Hello, hello, hellllooooooo- I feel like it has been forever since I have been active in the forum and it has been weighing on my mind. Firstly- I want to say thank you to each and every one of you who sent nothing but love and light to me and mine on our wedding (1-22-21, pictures are below). @Francisco@BryWisteria@praecog29@christina4@Susurrus@Amethyst@walter… I know I am forgetting some others, I am sorry for that. I really did feel all of the energy that was sent! Our day couldn’t have been better, given the Covid circumstances. Secondly- I know some have seen my post I shared of the yearly spread I did for myself while reaching out for assistance in interpreting. I follow a reader on Youtube, Reydiant Reality, and his readings have been aligning with the cards I had drawn, in ways that are most certainly causing an upheaval in my psyche , triggering a lot of the shadow aspects in me , and leaving me feeling drained (that’s putting it mildly). Alas, finally!- I have been digging into my creativity that had been shut down for awhile and wanted to share my creations with all of you
All of my paintings have been done with acrylics. The very last one is my project I am currently working on. Each design is my own: Sag/Jupiter/Fire/(to represent myself), Virgo/Mercury/Earth(for my daughter), and Libra/Venus/Air(for the hubby). I’m excited to see how I finish these!
Am I the only one who likes to buy beads and simply organize them? No but really, I do have a ton so I decided to get up on my beading skills. The one on the left is a charm necklace that regrettably I did not measure out so I haven’t been able to wear it. I found ways to extend it without having to completely remake it so I’ll be doing that soon. The necklace on the right, I actually had no pre-plan for. I just went with the flow and what do ya know?! It turned out beautifully and fits! The three pics under them is another project I am working on currently. I have maybe a slight obsession with incorporating all three of our “correspondences” I guess you could say lol. Love our Elements, Love our Astrological signs, and Love the Planets.
We had the most minimalist wedding possible I think, and that was PERFECT. I live in Anchorage, Alaska. We are often blessed with the Sun and the Moon sharing the same beautiful sky at certain times of the day(I don’t know honestly if that happens anywhere else? I have no knowledge on that subject.) Behind us was our glorious Moon and in the front of us, we were basking in the Sun. No wind, no rain. We had some of our friends and family show up which was a pleasant surprise seeing as how we threw out a general invite to share this day with us on FB.
I’ve been reading some posts here and there and I’m so proud of everyone! I know I can be terrible at engaging more times than not but it’s so wonderful to see how Spells8 is growing.
LOVE. RESPECT. ADMIRATION… I could go on typing all the wonderful words I feel when going through the Forum.
Congratulations again! The pictures are beautiful! What a great little family. I can only imagine the beautiful scenery around you.
Your artwork looks amazing! Awesome job in the paintings and beads
I’m so happy your day went well, all things considering! That’s so great to hear! I’m sorry your shadow has been bothering you, but hopefully with work you’ll be able to come out of it stronger!
I really love the artwork, especially the fourth one in, it looks like a dragon breathing cold fire or something. Very nice! And the beadwork is lovely! You’re very talented.
The family pictures are great! It’s nice to see you so happy. I was born in Anchorage but moved by the time I was two so I don’t remember it at all. It sounds lovely!
I’m happy to have you back with us! Good luck catching up on posts!
Congratulations again! You look so happy!! Your creations are gorgeous and your daughter looks just like you! Im so n
Grateful for knowing you and knowing that you’re happy!!! I couldn’t wish any better for you!!
Congrats once again to you and your happy family, @Janelle! The pictures are so sweet- it looks like you enjoyed a very lovely wedding
And your artwork! Wow! I knew you were talented, but I am truly in awe of seeing just how many crafts you have mastered- everything is so beautiful
Thanks for sharing the fun update, lovely pics, and checking in! It is always wonderful to hear from you Hopefully any psyche stress will be replaced with good things soon come- may the shadows withdraw and be replaced with the light and love you deserve to enjoy
@Rowan The idea comes and goes but I think despite knowing better, I have always told myself that I didn’t think any of my work was worth someone purchasing. There is a first for everything though and all of you have reignited that idea!