Like any other tool used by a practitioner, magickcian or witch. It doesn’t matter the believe system you’re into. A computer or even a phone, is a tool used by us; Technomancer’s, for the same purpose. To work and channel energies. To place in motion a intention, for good or otherwise. Like the triangle in Daemonolatry you can invoke, search or write a requested info to see it on screen. Make spells by writing it, do a banishing spell by the touch of the control, alt & delete key. Use the black screen for scrying and the same principle goes on. Is up to you to use it as any other tool for your daily Craft.
This is a wonderful prayer, it even had me giggling in parts. Did you write it? Either way, thanks for sharing!
That’s a great blessing chant for a modern-day witch’s tool!
Thanks for sharing, Pedro!
That is a wonderful chant @pedros10 ! I think we all need to post that near our computers!!!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh, thank you for sharing. I like the prayer for the computer too! I never thought of it that way, but I use the computer a lot in my craft. Writing spells, looking up information, making a hard copy, and storing the information. Great read!
Oh I love this! The prayer itself is a delight to read and I think you make an excellent point about computers and technology being a tool like any other available for a witch to use. Thank you so much for sharing, @pedros10
@pedros10 this is VERY CLEVER! I have to admit that when I got to the last line my first thought was …“Is Murphy his cat?” Then the brain cells fired and I recalled Murphy’s Law that’ if it can go wrong -it will.’ Sigh… I am just getting old. I am going to print and share this with my friend Brian who runs my favorite Tea Shop. I think he will REALLY appreciate it. So…Thank you again…hope you don’t mind me sharing this blessing.
Please do, and yes is about Murphy’s Law.
Nice protection blessing for our wonderful computer! We do so much with theme it is totally necessary to bless our computer aka brain
no “viruses”
Merry part
Thank you for sharing!!