:witch_cauldron: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - A Witch's Cauldron

Can I ask what is holding your wands?
I love the Cauldron and the stars! :star:


Aww thank you my wands are displayed on a wand rack which was bought from eBay I think, it was given to me as a gift so I can display them.

I still haven’t made my moon wand yet but I have just about everything needed except a Rowan tree branch.


Do you just use dried out pine needles and tie them together? :thinking::thinking:
I have a pine (broom?) that I found on the ground after one of my nature walks and even though i cut the branch down every couple days or so and keep it in water, its starting to dry out. And I was wondering if I could do something with the dead/dried out pine needles. I LOVE the smell of pine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::blush:


@Artemisia wow that is beautiful, feels good when you craft something yourself doesnt it? :blush::blush:


Love this. Is it from a book or?

Thankyou my friend!!! Xoxoxoxoxo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :fire::sparkling_heart:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, Nov 28th at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

Look at all those gorgeous cauldrons! :heart_eyes: From the big to the small, the well-loved and the still new, the handy, the decorative, and cauldron bits of wisdom too- the Coven has a beautiful collection of magickal cauldrons on display here! Thank you so much to everyone who has shared about their cauldron/cauldron wisdom so far :pray: :cauldron: :blush:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :witch_cauldron: :sparkles:


Try this:

I make besoms with long pine needles- the pic I included didn’t have a handle, but the craft is easy. Um… You may have to scroll a bit to find my entry. If the needles are too short, burn them in your cauldron as an improv incense.


I have a little cauldron that I don’t use very much, but it’s pretty and I do use it for banishing. I like it because it’s so small and it can fit on a full altar if I lay one out.


Challenge Entry

I don’t use a caldron much. Probably because I don’t have a proper one. I have not found one I really like, but one is on the list of things to get. I use a ceramic bowl that was fired Raku style, so I don’t worry about the heat factor. But after my little inferno a while back I would like to have something with higher sides to contain any sparks and flames from catching my whole bookcase on fire. :witch_cauldron: :witch_cauldron: :witch_cauldron:

Please be patient with this Baby Witch. I am trying to stay within my means. I was going too fast when I first started and kind of became overwhelmed. I need to step back and figure out what it is I believe and where I want to go. Confused and conflicted is not a good way to go. Trying to learn too many things at once was overloading this old mans brain. I’ve always been pretty laid back and need to return there and work on all of this at a more leisurely pace. It’s hard enough keeping up with @tracyS and @starborn posts much less get any routine off the ground :rofl:

Love to all :goat:


Challenge Entry

I’ve loved :heart_eyes: reading everyone’s entries & their different cauldrons & uses! :witch_cauldron:

I have several :laughing:

  • 1 with a screened top & the Tree of Life :tree_of_life: on the side that used for fresh incense on a charcoal disc, incense cones, incense ropes, & to hold the ashes until I transfer them to my incense ash jar :jar:
  • An altar size cast iron 1 for burning :fire: things inside it
  • A kitchen soup pot for making simmer pots :herb: or I put it on our fire pit with herbs :herb: & oils in it too
    • I suppose that’s also a simmer pot, just outdoors :joy:

They each have kind of their own uses now that I think about it :upside_down_face:


I know how you feel👵
Take your time. We have plenty.


I love this!


@Shadeweaver I’m exactly where you are right now. I get overwhelmed too and then I don’t do anything really. Working on starting a very simple routine I can build on. :blush: :heart: :people_hugging:


Hubby was going to throw an old pot away yesterday and I told him I can use it for my witchy things. He marked it with a sharpie. Lol! :cauldron:


I know the feeling! :confounded:


Alright, let’s see what I can write about the Cauldron of Poesy!

This is a concept in Irish mythology that explains the way energy can flow through a person. I have seen it compared with chakras, but the two are wildly different. To make that comparison is to dumb down both systems - and we’re not gonna do that!

The Cauldron of Poesy is an ancient Irish manuscript that details three cauldrons that each person is born with. These are the Cauldron of Wisdom, the Cauldron of Motion, and the Cauldron of Incubation. The three cauldrons are in different positions in each person’s life, naturally moving from upright, slanted, and upside down depending on one’s life circumstances.

Rather than being points of energy, these cauldrons are containers of different substances. They are containers for transformation where one can brew and tend to their health, wisdom, and inspiration.

I won’t pretend to have a full understanding of these cauldrons (yet!) but I wanted to leave you with a few stanzas of the prose, translated by Erynn Rowan Laurie. At the website listed, you can read more about their study of the text and their own experiences.

The Gods do not apportion the same to everyone –
tipped, inverted, right-side-up;
no knowledge, half-knowledge, full-knowledge –
for Eber and Donn,
the making of fearful poetry,
vast, mighty draughts of death-spells
in active voice, in passive silence, in the neutral balance between,
in the proper construction of rhyme,
in this way it narrates the path and function of my cauldron.

I sing of the Cauldron of Wisdom
which bestows the merit of every art,
through which treasure increases,
which magnifies every common artisan,
which builds up a person through their gift.

Where is the root of poetry in a person; in the body or in the soul? They say it is in the soul, for the body does nothing without the soul. Others say it is in the body where the arts are learned, passed through the bodies of our ancestors. It is said this is the seat of what remains over the root of poetry; and the good knowledge in every person’s ancestry comes not into everyone, but comes into every other person.



Thank you! :purple_heart:

I’m happiest when I’m making my own things for sure!:blush:


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Challenge Entry

I don’t really have a cauldron per se but I do have a Dutch oven from Our Place (the folks who make the Always pan) that I love. Just looking at it makes me happy. It’s light turquoise and has a gold knob on the lid. I always feel like whatever I cook in it comes out Magickal.

I used it as a simmer pot tonight during my ritual for the Beaver Moon. The whole house smells amazing!


@Shadeweaver Loki says sorry for the chaos.

:sparkling_heart: I too have been getting overwhelmed, so I get it, I’m now just studying demons and Loki, everything else has been shelved for now :kissing_heart: Lovely photos :hugs: