📛 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Magickal Names

Amethyst’s Weekly Witchy Challenge Entry.

So Amethyst is my birthstone but that’s not why I chose that as my name. My Daddy was always buying me comics and he bought me a series of comics way back in the day called Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld.

It was an awesome series, full of magic. And I loved my birthstone and the color purple. So when I started writing fanfiction, I wanted to be known as Amethyst.

And so did everyone else.

Seriously, there are thousands of Amethysts out there writing fanfiction. At least that’s what it felt like, so I figured I’d be different, so I used the Japanese word for Amethyst. Amejistuo.

I wrote happily under that name for years. I have Dreamwidth and AO3 accounts under that name still and I have friends that call me Ame because Amejistuo was so hard for people to remember how to write. LOL!

But when it came time to pick a witch name, well, I got to feeling bad because cultural appropriation was a thing. It wasn’t such a big thing when I started writing but now it was. But there weren’t hordes of people claiming the Amethyst name here so I decided to go back to that name. The one that connects me to my Dad and magic.

So yeah, that’s the story of how I picked my name.


@Amethyst that is beautiful! I love the connection of energy that you felt with your dad and that depth of meaning choosing your name. That truly is sacred.


That’s really awesome to have that connection & I’m happy that you chose it to use with us! :revolving_hearts:


I have been thinking about magickal names for awhile now. I had one back in the day when I was am member of a coven, but it doesn’t fit who I am now. I was thinking that magickal names can wane and grow, like the moon phases and what point in the stage of life and life experiences you are in now. Interesting perspective isn’t it?

So this challenge has prompted me to examine this closer. I have one in mind now. It has been stuck in my head since this challenge started. Here is the “birthing” energy of the name, why/how it has started to manifest in my mind:
" I know my soul has been on this plant hundreds, if not thousands of times… over and over again. I feel connections to, and recognize energies, that are old and have been here for ever. They feel like old friends to my soul. In this fast paced world, not everyone stops to take the time to tune into those energies so they can understand them, feel them, and experience them. That may sound a little out there, but I know those here know what I am trying say… you know what I mean. So with that being said the name “Ancient Queen” has a strong hold on me right now.

I do have a “kind of” magick name…

I am going to share something with everyone. If your interested, when you get a moment hop over to here https://forum.spells8.com/t/greek-vs-celtic/33468/8 and read my post. What follows will make more sense.

I was given, in that part of my spiritual path (which I posted about in the greek vs. celtic post) which is a very strong part of me to this day, is the name Ekundayo. E-koon-day-o. Which means “from sadness to joy”. Ekundayo is the name that a specific path of deities recognize me by. When I give offerings, praise or work with these deities in this specific pantheon I must use that name they gave me.

If any of the moderators are reading this post, when you get a moment can you please change my user name to Ancient Queen? I’m feeling the energy of that name. Thank you.

Bright Blessings to everyone.


@Ancient_Queen you are all set! :two_hearts:


@Susurrus Thank you so much. I appreciate you!


Challenge Entry
I’m Lily. Just Lily. My green witch grandmother gave me my witchy name of Lily Girl when I was very little, sitting in her back yard and listening to her tell me how nature is about all things. She taught me how to be a green witch, and encouraged me to also become a kitchen witch, since my inclinations took me there as well.
Every time I see a cardinal I know she has come to visit. She was a very wise and kind woman.


Thank you :blush: won’t lie am in awe of your title here on Spells8, would love to travel the world and let my wings spread…


**Challenge entry **

Love the timing of this. I got the Writual Tarot Planner and the first page is “this book belongs to”. I ignored that page as I thought, I’m not in school. Then last week I found myself writing a name in pencil, then using the fantasy name generator mentioned by @MeganB. I wrote some down but didn’t like any in particular. So I left it to mull over. I didn’t know why I had difficulty claiming the first name that came to me.
Then this challenge appears. Lol. Love the timing. Thanks @Medea for the suggestion.

So the magical name that I had written was Phoenix Rising. It matches the tattoo I was inspired to get a few months ago. I need to claim my strength and ability to keep growing and improving. To use my life to date to claim/mold the person I am today. The more I am saying it , the more it sits well.

