Hi I am new here and a bit confused. I live in North Carolina and according to other sites the moon is still in Waxing Gibbous phase. No full moon until the 25th. This contradicts what Spells 8 site says. I don’t know if I should preform Full moon rituals tonight…
I’m in UK and it says Full Moon for me too, but my Valhalla app says Full Moon on 25th and it’s Waxing Gibbous at 92.4% I don’t know.
I believe the Spells8 Lunary Calendar gives the +/- 3-day thing for the Full Moon. If you’re looking at the exact time for the Full Moon, it’s on Monday at 7 AM UTC.
Thank you Megan, had me wondering if I was wrong lol
Still a beautiful night for spell casting
Thank you Megan and Kirsty!!! I often go by Spells 8, so that’s I was confused as I was reading information about the Worm Moon and other sites saying it was on Monday (25th) for me here in USA. I have resolved to practice tonight as a Waxing Gibbous Moon - it is however at 98%.
And like I said I am new haha, so I’ll be asking lots of questions I am sure =) happy witching !! xo.
In your opinion, would you practice Waxing rituals or full moon rituals. (Since the 1-3 day thing) I’m thinking it could be either? As the energy is building to the full moon. Thank you for your input =)
No harm in asking lots of questions we are all here to offer guidance and support and knowledge. I ask a lot myself and be been practicing for a year now.
Happy witching too
so kind! thank you. I hope your year of practice has been insightful. I used to do dreamwork a long time ago, and I am feeling a shift now and being strongly pulled to delve deeper into witching and pagan practices.
I am a Wiccan witch practice Celtic and Norse. I’m from Scotland. I read lot as I find reading relaxing and I like to do research too.
I’m also a healer and have strong intuition.
@daisy6 There’s so much here, on the app, lessons and in the coven itself. The Weekly Witchy CHALLENGEs are great to grow your skills, and the Thursday Tea ritual is a beautiful way to connect with the coven. We have a dream post here
My patron deity is Loki, I practice chaos magic/demonolatry and am learning to talk to spirit. I do practice aspects of Norse witchcraft but am not exclusive. I’m currently working with Baron Samedi. Make yourself at home here, ask any questions. It’s a lovely coven
haha you’re welcome! Glad to help!
You’re welcome! And Kirsty’s right - no harm in asking questions. That’s what we’re here for!
Honestly, either work. I view the full moon as a time to work any sort of magic that needs to be done, so waxing or waning would fit there, too.
I have a few deities, Freya, Brigid, Cernunnos and I know Hecate is Greek but she is the triple moon goddess and I have recently connected with her.
This is my alter
So cool. I am exploring the various practices to find what suits me best. I love to read as well. I am drawn to my dream experiences (lucid and astral projection) I also have strong intuition and get signs and messages a lot, however I have never delved into being a medium or exploring that. I am in the mountains of North Carolina in the States and I like working with crystals too.
Thanks again! Yes there is so much here that I can go down all kinds of rabbit holes and get intrigued and lost and overwhelmed at the same time haha…but I am starting slow. I appreciate the insight on some of the interactive ways to connect here. I hope I can join on Thursday.
Dreamwork and Tarot are where I am most comfortable but I have strong insights that are often correct or end up happening if that makes sense. I love herbs and plants, crystal healing and manifestation /visualization exercises. I don’t know if I know how to find my patron Diety but I love Kali.
I will send a pic of my altar when I get home, I’m dog sitting currently. Yours is beautiful.
U weren’t asking me. But , I don’t follow the moon phases too much.i perform whatever I want when I want typically depends on my needs. I’m a chaos witch
Welcome @daisy6, I’m Celestia, happy to meet you I’ve been here for a few years now, this is my home now I’m a very excitable (chaos) witch, and right now I’m excited that you seem to be excited by a lot of the same things I am…
Dream work! We have a discussion here that @tracyS helpfully pointed out We share and interpret our dreams there, you’re very welcome to come do both
Tarot, crystals, where do I even start? There’s just so much. Oh, I know, the tags help here: all posts about crystals here and all posts about tarot here
Intuition? There’s a challenge going on about it, and I put together a few links here
Kali Ma? She’s dear to my heart There are a few links here about her and other Hindu deities I work with her in my tantric practice. Here is more about that, if you don’t mind the sexual themes
If you love Kali, you might love Lilith too
Everyone’s so friendly and helpful here, feel free to ask anything at all
Here’s a site where you can find the exact time for the full moon eclipse where you live.