I just got in the mail my new Oracle Deck, i purchased from Threads of Fate. It was not a cheap deck, over 71.00 with shipping and tax. ( Way more than i wanted to spend lol)
The cards are beautiful actually, and the stock is sturdy and will probably last a long time. The pictures don’t capture the “Rose Color” it’s quite lovely…
Any, advice on how to use an Oracle Deck? I’ve been wanting to invest in a new Tarot deck- however, the Oracle caught my eye. I’ve been having a hard time trying to read cards intuitively. ( Get a little discouraged- maybe card reading not my thing)
The cards look quite nice @walter, I hope you are able to work with them. I just revived my third set of Oracle cards; I use them along with my Tarot deck as I am doing my weekly reading for myself. What usually happened for me is they tie into exactly what the Tarot cards are providing guidance on, I would say this happens 95% of the time.
I suggest getting to know your cards and letting them get to know you. I will usually do a ritual to cleanse the cards and then put them under my pillow 2-3 days so we bond.
My Starseed Oracle cards arrived today and I can’t wait to try them out.
Let me know how your new cards work out for you. Blessed be.
@Saulamay , thank so much for your advice. Yes, i cleansed them last night and put them under my pillow .I will follow your advice and keep them under my pillow for a couple more days. They are now on my altar.
They are quite a beautiful deck. Hope I can bond with them, since i splurged quite a bit on it…
Good luck to you as well on your new deck. That’s how I felt yesterday, couldn’t wait to open them and check them out.
You will bond with them, just have faith. if they are similar to Tarot, do an interview with them and find out how they wish to be used. I have three Tarot that I use most often; one is for a normal read, one is definitely meant for whimsical things and the other is blunt and straight forward and will not beat around the bush as it were.
I can’t wait to get the new Oracle deck cleansed tonight and bond with them. I feel like we will do well together but I already think they want to be treated differently than the other two sets. We shall see what happens.
Your deck is gorgeous! I was looking at that deck for myself, but I have never worked with them. I can’t wait to get a deck of Oracle cards though. I have bonded with my favorite tarot deck so well, I can’t wait to get to know an Oracle deck.
@Garnet you have a gorgeous deck also! Thank you for sharing!
@Saulamay thank you for the information, I am also a beginner with what to do with the Oracle decks.
@Saulamay , thank you. I have the Green Witch Tarot, which i really love. I feel that the Oracle Deck go well together, as they both use Elementals . I just don’t get why i can’t use them intuitively? I have to look at guide book for meanings. However, the meanings have been accurate for the most part. When I look at the cards, i just see nothing! I’m thinking it’s me? That’s why I bought the oracle deck- see if it’s easier for me to read them intuitively. Actually, gets me frustrated. Maybe that’s the problem too?!
Thank you once again.
@walter, I have trouble reading them intuitively also. I look in the books or cheat sheets whenever I use my cards too & they are always pretty spot on.
I slept with my decks in my pillowcase for about a month when I first got them & I keep them next to my bed in my nightstand. I also cleanse them with smoke!
That sounds like a good plan, just keep them in your pillowcase a little longer & cleanse them when they need it & charge them under the full moon. It will come, sometimes it just takes a little bit more time. My Rider-Waite deck I had in my pillowcase for a couple of months before I put them in my nightstand.
I do put them in my pillow case like for a weekend after I charge them.
@walter the intuition part comes with practice and experience, I am in the same boat as you are. I have two books along with the guide that comes with the cards and some cheat sheets that I use. And I have read somewhere that you shouldn’t try to memorize the cards as there are variations to the actual meaning to the card based on the questions/intentions you put forth. So what I try to memorize is what the suits refer to; pentacles = material issues and finances, swords = thoughts and state of mind, cups = emotions and relationships, and wands = motion or actions. The rest I just feel my way through and although I have not read for many others the ones I have done are fairly accurate. But don’t stress about it, it will come to you naturally the more you do it. Blessed be Brother.
@Susurrus i am new to them as well, less than a year, but the cards seem to be where I am called to. I have a pendulum and Rune stones, but neither give me the sensation that both the Tarot and Oracles cards do.
Beautiful pictures too @walter! My first deck was an oracle deck and I think that they are pretty easy to read (because they have words) so you can always learn as you go.
I think the most fun is to do a reading along with someone you know well, if you have any witchy friend over, suggest a group reading with the new deck and explore it bit by bit. Ask a question, pull a card. Have your friend ask a question, pull another card, and so on.