Rough day at work

After missing one mouse, I ran one over with the lawnmower at work today. Then I narrowly missed another one. Then, there were hundreds of little frogs.

Needless to say, I’m emotionally spent. Thankfully Keeton was there to pick up the mouse and dispose of it, gave me a big hug and made sure I was gonna be okay.


I’m so sorry it was such a day for you! Everything will be okay I didn’t have a very good afternoon moment. I broke a toe after hitting the corner and leg of my couch coming out of the kitchen to say hello to my husband when he got home. It’s different purples now.


I’m so sorry to hear you both had such a tough day, @janelle and @Susurrus!

It’s possible that you may be suffering under the weight of negative energy. @SilverBear shared a great post about Signs of Negative Energy and offered some great advice about how to go about cleansing yourself from it :sparkles:

Whether it’s negative energy or just a bad day, I hope you both are getting some good rest tonight and wake up refreshed and happy! :pray: I am sending warm thoughts that today will be a better and more fortunate day for you both :hearts:


@BryWisteria thank you so much. I feel for @janelle that would take me some time to process too. I hope she has a better day today too. I should be fine, I’m staying off my foot today because it’s throbby. Lol… has it’s own little heartbeat. Once I am able to get around I am going to do some kind of cleanse for my space and my house and bring in some positivity. First I will check out that post though about negative energy and see what I am working with that I need to clear.


I feel for you @janelle! Me too, I can’t stand the thought of suffering little animals. Sending positive vibes! :pray:


:worried: Ouch! I couldn’t imagine breaking a toe!

I hope it heals well and I hope you had a better day today :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart:


This is something that crossed my mind! I love the smell of sage and other cleansing herbs that I sometimes forget that they need to be used for exactly that, haha. I know there are other methods, smudging it just my go-to.


Thank you! It’s the first time that I have ever broken anything! It’s still sore and my Dr said to stay off of it for a few days because it’s broken in two places! It’s not that bad though, I have been keeping my foot up as much as I can and I am not doing too much that disturbs it. I will say that you never know how much you use a little toe until it’s broken and it hurts when you step. I think the stairs are the worst, so good thing I have a one-floor house for the most part. I can’t go into the basement anymore and we have a ramp on our back porch. I am in good spirits though, so that makes it a little easier. I hope you have a good day too and that your days get better also. :star_and_crescent: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


It’s one thing to have my cats bring me their little tokens of gratitude but something entirely different when the death is by my own doing, even if it was accidental.
I was hysterical for a few. My man grabbed some gloves and took care of it. I mowed so slow after that, nervous of every blade of grass I saw move. The property I was working on is at least 1,500 sqft.

I think it was almost 3 weeks ago, I had brought my daughter to work this property with me and I don’t know how many times I came back to the work van just in tears because there were so many little frogs across the whole property that there was nothing I could do! I had to keep mowing. I was like angry, lol, then sad, then angry, and just a whole mess of emotions. I mean obviously they aren’t lacking in numbers but it didn’t make me feel any better.


I go through the same types of feelings and that’s how we wound up not touching the front until after bunny season. Even when we do the back, we have to be super careful because we have found baby birds, bunnies, squirrels, chipmunks… and with the garden back there, the wildlife hangs out around the house more.

I remember a couple of weeks ago I brought my daughter to WalMart with me and we were on a back road to get there. The car in front of me had a bird swoop in front of it and they tried to miss it, but knocked it down and the bird rolled off the side of the road. I went back to check on it but it was gone, so I think it really just got the wind knocked out of itself. I remember being upset that it got hit and the car didn’t stop to check on it and my daughter was upset too. I can’t imagine doing something on purpose or by accident to hurt something living life. I completely understand where you are coming from.


I am the same way. A couple of years ago, my daughter and I were heading to a provincial park. As I was driving towards the entrance of the park, a little red squirrel darted out in front, and then decided nope, I’m turning back which caused me to run it over. I stopped immediately, flung the door open and ran back (in Canada I could have gotten fined for that…couldn’t care) to it. I picked it up and watched it take it’s last few breaths in my hand. OMG I bawled so much. At the same time, a cyclist stopped to see if I was in trouble. In broken words I showed him the squirrel and he didn’t say a word and carried on. I was in disbelief. I buried the little thing and apologized profusely. My poor daughter wouldn’t get out of the car because she didn’t want to see. Just imagine mother and daughter crying in silence the rest of the way to the park.

I had to have the Park Warden try to calm me down and explain that that was a usual occurrence. Okay I get it but I don’t want to be ONE OF THEM to injury/kill a small animal. So…whenever I’m driving (especially in residential areas) I’m on the look out for squirrels ready to dart out into the street or already roaming, I ALWAYS AWAYS honk my horn. The lift their tails and scurry out of the way or up a tree. In my head I say “Not today my little friend”.


You have a good heart :two_hearts: I’m the same way. Quite a few years back, I was in the car with my father driving. We were in the middle of nowhere. All of a sudden, you hear crunch as the car goes up then down. My dad hid a duck! :anguished::sob: I screamed and started crying. I still an emotional mess over that rest in peace innocent duck!!!