❗ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - All About Intuition

Beautiful @Artemisia :people_hugging:


This is my entry:

Added the numbers from the card see what my angles have to say: 179 :

And the Pisces I’m very in tune we use our intuition naturally I have many experiences just look at some of my post of my stories these were my experiences like that one and the CTA who was dreaming and I read his thoughts



I find it challenging to trust my intuition at times and tend to blow it off as being too much of a worry wart only to find out i should have followed my gut feeling (aka. intuition). So for my challenge entry, i am looking to deepen my trust with my intuition through this useful website i have researched:

Here are some suggestions to do so…

9 ways to deepen your trust in your intuition:

  • Meditate
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Check in with your body
  • Allow yourself to feel
  • Let yourself daydream
  • Try things on
  • Pay attention to serendipity
  • Notice others’ energy

Although there are many other sources out there, this one seemed to call to me and made the most sense to me. I think if i practice keying into and strengthening my intuition, i will be able to make better judgements rather than ignoring what i feel is the right choices.


This Weekly Challenge is going to be quite helpful to me. Intuition is my strong point and has gotten me through life for as long as I can remember. Getting it in on time is the challenge for me.

Mote It Be




Challenge entry



Being a very intuitive witch my entry is going to be out my experiences.

I always know when something is wrong with someone I love. I always have that “feeling” but not always know who or what. I’m working on strengthening that ability by meditation and trying to channel where the feeling is coming from.

Last week I had a vision of a white truck with a red emblem crossing over the centerline and coming head on at me. Wasn’t sure if the vision was for me or another smoky member. So I told those I love to be cared of white trucks with red emblems. My daughter didn’t want to let me know I was right, because she at 31 still hates to admit mom is right. Lol. But yesterday, she informed me that same day I told her, on her way home from work, a white truck with a red emblem crossed the center line in front of her and she was almost in the ditch trying to avoid being hit.

To strengthen my intuition I also have been listening to audio books on empaths and the clairs before going to bed and while sleeping.


After last week’s challenge about magical creatures, I got to thinking about what my spiritual animal might be.
I took the quiz on this site and the answer was Cervidae (the deer family). Interesting since the magical animal I chose was the reindeer!
I was researching bear images for the Energy Jar in my series of the 12 spiritual muscles when in the middle of the bear images is an image of a reindeer. Say what!
I got out my pendulum and asked it if I should do a 3-D rendering of a fennec fox, a moose, or a reindeer. No movement at all on the first two, then wild swinging for the reindeer.
I googled “reindeer as a spiritual animal” and was surprised to find a few sites. One site said “If the reindeer is special to you, you are being called upon to hone your intuition. You have special gifts, so use them!”
Okay, no need to hit me up the side of the head with the proverbial celestial frying pan. Reindeer it is!


Wonderful synchronicity! Congratulations!


Challenge Entry
Intuition Spell Jar
I decided to make a mini jar to improve my awareness of messages being sent by my intuition.
I will do the spell soon while the moon is still in Virgo.
The jar with a purple and gold ribbon and bow contains a scroll with the rune Laguz :laukaz: and a sigil for INTUITION, a violet fabric butterfly for self-work and trust, and 7 botanicals: alder, bay leaf, birch, clover, willow (to trust in intuition), rosemary, and lavender flowers.
On the altar I will have an elephant for intuition, rabbit and owl for awareness, 2 tarot cards (High Priestess, The Hierophant), 2 stones (lapis lazuli, and turquoise), a 4-leaf clover, sandalwood incense, and a lavender scented candle.

This is my rendition
for a challenge submission.
No matter the tradition
or the stage of transition
One must dump the logician
with our total permission.
We can’t stress the condition
if One has the ambition
to be a wise magician
it won’t come to fruition
One can just keep on wishin’
if One shuns intuition!



I did get lax with my practice over the past few weeks. I was developing my intuition by a practicing with tarot cards. I pulled a single card for a few days. Then I did the past present future reading. Then I jumped right in and did @MeganB New Year tarot reading which had a lot of cards. My intuition was pretty spot on. This has helped me develop my intuition and give me some confidence to trust in my intuition.

@BryWisteria recommend this book

This is a great book which has more than just the basic meanings of all the cards. This book has helped me further my tarot reading skills and gave me more trust in myself.



meditation to develop intuition


Excellent Challenge entry you have posted with some very informational detailed knowledge of intuition.

Intuition which is my strong point and it has been my whole life. Great job thank you for this.

Blessed Be,


**challenge entry **
Got given these by my sister in law and they are different ways of divination. Sometimes i van get stuck into one type and need to try push myself out of my shell a bit and trust myself more. So i had a good explore of these this week and the book on the left had everything from palm reading, runes, tarot, i ching and so much more it was interesting to look at the different ways to explore divination and i even thought id explore sone of the methods not tried before after thos challenge as i was intrigued having a look at the different divination methods


I feel attracted to the bowl of marbles in the pic, @Phoenix_Fire . How might we use them as an oracle?


I love how these challenges always get me digging deeper into things and exploring new things! It is so fun!

I was also wondering about the marbles. Would love to hear more about them!


All these entries are so wonderful. I’m loving reading them :sparkling_heart:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience by the deadline:

Tuesday, Mar 26th at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

It has been a delightful display of intuitive powers and psychic abilities - thank you so much to all the talented folks who have joined in to share a lovely entry so far! :raised_hands:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :exclamation: :sparkles:


Thank you for the kind words, made me start my day with a smile! :smiling_face: I appreciate that. :pink_heart:


Challenge Entry :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign:

I’m using this

And this

While listening to this

It was extremely relaxing I had cacao to start my day.

I also burnt some incense for Lord Lucifer :lucifer_sigil: