Re-introduction on a new path!

Hello, my name is Matt (or Mattie) and I live in Connecticut with my wife and our cats. I have been interested in paganism and Wicca for a very long time, ever since I was a teenager. I’ve explore various paths of paganism and the occult.

I have very recently decided to answer the call of Odin and traverse the path of Asatru/Heathenry/Norse paganism. I am looking to learn all that I can about this particular path so would appreciate any help and information that others on a similar path can provide. I am super excited about this because it seems to fit very well with me.

I am looking for book and video recommendations and possibly even someone to show me the ropes so to speak.


Hi, @Mattie_Nox! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

First of all, I’m gonna tag the lovely and chaotic @tracyS into this conversation, so she can help you. Her patron is Loki so she should have oodles of good info to help you get started.

We also have the Courses which will give you the building blocks you should need for any path you follow. There’s even a course on Runes, which should interest you.

Sorry I couldn’t help you more, but I’m more Wiccan than Asatru. But this should get you going! If you have any questions, just ask and someone will pop up to help. I look forward to getting to know you!


Thankyou @Amethyst and welcome @Mattie_Nox . Oh my Odin, what an honour. A beautiful deity, get ready to be swamped with knowledge, Odin loves wisdom. Here’s a few links in the forum on Norse:

Feeling the Runes/Odin’s Wisdom

Norse Deities Master Post

Nordic Mystism and Wyrd

How to Practice Chaos Magic

Books. There are loads. For a quick overview of the myths
Neil Gaiman is a must.

Other authors are:
Sif Brookes & Dan Coultas do prayer books.
Ksenia Menshikova has a book for practically every part of the Norse tradition and an excellent rune course.
S Connolly Demonolatry. Surprised? But seriously, I think you’re a demonolator? :thinking: Apologies if wrong, but knowledge of demonolatry is really good for the Nordic path, alot of our gods are also classed as demons (of course Loki’s in there :laughing:).

And a must read is obviously The Poetic and Prose Edda, and The Havamal.
If you key in Asatru UK on Amazon , they do some great little pocket books to get you started.

Word of warning: I hate to have to say this, but there are some fascists in our beautiful path and they’re very destructive, here’s a link to a British site (it should work) with a huge reading list, and what to avoid at the bottom. :confused:

Videos. There’s alot on YouTube and it really depends how you want to approach this. There’s good stuff and idiots, :roll_eyes: here’s the good stuff:

For history and facts:

For Nordic animism and history:

For a little history and magic, and Odin:

For witchcraft:

For Chaos Magic

And if you want to look at my beasty Loki
Loki’s Tales

Here’s the Spells8 course on Runes, Odin will probably chat through these as they’re his anyway

There’s so much, sorry if I’ve swamped you (very Odin, he’ll probably data dump on you). He’s a wonderful God if a little difficult sometimes, and challenging.
I’m not Asatru, as I work with Loki and chaos so my labels change like the weather :rofl:, well British weather that is, different everyday. :laughing: Odin will have you exploring so much so have lots of fun, he is the wanderer deity who loves to see what’s out there. :grin:

There’s loads more, if it’s something specific, ask and I’ll see if I can help, but if Odin’s called you, then he’ll take good care of you. Our Nordic Gods are very earthy, they like to get right down into your everyday life and be a part of it, like a good friend.

Bless and Skoll :beers:


Wow! Thank you so much! This is sure to get me off to a great start and I appreciate it so much!


My pleasure. :green_heart:

Here’s a great app with the Runes, Gods, Eddas and Havamal in your pocket. I think it’s international. I use this daily. It has the sagas too.


Hi again @Mattie_Nox ! Looks like @tracyS gave you some good information! I’m not much help in this area as I mainly work with voodoo right now.


Hi I’m John from Chicago iv been practicing for over 35 years need anything just ask and welcome


Merry re-meet @Mattie_Nox !!

So glad you were able to get lots of links, suggestions and help from @tracyS for the next part of your journey!



Hello @Mattie_Nox :wave: and welcome to the forum!

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

I hope you’re finding everything alright here at Spells8. Please, feel free to make yourself at home!


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @Mattie_Nox

It’s nice to meet you, Mattie! I’m Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. Welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Hello @Mattie_Nox,

Welcome! I’m Bry, another one of the moderators and an Eclectic Witch. It looks like you’ve got a wonderful collection of resources from Tracy - I hope you find everything you’re looking for as you learn more about your path :books: :blush:

Just popping in to say to make yourself at home here. Looking forward to seeing you around the forums! Blessed be :sparkles:


@ Mattie_Nox welcome to the family of witches and wizards!
I’m Airram from Greece, we deal with different paths of magic and I always want to learn
I am happy that our family is growing!
welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: