Need some help to destroy a blockage

Sorry to hear about your blockage, Nikita- that’s tough for anyone, but especially stressful for those whose livelihoods and passions involve creative thinking.

I agree with Lotasha and Amethyst about the Road Opener spell- that’s a great one for unblocking your path and removing obstacles that may be inhibiting your creativity.

Adding to that, here is another spell (that involves tarot or an oralce) you may find helpful for freeing your creativity:

Crea-tarot-ivity Spell

Additionally, you could check out the suggestions and spells shared in the following discussions:

Motivation spells?
I need a spell to increase my motivation and decrease my fatigue
Motivation and Creativity Spell
Help with motivation

I hope you can find some great ways the re-open your creative channels, Nikita! Good luck and blessed be :sparkles: