresponding oils powders and herb. At the end of the day all the ingredients are great cause it’s a reassurance that I added more than enough energy to be successful but those ingredients aren’t what is going to make the call on if the spell is successful. Those items can be swapped out, altered or even left out of the spell all the way around and the result would still be the same. But if you take yourself out of the equation or substitute another caster to work your spell it’s probably going to be a dud no matter what ingredients were present. I only worry about it if the spell specifically states it can only be done during a particular phase
Is there someone at work who gives off negative ‘vibes’?
I just read an article about something called a Psychic Vampire
(I think the name is a misnomer) but the article might be of interest;