Magick Gardens One

Here is kind of the same. Except the storms will split off and then reform as soon as its out of my. Ive actually watched the radar and was like wth


Yes! I have done that many times. Especially in the winter. It will start out that we are getting pounded with snow & as you watch the radar, we wind up with less than an inch of wet mess. Iā€™ve been likeā€¦ you have to be kidding me! The kids would wait until 6 or 6:30 AM to see if they had school that day because itā€™s so whacky here on no notice.


Here in Houston we went from a red flag/burn ban to flash floods in a day thanks to storms that are rolling through starting yesterday. Now everything is getting over-watered. I canā€™t win.



Have you considered tree moss, the green stuff?


Once upon a time, I had a big yard, and if it was green it grew, I did not care if it was a weed or grass. My husband mowed it so it looked green!

I did buy some Irish moss, and it didnā€™t survive. I live in a ā€˜high plains dessertā€™ and we have extreme temperature changes, itā€™s also very dry.

Where I grew up, in the mountains, there was some moss along the streams. And of course, when I lived in Ireland, there was moss everywhere and everthing was green.

Hereā€™s to good memories and ramblingā€¦ :wine_glass:

Much love always,
The Other Marsha


A good post for some funny flowers is:

Funny, Fantastic and Favorite Flowers! :hibiscus:

Someone walked into my driveway & clipped 2 stems from one of my Hibiscus :hibiscus: plants that was doing really well!

We have jumping Tiger Lilies


We are still dry as a bone on my side of Texas. Everything went east so grass is still crunchy.


We were supposed to get rain all weekend and it turned into a day and a half. Heat itā€™s back so everything is drying out fast.


We have pop up :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: storms & this morning new flowers opened:


Sounds like our weather forecast, it was supposed to be a ā€˜drenching rainā€™ and we got a little rainā€¦


Your flowers look happy @Susurrus :smiling_face: I always think that when a flower blooms itā€™s because itā€™s happy! On the other hand, maybe itā€™s just magicā€¦


@marsha I agree, I think they are happy this year, they have been cared for & are good colors for a gray day. So they are spending their happiness :smiling_face: It seems like we are getting pretty good storms at the right time. Right now we are on a water ban of sorts. We can only water for so many hours on certain days. We had to go to the town website to find out when we could basically use the outside water. So the last couple of heavy rains :cloud_with_rain: were welcomed for the outdoor plants.:seedling:


I love seeing all of these beautiful growing things! All of my plants are still alive and thriving! I need to get some new pictures to post. I have 3 tomatoes on my plants and so many blooms. I am so very proud of myself! Iā€™ll keep you posted!


Those are gorgeous flowers :heart_eyes:


@AileyGrey I canā€™t wait to see them! I have to get into my garden & check for growth. The creeping weed came back so everything just looks green :joy:

@MeganB thank you! Those are my favorites, they usually bloom first then the rest of the yellows & oranges will bloom, then the pink & white hibiscus will bloom about the end of July/beginning of August.

I think something dug up my dahlia, I canā€™t see a start for a stem anywhere. Or maybe Iā€™ll have a pleasant surprise! :smiling_face:


Hopefully itā€™s a pleasant surprise and not someone digging it up!


I wish that wasnā€™t something I had to worry about but so far this year, someone has clipped one of my neighborā€™s rose bushes, our Rose of Sharon, & one of my Hibiscus :hibiscus: plants. The only reason I know they were clipped is the marking where they were clipped & there is no evidence of the pieces in our yards. So Iā€™m hoping the Dahlia is just going to start coming up later this month. I remember it being later in the summer that it was blooming, but my husband thinks that itā€™s already gone. :cry:

Still crossing my fingers :crossed_fingers: that itā€™s just adjusting to itā€™s new home :house_with_garden:


Fingers and toes all crossed for you! :crossed_fingers: Itā€™s a bummer that you have to worry about someone clipping your plants and taking them :unamused: thatā€™s very rude of them.


Yeah, it doesnā€™t happen until people start their regular walking & jogging routines when they start the migration to the Cape for the summer or vacation. Brazen though! I will have to take a picture of where the Hibiscus plants are in my drivewayā€¦ the only reason they got that close to the house without Alphie barking was because of last weekend & his own adjusting to changes. I was in shock & awe.


It sounds like you need a nice thorny ward shield for protection for your plants! Something like the movie Maleficent comes to my mind :laughing: that could work!