Spring Cleaning and De-clutter

Hey, no judgment here! You should see my Pokemon card collection :sweat_smile: and we still play the card game, too!


Thatā€™s awesome! Sounds like it was hard to do. Hope you/your space feels a bit lighter now though!
Nerd away! No judgement here.


I love tha you play Magic!!! Let your nerd :nerd_face: out


Woohooo! Congrats to you, Artemisia! :partying_face:

Itā€™s tough to get rid of special things - I know Iā€™m terrible at it. I sold some of my old consoles but I couldnā€™t bear to get rid of the games themselves. Itā€™s funny, whatā€™s the point of games without a way to play them? But I still donā€™t want to let them go :sweat_smile:

Youā€™re an inspiration - perhaps Iā€™ll try to clean out at least some of them over the next few weeks! :witch_broom: :package: :sparkles:


My craft/witchy room is more organized. I can actually do work in there! :hugs: Next is my closet. Having ALS makes it quite difficult to get dressed. So I have to get rid of some of my smaller clothes. I have to wear a size bigger so itā€™s easier to get dressed. I also have to reorganize so everything is more accessible. I canā€™t stand up. So Iā€™m making progress and have a plan for next project!


Good work @Sivonnah !!! I am very impressed. I canā€™t wait to see what your next project will be.


I successfully went through the part of my closet that I need to move the filing cabinet and got rid of 5 years worth if tax papers cause I donā€™t need to hold on to them anymore! I also got ride of another bag full of stuff for good will.
Also did some organizing and decluttering of the office closet yesterday. And started a pile of books to sell from my office.
I move out of one of my offices on Saturday.
I am feeling a bit more prepared.


Yay! :tada::confetti_ball::hugs::blue_heart::two_hearts:


Oh my!

I had spent 2 days in my room & thenā€¦ somehow when others cleaned their things some landed in my room :woman_facepalming:

Between my room & my basement, they are the first places that need a good cleanup. Then Iā€™m trying to do what I can in my yard, but with any of them, sometimes I need help or I completely over do it & shortly after Iā€™m laid up.

Weā€™ve made progress in the basement, the yardā€¦ kind ofā€¦ my room thoughā€¦ needs a complete re-do from what I had gotten done in December.


Good work :clap: :raised_hands: keep going ypu are doing great


Well Iā€™ve cleared out my books, (fiction ones) and theyā€™re going to charity. I also cleared out the old games. :partying_face:. I made a nice space and my plants have moved in as theyā€™re drowning outside. Feels so fresh. Just gonna hit those dvds this weekend. Howā€™s it going with everyone? :sparkling_heart:


Good work Tracy :clap:
I have completely rearranged my bed room will send pictures. Once i get out of bedā€¦ And i am saving stuff in garage to sell for June 1st neighborhood garage saleā€¦


@celineelise Thatā€™s great. Weā€™re getting there. Woohoo :partying_face: :drinking_horn:


Part of my massive de-cluttering. I havenā€™t finished my clothes closet or drawers but I inventoried 7 bags of clothes and purses that were donated today.

I also properly disposed a large trash bag full of boxes of 8-10 years expired but Unused/New medical supplies (syringes, IV sets, etc) from when I worked as a vet tech. The clinic changed owners and the new one cleared out all the still usable supplies so she could buy all new things. :woman_facepalming:


Good work!!! Keep going.
Good to hear from you. I love that you are keeping on. I hope you are having bette week this week.


Wellā€¦I was making progress before the hospital but not so much since Iā€™ve been home. Itā€™s ok though. I was going to work on my closet to clear stuff out and make things more accessible to me but my son hasnā€™t had time to help me. My craft/witchy room was almost back together then I found some stuff to go through. I got rid of some stuff and fortunately it was all recyclable. But now I have to put the rest away! :rofl::crazy_face:


Good work!! Hope your son is able to help you soon. I find for me tidying and letting go of thing is a constant process or a cycle :cyclone:


I put a patio set up for sale. Suddenly, people were coming into my apartment, wanting to buy other furniture! I sold a loveseat made of metal that dug into the flooring, and promised Iā€™d pay closer attention to what furniture was made of from now on so I donā€™t leave any more gouges in the flooring. Promises of sales to come were made and forgotten.

Then I started noticing furniture which was breaking- a joint here, a wheel there. I removed two large pieces. It felt like I was being prepped for a move.

All of a sudden, I got the new phone and internet, and everything came to a halt! Somebody changed their mind about my move. Thatā€™s fine: I had nowhere to go anyway.

The living room echoes. Most of the rest of the furniture is empty. My favorite items are still packed in two pieces of wheeled luggage and several plastic tubs. Some part of me wants to order pieces of furniture for comfort, and another part wants to use what I have until the office tells me my lease is ready to sign. Itā€™s as if my decluttering were destructive in preparation for renovation.

I have no wish to replace everything I lost in this process. It seems as though Iā€™m preparing myself for a new way of life. Though Iā€™ve experienced so much and have moderate skill in using many tools, I donā€™t need the representations around me to hold my memory or keep my talents in active service.


@georgia Thatā€™s beautiful, Iā€™m just glad youā€™re back :kissing_heart:


Thank you.
Iā€™m glad to be back! It was touch and go there for a bit.