Share Your Witchy Tattoos

I’m getting my first tattoo March 13th and I’m super excited. :grin: I’ll post a picture when it’s done. It got me wondering what other witchy tattoos our coven members might have.

Feel free to share a description or picture (keep those pictures family friendly) or both here. Witchy tattoos only, please!

I’ll start, even though I don’t get mine until the middle of the month.


I have the symbol for Scorpio that looks like the M with a tail on the back of my neck. If I can find a picture of it, I will definitely post it. It’s kind of part of my whole back tattoo, but I’m sure I can crop it to see the symbol.

I would love to get another tattoo on my hip or arm of something. I just haven’t decided what I want. I have thought about getting the semi colon on my inner wrist. I’m just too indecisive about what else I want and where.


Now from my waist to my tailbone is done & it all kind of goes together as a back piece. There isn’t much room left on my back for anything else. :rofl:


I love it! :star_struck: So colorful, too.


Thank you! I love how colorful it is too! Thank you so much!

I remember getting the lower part of my back done & falling asleep while the artist was working :smile:


I don’t have any witchy tattoos, but eventually, I want to get one. The only tattoo I have is on my shoulder of two hearts intertwined that I got when I was 15 :sweat_smile:


@Susurrus!!! That is gorgeous- I love the designs you chose. Everything is beautiful, but the fairy in particular is so pretty! :heart_eyes:

I’m also in the no-witchy-tattoos (yet!) club :sweat_smile: I came very close to getting a tattoo in Thailand, but the artist I was in contact with turned out to not be available :woman_shrugging: I know I want a compass :compass: because it’s my personal symbol, but I keep changing my mind about the exact details :laughing: Maybe someday!


Wow. So pretty!

I’m in the No Tattoo Ever club. Not that I’m against them, I just don’t think I can take it. Y’all are seriously brave, sitting there still while someone pokes you with a needle repeatedly for hours. I can’t imagine it.


It hurts but not like you think it would. It’s continual poking & scratching but not bad. I fell asleep when then did the middle of my back because she was doing so much there. Or I laid down & read a book. I was on the table for a total of 24 hours to do my whole back. I can understand people that don’t want to do it because of that though. It’s a lot of the same. I think it also depends on where you get them done too. I would love to get my wrists or inner arm is done with something. I have thought about the semicolon and a saying. However, I don’t have the extra money and no idea what else I want to put there.


See, the continual poking would get to me. I can’t stand it when something is poking me, and I don’t sit still well. I tip my hat to you for doing so!

You could always get the Infinity sigh on your wrist, that would look nice. :infinity:


Oh, that’s a great idea too! I love the infinity sign, my significant other & I are always saying I love you times infinity. I don’t know, like @BryWisteria, I can’t think of what I want and the details so I haven’t even started saving money for it. Plus I am picky about where things are and my back was like a big open canvas. There is some room back there I could put the infinity sign. OH! Or the zodiac symbols for my children could fill in my back too!


Why not the infinity symbol with your three kid’s signs around that. After all, they’re going to be your kids forever.


I think the same way. I won’t put names of significant others but children are mine no matter what. Where I already have my sign on there putting their signs with something like an infinity symbol is a great idea! I will have to see what I can come up with or maybe an artsy friend, I think I have one of those. Somewhere. Thank you for the great idea @Amethyst!


I have 6 tattoos but one of the moon. I’ll post a pic.

Well, ya got to see my back door lol.


That’s so pretty :butterfly:


thank you very much


You’re welcome, love!

Very lovely!


The moon, stars, and a beautiful vine winding it all together- this is gorgeous, @Christina4! I love the design and the colors you choose :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :crescent_moon: :herb:


Thank you! My tattoo artist is one of my good friends and he free handed that!


@christina4 that is lovely! I’m not brave enough to put one on my neck but like yours, I have seen some lovely ones. I like the ones behind the ear too. Like it’s hiding and a secret. I love the design of it & I love when you can give the artist the ability to freehand an image like that too. A lot of my back is freehand because I loved my artist and she was really talented. Great work! I really like it.


I love that tattoo! Honestly, this gets me more and more excited about my first one. It’s just a little over a week away. :slight_smile: