Is Tonight The Worm Moon in North Carolina 2024

Hi I am new here and a bit confused. I live in North Carolina and according to other sites the moon is still in Waxing Gibbous phase. No full moon until the 25th. This contradicts what Spells 8 site says. I don’t know if I should preform Full moon rituals tonight…


:thinking:I’m in UK and it says Full Moon for me too, but my Valhalla app says Full Moon on 25th and it’s Waxing Gibbous at 92.4% :person_shrugging: I don’t know.


Says full moon for me and I’m in the uk


I believe the Spells8 Lunary Calendar gives the +/- 3-day thing for the Full Moon. If you’re looking at the exact time for the Full Moon, it’s on Monday at 7 AM UTC.


Thank you Megan, had me wondering if I was wrong lol

Still a beautiful night for spell casting


Thank you Megan and Kirsty!!! I often go by Spells 8, so that’s I was confused as I was reading information about the Worm Moon and other sites saying it was on Monday (25th) for me here in USA. I have resolved to practice tonight as a Waxing Gibbous Moon - it is however at 98%.


And like I said I am new haha, so I’ll be asking lots of questions I am sure =) happy witching !! xo.


In your opinion, would you practice Waxing rituals or full moon rituals. (Since the 1-3 day thing) I’m thinking it could be either? As the energy is building to the full moon. Thank you for your input =)


No harm in asking lots of questions we are all here to offer guidance and support and knowledge. I ask a lot myself and be been practicing for a year now.

Happy witching too :triple_moon_goddess:


so kind! thank you. I hope your year of practice has been insightful. I used to do dreamwork a long time ago, and I am feeling a shift now and being strongly pulled to delve deeper into witching and pagan practices.


I am a Wiccan witch practice Celtic and Norse. I’m from Scotland. I read lot as I find reading relaxing and I like to do research too.

I’m also a healer and have strong intuition.


@daisy6 There’s so much here, on the app, lessons and in the coven itself. The Weekly Witchy CHALLENGEs are great to grow your skills, and the Thursday Tea ritual is a beautiful way to connect with the coven. We have a dream post here

My patron deity is Loki, I practice chaos magic/demonolatry and am learning to talk to spirit. I do practice aspects of Norse witchcraft but am not exclusive. I’m currently working with Baron Samedi. Make yourself at home here, ask any questions. It’s a lovely coven :sparkling_heart:


haha you’re welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Glad to help!

You’re welcome! And Kirsty’s right - no harm in asking questions. That’s what we’re here for!

Honestly, either work. I view the full moon as a time to work any sort of magic that needs to be done, so waxing or waning would fit there, too.


I have a few deities, Freya, Brigid, Cernunnos and I know Hecate is Greek but she is the triple moon goddess and I have recently connected with her.

This is my alter


So cool. I am exploring the various practices to find what suits me best. I love to read as well. I am drawn to my dream experiences (lucid and astral projection) I also have strong intuition and get signs and messages a lot, however I have never delved into being a medium or exploring that. I am in the mountains of North Carolina in the States and I like working with crystals too.


Thanks again! Yes there is so much here that I can go down all kinds of rabbit holes and get intrigued and lost and overwhelmed at the same time haha…but I am starting slow. I appreciate the insight on some of the interactive ways to connect here. I hope I can join on Thursday.
Dreamwork and Tarot are where I am most comfortable but I have strong insights that are often correct or end up happening if that makes sense. I love herbs and plants, crystal healing and manifestation /visualization exercises. I don’t know if I know how to find my patron Diety but I love Kali.


I will send a pic of my altar when I get home, I’m dog sitting currently. Yours is beautiful.


U weren’t asking me. But , I don’t follow the moon phases too much.i perform whatever I want when I want typically depends on my needs. I’m a chaos witch :magic_wand:


Welcome @daisy6, I’m Celestia, happy to meet you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve been here for a few years now, this is my home now :heart_eyes_cat: I’m a very excitable (chaos) witch, and right now I’m excited that you seem to be excited by a lot of the same things I am… :joy: :sparkling_heart:

Dream work! We have a discussion here that @tracyS helpfully pointed out :pink_heart: We share and interpret our dreams there, you’re very welcome to come do both :blush:

Tarot, crystals, where do I even start? There’s just so much. Oh, I know, the tags help here: all posts about crystals here and all posts about tarot here :sparkling_heart:

Intuition? There’s a challenge going on about it, and I put together a few links here :revolving_hearts:

Kali Ma? She’s dear to my heart :black_heart: There are a few links here about her and other Hindu deities :blush: I work with her in my tantric practice. Here is more about that, if you don’t mind the sexual themes :heart:

If you love Kali, you might love Lilith too :black_heart:

Everyone’s so friendly and helpful here, feel free to ask anything at all :revolving_hearts:


Here’s a site where you can find the exact time for the full moon eclipse where you live.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide – 2024.