📖 Spells8 Book Club XXIII (Nov 25 - Dec 23)

Wishing a warm welcome to all of the forum book-lovers!

:books: :blush: :heart:

Thank you again to everyone who joined in for last month’s reading session! For those who haven’t yet shared their thoughts about their book (or anyone who enjoys reading book reviews!) you still have time to do so in :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXII- Reader’s Reviews discussion.

As of today, the 23rd book club reading session has now begun !

Spells8 Book Club

On Your Mark, Get Set, READ! :books:

  1. Begin by announcing your book
    The first post below is an editable wiki post- add your book title and name to the list! (instructions below)

  2. Know that you have [[ 4 weeks ]] in this reading session
    While it is great if you can finish your book during this time, it is okay if you break it into chapters or sections- do as much as you can and know that doing your best is always good enough!

  3. As you’re reading, feel free to share your thoughts!
    You are very welcome to share any thoughts or tidbits while you read in the comments below or in a new post in the forums. Just save the best parts for the final discussion at the end of the reading period!

  4. Join the final discussion
    After four weeks, a discussion post will open encouraging all readers to share a review of their book and any personal thoughts they have about it. A mini-review is perfectly fine, and there will be a suggested format for anyone who would like to write a longer review.

Picture from Pixabay

A note about sharing books:

While everyone is free to choose their own book, you may consider reading along with someone else ! It is fun to share thoughts and insights about different books and even more exciting to do in-depth about a book with fellow readers :handshake:

If the book you plan to read is already on the list below, add your name to the list of others reading that book! For books with multiple readers, a separate discussion just for you will open for you to swap thoughts and share insights.

Please keep in mind that everyone will reconvene for the final discussion, regardless of which book you read :books:

If you are reading a book along with someone else, please make a note in the comments so I can create a special discussion thread for you!

Not sure what to read?

You can find book recommendations in:

And also:

Reading on a budget?

Free online books can be found in:

Picture from Pixabay

If you have any questions about Book Club, be sure to check the Book Club FAQ and/or ask in the comments.

Blessed be and happy reading!

:sparkles: :open_book: :sparkles:


~~ ~~ ~~ This post is a WIKI POST- it is editable by everyone! ~~ ~~ ~~

Please announce your books here :blush:

Book Title by Author
(@) your username

Out of respect to others, please only add/edit your own entry

  • The Awakening - The Dragon Heart Legacy Book 1 by Nora Roberts

  • Llewellyn’s Little Book of Yule by Jason Mankey

  • The Witches of Scotland: The Dream Dancers (Book 1) by Steven P. Aitchison @AileyGrey (This is a fictional book about a group of Witches in Scotland)

  • The Witches of Scotland by Eliza Lynn Linton @AileyGrey (This is a non-fiction book about the victims of the Scottish Witch Trials)

  • The Old Magic of Christmas by Linda Raedisch @AileyGrey
    This is a reread for me, but it is about the many Christmas traditions from around the world and how they trace back to the Old World. It’s so much fun and the perfect book for Yuletime!

  • The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer

  • Mastering Magick by Mat Auryn

  • The Temple Of Shamanic Witchcraft By Christopher Penczak

  • Manifesting With Crystals By Judy Hall


For anyone who has trouble with adding their entry to the wiki post above, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do so:

→ How to Edit a Wiki Post (with pictures!)

If you’ve read the instructions but are still having a tough time- no stress at all! For anyone who prefers, I am happy to add you in. Just write your book title and author in a normal post and I will take care of it :blush:

Blessed be! :heart:


Oh goodness, last week was such a whirlwind with all the pre-travel and travel shenanigans that I forgot to add my book to the list! :sweat_smile:

I finally caved and bought a book that had been on my list for quite a while:

From Amazon

It’s a retelling of the Persephone and Hades myth, which seems fitting for this time of year :snowflake: :blush:

I have to wait since I order a physical copy and it’s in the US, but I can’t wait to jump into this one!

Blessed reading, everyone! :books::sparkles:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXIII - Readers’ Reviews!

In the book :closed_book: and Cd :cd: it states

“1. The ability to enter an altered state of consciousness through the use of sound rhythm, movement and plants.
2. The experience of one or more non-physical realities that are just as real to the practitioner in the physical world, and of actions in the non-physical roles that directly affect the physical world.
3. The use of Altar’d State, a trance sometimes defined as ecstasy to project self-awareness from the physical world to the nonphysical r”worlds.
4. Dealings with non-physical beings or spirits who enter into relationship with the practitioner. They offer guidance, healing, or power used to create change in the physical world.”
“We need to access these through trance and working with spirits. We are spell casters and gifted medicine people and without that link to the spiritual world they are not necessarily shamans” Christopher Penczak
I can appreciate this quote because it takes work and the person must be willing to create change in order to let the medicine work.

I am happily sharing my journey with you all this month today I am reading chapter one :point_up: I will let you all know how it goes but I am excited.


I agree with this- in order for the spell to work, work must be done! Same with meditations and manifestations of all types. Any time change is wanted, action of some level must be taken in order to make that change :muscle: :sparkles:

Thanks for sharing the quote, Jeannie, and I hope you continue to enjoy The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft! Blessed reading! :blush::open_book:


Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period will end in one week (Friday, Dec 23) :grey_exclamation:

A Reader’s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading so far! I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s thoughts and learning about new books :open_book: :sparkles:

Happy reading and blessed be! :books::sparkles:


Today marks the end of this reading period!

A discussion will soon open up in the forum for everyone to share their thoughts and swap book reviews :open_book:

Please keep an eye on the forums for the soon-to-appear post! :eyes:

:exclamation: The few wonderful reviews already posted here have since been re-homed in the Readers’ Reviews post to make them easier to find!


Gif from Giphy

Didn’t finish your book or just got started ? No worries!

Feel free to share your thoughts so far and chime in on the reviews that your fellow coven members have shared. You may find a recommendation for a new book! :open_book:

After a one-week review period, the next reading session will begin: Next Friday, December 30th . Feel free to continue reading your current book into the next session or start a brand new book at that time!

Happy reading and reviewing! :books::blush:

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This reading session has closed- thank you to everyone who joined in! If you have a book review or comments to share, please do so in the open Reader’s Review post in the Activities Category :books: