Good morning! I understand the want to do all the things but I have found that it if you focus on one maybe two things (sometimes they go hand in hand) the results are much better. You mentioned that you have a lot to release. I would take note of what those things are, maybe in your book of mirrors or book of shadows, wherever you will see it. You need to find a way of releasing or cutting cords that works for you.
I’m not telling you this because these ideas will work for you, but things that I like to do to release things of that nature:
- write an email to no one about everything going on inside your head
- write a letter to someone about everything you want to say & everything you feel
– I typically will have a fire in my fire pit & burn the pages/printouts/etc. I have done this with letters, cards, journals, & papers with tarot readings on them. Anything that I need to release has gone into the pit.
I smoke cleanse my fire pit at least once a month by adding sage leaves to the bed of coals & 3/4 of the way covering the top of the pit. The smoke fills it & comes out the chimney & the edges. Whatever the smoke touches or passes by, the negative energy is taken with it through the wind
- throw rocks into the ocean as hard as I can (usually each rock represents something I’m releasing as I throw it into the ocean.
- vent to any pets you may have, they are the best listeners.
As for what specifically to do for the Full Pink Moon there are a lot of options. I put out the crystals that I work with regularly & all of my decks to be cleansed & charged. I think tonight I will charge my waters & I want to do a meditation for the Moon in Scorpio. I have been taking it easy since I’m coming back from a deep dive into the Shadows, so I’m taking my time & reworking what is going to continue to be a part of my craft & then let go of things that I no longer use, don’t work for me, I’ve outgrown (sounds weird right, but it happens
) Sort of like a rebirth or regeneration of my craft now that I have gone through some areas & “cleaned” them up a bit.
Scorpio happens to be my sun sign, but for tonight I will do the Moon in Scorpio
However from Moon Phases Spells - Full Moon
As this moon enhances communication with the spiritual world, any kind of ritual that is performed under the Full Moon will experience a boost of Power. Divination rituals are especially strengthened by this moon, like any personal spellwork that could use a major boost, including rituals for abundance, protection, love, or wisdom. Your chances of success are greater than during any other lunar phase.
Use the power of the full moon to cast any type of spell with confidence
Rose Quartz is a stone of love whether it be self-love or love for others. So having a lot of on your altar is great way to manifest that energy from the stone. Maybe for a more focused love intention, you could try a crystal grid too.
❋ Flower of Life Crystal Grid: Printable Matrix
I hope I didn’t overwhelm you with things that you could do & I’m not entirely sure where you are in your practice. So hopefully some of these help you!