The Spirits of Samhain 👻 Weekly Challenge

For this week’s challenge, I wanted to write about my Samhain celebration experience, but things didn’t go as planned.

With Halloween festivities and Samhain celebrations coming this week, this is a perfect opportunity to take some time to honor those who no longer have a physical presence in this world.

Having experienced the death of two family members in a short amount of time (my grandmother in August and then my mother-in-law in September), I really wanted to set some time aside this Samhain to be purposeful with my celebrations. However, life had other plans. The day started out like any other Saturday, but as the day progressed, things just kept happening that were out of my control.

By the time evening rolled around, I was out of spoons for anything witchcraft-related. I didn’t even really have the spoons to set up an ancestor altar. Instead, I spent the night in bed relaxing and watching television. I did light a tealight candle and said a small, quick prayer, but that was not everything I had in mind.

Instead, I didn’t do my spellwork until this afternoon, which is completely fine, but in thinking about the stuff that’s going on in my apartment and just this area in general, I had an epiphany of sorts.

Spirits are around us all the time. They are in our homes, in our objects, in the natural world around us. These Spirits are the Land spirits – yes, Land with a capital “L” – and they hold dominion over physical places. I’m just learning to work with and identify the Land spirits because it is an important part of my witchcraft practice, but I think the Land spirits and Guardians where I live are just upset. I don’t think they like the human presence here, let alone the presence of humans who don’t really care about others, human, animal, and nature alike.

Side note: if you want a good article on working with the Genius Loci (the land and Spirits around you), Althaea Sebastiani wrote a great article on it. You can find it here!

Let me explain. We moved to Florida in June of this year from Oregon. The feeling that I get from living here in Florida is very different than the feeling in Oregon. The apartment we ended up moving into is awful . The people have treated us horribly, the apartment just isn’t what it was supposed to be, and bad things just keep happening. And we aren’t the only people in the apartment complex experiencing issues, either. On Samhain, the ceiling in our bathroom started leaking. This isn’t a new occurrence. It’s happened several times before, but this time it was like a waterfall in our bathroom. It leaked for a good 30 minutes before slowing down, but it also took our emergency maintenance person 45 minutes to come out and even look at it.

The Land here isn’t happy. We are surrounded by large Grandfather Oak trees covered in Spanish Moss. These trees are old and wise and I can feel Them and Their presence. I think They are finally getting fed up with the nastiness of the people that live in this area. There is trash everywhere. The maintenance and apartment management company just don’t care about the people that live here. Moving into this apartment complex has been one of the worst experiences of my life – and that’s not an exaggeration.

All of these things happening have just made me realize that we need out of this area. Not just because of the things happening in our home (and the violence in the complex – two shootings?!) but because the Land doesn’t want us here anymore. I am respecting the Land and not reaching out. It is not my place in this instance to try and make peace with Them. They were here first. They guard this place. They make the rules.

I know it isn’t necessarily Samhain related, but I feel like honoring our ancestors goes hand-in-hand with also honoring the Spirits of the Land that are constantly around us.


@MeganB, I’m so sorry for your experiences there, since you moved in. I pray and hope you guys find a new place real soon! May land spirits help you lead you to a new place where you can be happy and safe. Maybe, like you said they are trying to tell you not only to get out, but trying to tell you where to go as well. Follow your instincts and intuition. Its great you were able to spend some time honoring Samhain, even tho it wasn’t what you had in mind! Your Altar looks beautiful with a sense of power and protection.
Thank you for sharing the article. ( I will read it)
Blessed be.




I’m so sorry your home is what you thought it would be. That sucks. I hope you find some place that welcomes you soon and you’re able to get comfortable in your new home. Meanwhile have you taken anything to the trees and try to work out an agreement? That might help.

Either way, good luck! I’ll be thinking of you.


I’m sorry about your losses and your misfortune in FL. I hope things get better for you as you persevere.

I had my grandmother pass in Feb of 2003 and then my mom in Aug of 2003. Not as close, but still I was very close to both of them and it was so hard that year for me and my family. I had just moved into a new house in a place that was totally new to me and the house needed work done to it inside and out. I feel your pain and life does have a way of getting in the way.

