July, August, September 2022 Daily Single Draws

Friday, August 12, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down


  • Statement: - Death is merely an adventure; leap

Upright: Sometimes the only thing we fear is fear itself, change comes with its own smattering of fear. This card is not about transformation per se, but about allowing for inevitable transformation to occur in a manner that is not painful or jarring. For the waxing & waning seasons whose life force is given impetus by the dying of each season, in turn, something remains of the previous season, and the same is true for the Death card. Let go, relinquish your grip & trust that the situation needs to end for a new beginning to arise from the ashes of the old.

Death is not a bad thing – it is essential – but rarely, if ever, is this card suggestive of physical death; rather, its about the end of a situation that is pertinent to the question. A new dawn is ready to rise.

***For traditional Death meanings please see:


Seems like it! I do a 3-card tarot every day, usually in the morning but I do the same as you - if I miss the AM then I’ll do it before bed. I have been meaning to start pulling my oracle more often but they have not been calling me lately.


My only oracles really saying, Hey look at me! Are my Brigid Oracles & at least once a week my Wild Crystals. Sometimes the Celtic Tree peeks around the corner, but lately, only my Celtic :triquetra: Tarot has been deciding to chit chat, like the Tarot of the Divine is taking a break or an extended nap :laughing:

My Inner Child Oracle, Wild Runes, both sets of my Runes, Light Seer’s Tarot, & Radiant Crystals are all on some kind of vacation also :beach_umbrella:


About the same here! My Hush deck is “Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey…” Everyone else? :cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket:


I pulled Defiance today…take that for what you will :raven:


Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about that card right now, :thinking:

Those bags though, I’ll be downstairs going through “stuff” to try to find my crochet hooks again :laughing:


haha the one is a bag. The pink and white is the altar cloth for my self-love altar.


Ooo that’s a good idea too! Luckily my husband is home tomorrow & can help me downstairs! Oh happy day!


Shadow reversed meaning using the conscious arts of your/my psyche to solve problems.

Feel really lost lately, for words, lack of confidence & especially with a client I sold to regretting the decision.


Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Light Seer’s Tarot

  • By: Chris Anne
  • I shuffled the deck 3 times, removed the top 3 cards, & drew:

8 of Cups :cup_tarot:

Statement: I walk away from negativity and I choose myself in a rebellious act of self-love:heart:

Light Seer: Letting go, Releasing that which no longer serves you, a ritual releasing, a time to move stuck energy, walking away, leaving your old reality to pursue a new one, disappointment

For traditional 8 of Cups :cup_tarot: meanings please see:


@john.knox having been through the Shadows on more than one occasion. Maybe instead of continuing to head into the Shadows, what if you processed what you have already learned. Write down what comes to mind when thoughts overload the system & you can’t find what it is that you need to learn or let go. Free writing or making a list of thoughts somehow can help you find the pattern of thoughts & find some direction of where to start.

Start small & work from there. Don’t take on everything, but the most ruminating thoughts that you are having right now, whether about lack of confidence or lack of words. Negative self-talk can get into your mind & take over easily when feeling this way. See if you can step back for a few minutes & look at it through an objective lens & not a personal undertaking. I use journals with different questions at the front & answer them as they pertain to the situation. I hope this helps or gives some idea on how to at least slow the motion of the slump so you are heading back the right way.


I love your way of thinking. Will try to do this.


You are very welcome, I would love to hear if it helps you at all, even if you have to tweak the way you approach it, it has helped me in the past. :smiling_face:


1st of al any difficulty encountering my work in my personal life in my hobbies I react with a panic attack.

The anxiety is strong with me, the reptilian fight flight freeze mechanism is strong.


Have you tried any breathing or journaling techniques? Or even stepping away from the situation to take a breath & focus on the facts, not the emotions? I’m not sure if that makes sense. Sometimes it feels like it comes out of nowhere, but it’s a defensive response to some situation that is presented to you. I would try to maybe figure out what the emotions are that are causing the response & where they originated prior to now.

Maybe practice a type of box breathing to calm the feelings of panic & return to a more controlled state of being… breathing techniques work for me.

The last major panic attack I had, I was letting the emotion I was feeling run its course complete & then a variation of box breathing until I could find a comfortable rhythm & return to relaxed breathing. After that, I took a nap for a bit & felt a lot better. I could look at the facts of the situation & not the emotions surrounding it from me or others involved.

Please keep in mind, that these are my experiences & things that work for me. I am not a licensed therapist or medical professional. If it’s a persistent challenge, maybe seek the help of a professional that works with panic & anxiety & appropriate actions to take to help get through it.

I have no problem exchanging techniques & practices that I use. Please let me know if breathing or box breathing helps to calm you. Sometimes it takes a few minutes of inhaling deeply through the nose cool refreshing air down into your belly for a count of 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale through the mouth for 4 to 5 seconds fully, and pull your belly button up & inward towards the back under the ribs (Solar Plexus area). Then hold for 4 seconds. Repeat until a natural calm rhythm has returned.


Thanks for your time, will try


Work reversed today Jump over steps & only do what’s appropriate.

2+6=8 also the light card people’s eyes was reversed today


Youre very welcome. If theres any other questions, please don’t worry about asking.

Current Santa Muerte draw:

  • Honestly, I have trouble doing only what’s appropriate as oppose to start to finish. I don’t know why… but consciously, I can understand the message, my brain always defaults to, “finish what you started.”

I think today I will do what I can & maybe do some reading or other work that I have been wanting to do, just haven’t finally carved out time for myself to do them. IE: Continue with my Crystal Certification, Continuing Ogham, make Heart Chakra oil… well… now I feel like I’m slacking :joy:


Oh I completely understand the feeling… :sweat_smile: I personally prefer them to freely fly. It’s how my decks and guides speak to me best. It’s all energy baby. :wink: I too have been going through these challenges and changes it seems for quite some time. I am so glad it resonated with you, blessings.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Celtic :triquetra: Tree Oracle :deciduous_tree:

  • (By: Sharlyn Hidalgo & Illustrated By: Jimmy Manton)
  • I shuffled the Celtic Tree Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

24. Phagos Beech

Keywords: Ancient knowledge & teachings, generations, books, texts & scrolls, guidance from the past, wisdom, ancestors & lineages

The Phagos Beech is associated with ancient wisdom keepers. The teachings from the past are stored in old objects, special power places upon the earth, & writings. This tree offers guidance from the past & can support new insight & sustenance. Beech is the mother of the woods & is Queen to the Oak. She provides grounding & a strong foundation for any area of study or research. It is interesting to note that the words “beech” & “books” have the same origins. The Ogham for this tree is Phagos, & the letters are IO or PH. This Ogham is represented by the hook.

24. Phagos Beech Reversed

You may discount advice, especially if it comes from older people in your life, such as your parents & grandparents. Think twice about dismissing insight from your elders, as they know things you don’t. Knowledge from the past may help you avoid mistakes. Arrogance does not serve you. Also, be open to receiving input from your environment. If you rush at this time, you might miss vital information. Honor the process of any project that requires determination. You have more in you than you might imagine. Patience is a virtue. Seek wise counsel & cultivate support. This is not the time to be overly dependent.

Perhaps you feel shaky & uncertain. Beech can offer you strength & stability. She will help you to build a stronger foundation for yourself. Imagine yourself as the Beech tree & feel the stability that she gifts you with.