@LadyAuld.ofChico Shadow work can be very intimidating indeed- I’m glad Brighid helped guide you through the process! It sounds like you found some heavy but important realizations in the cards. Between the shadow work with your tarot cards and the forgiveness journal work you did, these are both powerful challenge entries. Great work and thank you for sharing!
@Debra2 I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling stuck, Debra- I hope your beautiful Road Opener spellwork helps to invite in the abundance you are seeking! You’ve done nice work with your Oracle card spread as well. I know you’ve really been connecting with your cards lately, it seems that you have quite the skill with divination readings! Beautiful pictures and lovely spellwork- great job!
@Susurrus Good for you for diving back into the challenges that called to you, Siofra- it sounds like your Shadow Work was a tough process (it never is easy, is it- oh shadow work!) that helped you take another big step forward. I’m really proud of you and your inspirational journey of healing! Your incense turned out lovely as well- and what a nice touch that the jar was contributed by your daughter Beautiful work!
@Janis Ta-dah, look at those gorgeous crystals! Goodness you are so wonderfully organized. Everything looks so clean and neat, you could open your own crystal museum with all of those beauties! Financial stress is a very real concern, and I think the current situation in the world has definitely increased everyone’s awareness around their safety money. That is a beautiful crystal grid and I love your word cloud too! Your crystal collection and heartfelt crystal grids are an inspiration, Janis- well done!
@Kasandra Your wax candle reading and Phil the Groundhog agree- a shame about a long winter! I suppose we need to cheer ourselves up with the knowledge that our lovely springtime will get here eventually! I’m glad SpongeBob and Patrick the tadpoles were okay and that they found a loving new home with you and your sister As for your candle work, it sounds like you really bonded with Aphrodite- such a lovely Goddess to work with, especially at this time of year! I love the idea of decorating your altar in Her honor Lovely tarot work as well- great job, Kasandra!
@christina4 Gorgeous wand, Christina- you’ve really made it your own! Thanks for sharing- may your wand continue to serve you well
@Marsha Good for you for taking matters into your own hands and summoning your own sunshine! And with such lovely and bright crystals too As for the muse challenge, that is the perfect card- I’m glad connecting with your inner inspiration helped spark your creative flow! Great job and congrats on your first challenges- you’ve done wonderfully, thanks so much for joining in!
@Mary25 That looks like a great article, Mary- thanks for sharing it! You’ve done a great deep dive into the world of potions here and come up with some important revelations How interesting to include/prepare a reversal ahead of time- that’s a very interesting concept! Also a great point about being careful with crystals in potions, definitely something worth researching before including in potion work. All in all, beautifully explored and lovely spellwork, Mary! Thanks so much for sharing!
@HollyGray Look at that beautiful altar space of yours- that is stunning! And how powerful that the furniture you used to build your altar is so important to you, I think that makes it extra special Great job, Holly- thanks for sharing!
@RyuWyn I’m glad you were able to deepen your bond with the moon, it sounds like a lovely bath meditation! The Chinese New Year celebration looks like a blast- I really love the lion dance! Congrats on exploring your Chinese zodiac and thanks so much for sharing the fun pictures!
@Mistella You embody the happiness challenge, Mistella- it sounds like you bring joy with you wherever you go! I have no doubt that you are beloved by the residents you work with. And look at that Happiness Tree- I love it! Thank you for both this entry and for all the smiles that you bring!
@christine13 Beautiful garden and plants, Christine- as a fellow Green Witch I can attest that an herb garden is a wonderful part of an apothecary! You’ve got some very useful herbs and flowers in your living collection Gorgeous candles and delicious tea too- your Kitchen Witchery skills are amazing! Great job and thanks for sharing!
@BrightBear Thank you once again for your lovely challenge entry shared in the other thread, BrightBear!
@Sarafeena_Sage Ohhhhh your altar tile is coming along beautifully, Sarall- and how cool that it is a piece of your Yule Log! If you don’t mind, I would love to see a picture of it when it’s all finished- it is so cool to see your talents with woodworking! What a stunning gift from your husband- that Freya statue is gorgeous You’ve offered Her some lovely gifts too, I am sure they are appreciated! Great work, Sarall!
@Jeannie1 Beautiful ancestor altar and time spent honoring your mother’s memory, Jeannie. It sounds like the weekend was a celebration of all the things she loved and that you all had a nice time remembering her I am sure that, just like you say, she is watching over you with a smile The hand sculptures you found are gorgeous- wow! the patterns around their wrists remind me of Henna, but my best guess for the eye in the center is that they might be some kind of Eye of Protection I think you are right that the black and white symbolize opposing forces coming into balance - it’s a great Thrift Witch find! Nice!
@IrisW Your new statue of the Horned God is beautiful, Iris- it looks like it is meant to be there on your altar Thank you so much for sharing and also for the PDF of the prayer- that’s a real gift!
@CelestiaMoon and @MeganB- No worries at all! Like moon phases and the Sabbats, there will always be another Catch-Up Challenge coming soon