I hope things get easier for you soon and something lets up. You will have good come your way in the near future.


I appreciate your prayers and hopes :heart: And maybe you’re right. We have been looking at houses and I think we’ve found a good one that fits our living situation (and it is also surrounded by these beautiful Grandfather Oaks) and we just need to meet with the realtor and see what the next steps are. Also, I love the image you posted :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I haven’t, actually, because I don’t find Them very welcoming. They seem to want to be left alone, as is Their right, and I have no business here trying to impede on Their peace. Otherwise, that would be my first step :rofl:

Thank you :heart: I feel like it will, soon!


Congrats! Hope u get it soon!!


That sounds like a good idea. If they’re putting off that bad of vibes, it’s best not to go near them. Hopefully, you can just find a new place soonish.


It was a tiring weekend indeed- I totally understand the Sunday night burnout, @MeganB! And my heart goes out to you and the Land spirits at your new place. I know it was a big move for you and I’m sorry to hear it’s not working out. Sounds like it’s time to move on from there (especially if it’s a dangerous place to be!). Do you have an idea on where you can head for a fresh new start? :railway_track:

I agree- honoring the land and space around you that is a huge part of the cycle of life is a wonderful way to celebrate Samhain and show your respect :pray::candle: This was a very thoughtful piece to read and I thank you for sharing it! :two_hearts:


Sorry for your lost and all the horrible experiences you’ve had. Sounds like you live near me. There’s always somebody fighting or screaming. A lady across the street from me was beat by her father. Someone tried to belreak intoy car a couple weeks ago. I caught it on caamera. I chased them with a bat! ALL OF MY NEIGHBORS use drugs. I’m in sobriety. It’s bad! My closet leaks bad! There’s a huge hole on the ceiling. EVERY time we use the shower, it leaks and sometimes like a waterfall. And there’s a huge hole in the bathroom I have to patch up. I live in a 3 bedroom house but I rent. I’m supposed to be moving but there was an issue with the family of the owner of the new, I’m back to looking


Actually, we just put an offer in on a house :scream: and it hasn’t really hit me yet but hopefully if all goes well, we move in on December 14.

And you’re right @christina4 it sounds like we’re in similar situations. Hopefully, everything works out well for you, too :heart:


That’s so exciting, @MeganB! I’ll keep my fingers crossed it all goes well and you’ll have a safe new place in December :blush:

And oh no, @Christina4! That sounds like a terrible situation- and dangerous too! Wishing you the best of luck with your search as well. I hope you can find a good place somewhere soon :crossed_fingers:


Thank you so much :sparkling_heart: I’m looking now but realistically, I won’t be ready until maybe February. I’m just trying to keep my head up for now and not focus on the negativity. How do you cope when your environment gets the best of you? I’m open to suggestions.


Thank you so so much! This neighborhood is horrible. It doesn’t fit who I am. I just want to be surrounded by nature and the elements. That’s home to me!


That’s great @MeganB! Sound promising! Sending you lots of good vibes so that’ll go through!

Sounds like you’ve got the beginning of a plan! That’s a good start. You know where you want to live. As for keeping bad energies out, all I can suggest is ground, center, and shield like all get out. Like Klingons are after the Enterprise, you need those shields up and overlapping so if one goes down, the whole thing doesn’t go down. Good luck love!


That’s a very smart concept! I’ve got to get those blindfolds for horses :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


Yeppers, get your blinders on. Don’t let them affect you more than you can handle. You can do this!


Thank you both <3 It’s a bit surreal because…well, it all happened very quickly but I’m hoping, too! If I can get back there in the next few days, I plan on leaving an offering for the Guardian of the Land. I tried to sense Them when we were there yesterday, but there was so much going on that I couldn’t really focus.


Sending you the best of energies and hopefully you can get out of there soon!! :pray: :raised_hands:

I can’t believe people just leave garbage everywhere… It sounds nothing like Oregon!

I admire that you took these events as a learning opportunity to communicate with the spirits of the Land, and that you shared this wisdom with us! Also thanks for that article by lady Althaea. Great read!


It definitely isn’t :sob: I miss Oregon a bit, but I do like Florida for the most part.