November 2023 ✨ Collective Reading Check-In

Welcome, welcome, November! The calendar year is almost at an end, and we are nearing the end of our collective reading for the year. We are also approaching Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, the dark half of the year when things are cold, hidden, and quiet. I am personally trying to embrace this season of darkness. I need the rest and recuperation, and it reminds me of a book I read a few years ago titled Wintering by Katherine May. I need this period of wintering, and I am sure many of you can also relate.

Anyway, today, we are looking at the month of November in our collective reading. We are peering at what has changed, what has stayed the same, and what we should keep in mind for this month.

If you need a refresher for our collective reading, you can find that here → Peering into 2023 :tarot_card: Collective Tarot Reading. If you are new here, this is a periodic divinatory reading I do to shine a light on the collective reading that I do at the beginning of the year. The cards pulled here for the next month are a reflection and check-in with the relevant card from the yearly reading.

Was October Relevant?

Let’s take a minute to look at October’s collective reading card and update, just to see what was relevant. Then we can move on to this month’s check-in and the cards I will pull.

October 2023: Five of Rods Reversed :wand_tarot:

More conflict…if you could hear my sigh through the screen, I am sure you would feel just like I do. Reversed, this card is all about an internal struggle rather than an external one. You have gone through so much this year already. Boundaries have been tested, relationships have been tested, and even your self-confidence and values have been tested. It will all culminate this month to a feeling of overwhelm with yourself. You may find yourself struggling with your mental health, especially as we near the holiday season and deal closely with our families and relatives again. October will be a good month to break out your journal, breathe, and practice some self-care.

Read more: Five of Wands – Spells8

The three cards I pulled as the update for October were Queen of Wands - Left, Knight of Swords Reversed, Three of Wands - Right.

Looking back on this reflection and update, I am once again surprised at just how accurate my own cards have been. October saw me making some seriously big decisions, scary decisions, but ones that will hopefully benefit my family in the future. I feel that I was able to successfully utilize the energy of the Three of Wands, though, and break through the barriers that were affecting my judgment and decision-making skills.

I still had the conflict - still have it, if I’m being completely honest - but it is a conflict that I am moving through and releasing. It has been a struggle, but I am pushing through it the only way I know how.

If you want to refresh your memory of the October reading, click here!

:sparkles: This month, we are looking at the month of November!

As a reminder, the collective reading for the month of November has us looking at Five of Swords.

November 2023: Five of Swords :sword_tarot:

The look on this person’s face is one of smugness. Your pride is showing and conflicts will be abundant again. This month, though, these conflicts are external. Things may turn into a competition and you will feel the need to win no matter what, even at the cost of your relationships with the people you care about. Don’t let your pride get in the way! There is a vast difference between not arguing for the sake of keeping peace and arguing just so you can get the last word. Find a middle ground and don’t argue just to argue.

Read more: Five of Swords – Spells8

With this card in mind, I took three deep breaths and pulled three more cards to give us some more guidance on where November is headed. This month, I used Dark Days Tarot.

Three tarot cards lay on a tan wooden background. From left to right, the cards are as follows: Page of Cups (left), King of Pentacles (right), and Queen of Wands

What has changed? - Page of Cups (Left)

Our intuition and creativity will be moving inward this month, churning through ideas and revelations. Rather than focusing on our external world, the guidance of our intuitive self is mulling over our next moves. Rather than feeling restricted to one method, the Page of Cups is calling us to trust our inner selves. Follow the emotions, follow the intuition, and we will find the methods and projects that will work best for us.

What has stayed the same? King of Pentacles (Right)

The hands are reaching outward in this card, pointing us toward the future and our outer world. This month, we will be faced with moments where we will need to lead. Though we may not have chosen this position for ourselves, we will be a guiding hand for someone (or something) in the month of November. Whoever it is that is following us will rely on us to help them in some way, so we must be disciplined in our approach. We must also be careful not to let our pride and personal desires hinder the growth of those who are relying on us.

What should we keep in mind? Queen of Wands

As a Queen card, the Queen of Wands leads with courage and strength. Though her Wands are indicative of passion, she is also a Queen of independence, letting her own mental and physical fortitude guide her through her life. This month, with everything that we will face, we must remember to have the courage of the Queen of Wands.

Just as a reminder…

:star: The Card of the Year: The Seven of Rods

  • conflict, protecting what you’ve worked for, passionate disagreements

:star: Goals of 2023: Justice Reversed

  • lack of balance, unfair treatment, honesty with others

:star: Obstacles of 2023: The Sun

  • keeping the peace, complacency, people pleasing, avoiding confrontation

Putting it together…

Yeah… I can see how this reading will be personal for me again… :joy: At this point, I am just ready to call these collective readings “Insight into Megan’s chaos” because that is what it feels like. I find it hard to imagine that everyone will also relate to these readings sometimes, even though from your feedback, I know that is not true.

The Five of Swords will be the main theme here for November, but I feel like it will quickly fizzle out. This is because the three cards I pulled for the check-in are all Court Cards. While they are not Major Arcana cards, I find it very significant that all three cards are Court Cards. The pride and arrogance of the Five of Swords may be quickly squashed with the energy of the Page of Cups, as long as we let our passion and intuition guide us inward. I am hoping that the three cards I pulled this month will counteract the energy of the Five of Swords.

It appears that for November, we will be reaching both inward and outward, extending grace to ourselves to trust our intuition but also extending our hands outward to help those who may rely upon us. If we can replace the pride and arrogance of the Five of Swords with the courage and strength of the Queen of Wands, I think we will turn the vibe of this reading right around!

What do you think?

Do you have any insight to share from the collective reading? And how do you think November is going to go?

If you want to do your own reading for the month, you can find the current infographic below. I also have a blog post that goes into more detail about each card in the layout. You can find that post by clicking here .


I also have a video that details how I use this spread!

Tarot for the New Month || A Simple Four Card Tarot Spread! [CC] - YouTube



Since I have been writing Energy Reports, I am really tuning in more than I used to. So with that said, your reading for October was exactly what happened to me. It does feel very personal, so you are not alone. I expect that November’s cards will be spot-on as well. :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


This is interesting, as this year has been one big revelation as Loki has taken me on this twisting and winding road. Keep trusting, and see what more will be revealed, he’s got 2 months to go. :joy:

Not my strong point, I’d much rather work behind the scenes. :flushed:

What’s coming? I don’t know, I got good instinct that whatever comes my way, it’ll grow me in some way. :grin: I like the chaos so would rather chaos than order. I get stressed with order :person_facepalming:. Most of the people in my life like order, so maybe this is where the conflict will come. I will try and remember these cards, and aim for peace :sparkling_heart:. Thanks for doing these @MeganB


This ALL resonates with me soooooo much it’s scary.


@marsha – I’m glad the readings are resonating, especially with the extra information from the Energy Reports that you’re doing! :heart: I’m hoping that I can personally embrace the squashing of energies with the Page of Cups. That pride has been getting in my way mentally, and I’m fully aware of that :joy: but I need this month to be good!

@tracyS – I have no clue what’s coming, but it better be good! :rofl: If we all aim for peace, one of us has to hit the target, right?! :sweat_smile:

@Assyla555 – I’m glad it resonates, but I’m sorry it’s scary! :laughing: