Hi fellow witches
What’s everyone’s view of holding seances/ouija from home and does anyone have advice if I agree to hold one?
Hi Tracie!
Some use it but it is not very popular among the witchcraft community. Ouija boards aren’t a preferred divination method, like cards or a pendulum.
People avoid it for fear of attracting the wrong kind of energy, you know, “evil spirits”.
I think it depends on the person. It can be a great tool if you approach it respectfuly, with knowledge and critical thinking. Do only what you feel comfortable doing.
After all, it’s a tool just like Tarot cards or a pendulum. In fact, the original Ouija board was a children’s toy and it’s still sold as one by Hasbro.
I use a spirit board which is new to me but I’ve done years of researching it.
Make sure you protect yourself. Tell the spirits that they cannot enter through the board, they may only communicate.
Make a circle with the planchette like a figure 8. Start out with at least 2 people. They can easily feed off of one person’s energy when there’s one and if you’re new, you’ll have more fear.
Ask your questions. Do NOT lift your hands from the planchette while communicating. It’s bad news, I won’t go into that.
If the planchette starts going in a figure 8 by itself, say goodbye and close out immediately!
That means they’re trying to go through the board.
Every time you’re finished with a session, go to goodbye!
Thank them and put the board away. Close your circle, cleanse yourself!, etc.
yes I agree its up to the persons opinion, but i am very uncomfortable with the Ouija board and won’t have it my home. my family has had bad experiences.
I find Pendulum skrying a better tool. One of my talismans, Tiger Eye Agate on a leather cord around my neck works well.
I can contact the spirits of the dearly departed with it. I work for a security company and we have the contract to guard a local hospice. I communicated with lots of spirits there.
One night observed me and it really creeped her out and I was reassigned.
Spirit boxes are the best way to communicate. All you can get from the Pendulum is yes or no answers.
You can purchase Pendulums and Pendulum mats but a necklace and a piece of paper will do. Draw a cross in the middle of a sheet of paper, put YES at the top and bottom and NO at side to side. Call the person, tell them they can bat the pendulum around, then have them do a yes, then a no, and a stop. Then ask your questions.
@john4 it’s very cool. Thank you! I am going to use this with my grandma. Blessed be!
Just joined. Notice alot of advice about the Ouija here. Don’t plan on using one, but I do regularly use my pendulum, and my pendulum board has more than yes and no, it’s a full alphabet which I suppose is similar to the Ouija, not had anything bad happen, been chatting to Grandad for over a year, and getting good advice too. Should I be concerned that anything else could get through as I’ve a full alphabet on my pendulum board? I protect via crystals but not a full circle. Thanks and blessings
Hello @tracyS I haven’t used a pendulum board of that size so I don’t have an answer for you specifically. Intention is important as is protecting your space. It’s a good idea not to focus on brining in the negative (not saying you are) or else that is what you will start to attract. Not everyone casts a circle. It sounds like your crystals set with the intention of protection. Cleanse them regularly and you, if you haven’t already, maybe consecrate them for this purpose. If the communication you are getting changes or makes you worried or doesn’t sound or feel right, then you will want to cleanse your board and send that entity away.
On a general note to the original post, I used an ouija board once and didn’t say goodbye when we were done, we just left. Every light post we went by went out. They came back on after we were passed them. It was super creepy and not explainable another way. We rushed back and said goodbye and haven’t touched another board since.
Thankyou for this. Here is my pendulum board. I always use a black obsidian pyramid for protection and wear my talisman and tigers eye. Never thought about cleansing the crystal or consecrating them. I charge them. But this is very helpful, thankyou. Much blessings to you.

@tracyS you are welcome
That is a beautiful board!!!
Sorry for my typos in the previous post- between autocorrect putting in words I didn’t want and trying to type quickly before leaving for work there are some errors in typing
I don’t think you need to be worried about your pendulum board. The difference between the pendulum board and a Ouija board is that the board and planchette are what the spirits speak through. The pendulum board is used with the pendulum, and depending on your beliefs, the pendulum is what the spirit is using to speak, not the board.
I agree with this sentiment. If things change, give everything a good cleanse and reset.
Hi @tracyS I use a pendulum mainly on Samhain, the mat that I use has Yes, No, Hello, Good Bye, the alphabet, numers 0 - 9, & the Elder Futhark rune symbols.
I treat it the same as @MeganB mentioned, that it’s the pendulum being used so you shouldn’t have to do anything in particular unless something feels of or different starts happening as @Phoenix_Rose said.
I do cleanse my space & pendulum before I use it but other than that I don’t do anything really special when I use the pendulum & mat. Otherwise it’s on my ancestor altar in my crescent moon dish.
It’s been a while since I have used it. The last 6+ months have been a bit chaotic to say the least.
I do use the mat when I cast stones or Witches Runes too.
I don’t know who is still here but I wanted to throw this out there anyway
@tracie2 I just stumbled across this. Thank you for posing this question
@john4 I just stumbled across this and it is something I was planning to ask about. I was actually talking tonight about my plan to learn how to safely summon spirits in hopes of talking to my grandmother
Thank you for sharing. (Finally. Autocorrect kept coming up with “surviving” instead.)
Very helpful. Do glad you popped in on this
This is the root part of a question I was going to ask. I’m so excited that I’ll might be able to contact my grandmother and possibly get answers to things I have been wondering
That is another part of what I was going to ask, thank you for reminding me
@christina4 if I used a quote it would be your entire post. It is information that I need for this endeavor.
Thank you for that
Very helpful to ask of this. Thank you for the information.
Again I don’t know who is still here but to the ones that are - thank you for the information
@Susurrus thankyou for this, never thought of cleansing space, board and pendulum before each session. Will do this, good practice. Blessings
@Nixi all the best contacting your grandmother, I asked a question to the pendulum that only my grandad knew to make sure it was him, once I was sure we chat all the time. Blessings
Thank you, I don’t know that I would have thought of that.
Total newbie question, how do I start?
@Nixi I use incense to cleanse my board and pendulum (my pendulum is rosewood, but my first one I made myself out of a crystal, crystal holder and a leather cord). I layout my crystals, and ask a blessing from my deity (currently The Morrigan, she sought me out), before her, it was a general request for protection. Then on my first go, I just asked a question, like will I have a good day, something silly. When I got an answer, I asked who it was, to spell the first letter of both their first and last name. So it did, my grandad letters. Just to be sure, I have a childhood memory of a day out just me and granddad, and he bought me a specific toy, so I asked the pendulum what it was, at the time I had a bit of paper where I’d written the alphabet, so I wrote several different toys, it picked the right one. Then, as I got pretty spooked by all this, I asked what he did after he left the army, again, I wrote several types of jobs, the pendulum picked right. So I knew it was him. I do get worried about connecting with Spirit, so I booked a session with a qualified psychic, and she confirmed that my grandad had been reaching out and was watching over me (I didn’t tell her about my pendulum chat). So I knew. I feel safe and secure when using the pendulum, I always say thanks at the end and ask the pendulum to say yes for goodbye, or spell out bye. Then that’s it. I will now incense cleanse before and after each session, thanks to advice on here. I always have my crystals, incense burner and candle lit. Hope this helps, I’m new to this too. Many blessings lovely
Thank you @tracyS I am so excited
As for the original post & a bit similar to @Phoenix_Rose, I stay away from Ouija Boards… but it’s because when I was younger my cousin & I used to use one when I was at his house I don’t remember much about what the questions were or anything, just that we were using the board. We got called upstairs so went up to see what my Aunt wanted… Somehow after that, we wound up in his older sister’s room. (We weren’t super young but not really teenagers yet either & she didn’t want us anywhere near her room) The radio
was on a bit loud but she wasn’t home, she had left before we got there to go out with her friends (she was in high school) & we definitely weren’t up there before this time. So we went in & turned it off. We walked out by her dresser & something fell off. He bent down to pick it up & there was a straight line of pennies kind of in front of the dresser but lined up with the edge so not totally under the dresser. She was never one to have coins, she always tossed them in a jar in the living room or kitchen or gave them to us… So she definitely didn’t line them up in a straight line in line with the edge of her dresser before going out with her friends. He put whatever it was on her dresser & we ran out & back down to the Ouija Board & tossed it in the box then ran back upstairs.
We never used it after that & I always told him that I thought he was moving the planchette to scare me. I’m sure sometimes he did, but that day I remember we were kind of going back & forth about it & then I don’t want to say we weren’t touching it, but not enough to make a difference. We had even made my Aunt see if she could slip a piece of paper between our fingers & the planchette that day. I wish I could remember more of that day because I’m not sure what we were asking, the answers, or anything… but there was no explanation or reason for the radio being on loud randomly, the item falling, or the pennies.
We also didn’t go down there to play ANY games after that & I don’t remember being back at the house after that day either. Now I wish my Mom, Aunt, or Cousin were here or near me so I could ask I also kind of wish my memories from when I was younger were better… I usually only remember kind of bits & pieces here & there… Except now I’m curious for a little more information about that day.
Spooky. I think personally I would only ever do the Ouija with an experienced practitioner, (not me). I attended a fascinating talk (via zoom) last year with The College of Pyschic Studies (based in London), it was the history of the planchettes and talking boards, fascinating, but even they don’t recommend the Ouija. Thankyou for sharing that story. Blessings
Yeah we were younger I want to say middle school or junior high & it was Hasbro board, we were just messing around with it really between other board games, but it was enough for me to steer clear of them afterward that’s for sure. I decided I didn’t know enough about them & until I did or understood exactly how they were supposed to be used I wouldn’t use one… but I’ve never been drawn to them since & for right now I figure there’s a reason for that & will just leave them be.