However, other than on here with you lovely witches, I am not ready to share it with people I know. It is for me and I hide my Writual planner so no one can see it. This name right now is for me to get used to, to get comfortable in, to develop/keep the power it has for me. “Keep it secret. Keep it safe” (LOTR) It’s like if I tell someone then it won’t have the same meaning, it will be diminished somehow.

My witch name from one of those pick your name based on a letter in my name is ‘Entranced Charm’. I have never likes any of my names from these generators. Lol.

Phoenix Rising


Sooo, update first of all - I tried a lot but I couldn’t log in the app (maybe I will try some time again later on!) :blush: Anyways, I am currently posting my challenge entry here from web after so much delay, as I am soo engrossed in helping mom pack things and shift! :smirk: …

My Challenge Entry Part 1.5…

At first I thought maybe I would go by some magickal name generated via quizzes or something! But you know what? Something struck my mind and I decided I would make up a witchy name of my own! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Actually, I have a history of two dreams that I got about 4-5 months ago…the first one was this - ‘I saw The Roman God of Love, Cupid descending on The Earth, with his bow and arrow as he striked one arrow on the Earth somewhere in Egypt!!! The next morning I got up startled and searched for a three rock formation somewhere in or around Egypt…I got a picture that portrayed a formation of three joint rocks almost same as I saw in Egypt!! Now I have no clue what does that mean! But honestly, after that dream I was madly inclined towards Cupid!!’ :wink: :heart_eyes: :cupid: Then comes the second dream - in which I had also mentioned earlier here in the forum, that I met Goddess Gaia! She had told me in that dream that I have a certain connection with Venus! Although my ruling planet is Neptune I have always adored Venus equally… :smiling_face: So these were the two dreams that called to me as I pondered upon finding a magickal name for myself! But, the story doesn’t end here! :smile: More than the two names Venus or Cupid, I had forever swooned over one other word - ‘Amorè’ :sparkling_heart: Sooo…on the night of 13th January, Friday the 13th, I felt an unbearable pull towards keeping my witchy name around or with Amorè in it! And, I also performed a pick-a-chit instead of pick a card… :joy: and I got…the one with Amorè in it!!! This was too clear as what the Universe had decided for my magickal name to be! :innocent: Here is a pic of my new witchy name!

Soo, my new magickal name is Solasta Amorè Yayyyy! I love my name…it is soo me!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Also I would like to tell their meanings if some of my friends don’t understand… ‘Solasta’ means luminous or shining and ‘Amorè’ means, Loove! (Obviously you all know that! Lol! :smiling_face:)
That’s all! I wish everyone who found a new witchy name for them this week shall be blessed with its light and magick! And those who already had theirs, shall grow more powerful and blessed with their names! Blessed be everyone…I loove all the entries here!! :sparkles: Also, one of the moderators here please kindly change my username to - Solasta_Amore :smiling_face: :blush:


Oh sorry! I forgot to post a pic of my Magickal name Prompts! Here goes…

My Challenge Entry Part 1…


@Ancient_Queen you are very welcome :two_hearts:

@lilysmiles that is awesome that it has so much meaning & was kind of bestowed on you! I love it! :heart_eyes:

@TheMuslimWitch I completely agree, @BryWisteria has an amazing name that fits her path thus far too! :revolving_hearts:

@Phoenix_Rose I’m so happy you found a name! I do somewhat of the same thing. For the longest time I only used the name here. Then when I started a sort of mini BoS with different recipes, invocations, rituals that I commonly use I put it in the front page as a prelude to what it is. I just did it without even thinking about it. I realized it when I opened it & was like… oh, that’s not usually what I put as a name! :heartpulse:

@Solasta_Amore I really like how your name came to you! I love that you have a journaling book for it too! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

If anyone else should find their name & would like to use it in the forum you can try:
:name_badge: How to Change Your Name and Username on Spells8 or reach out to the moderators & we will glay change it for you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hiii @Susurrus can you please change my username to Solasta_Amore dear? :kissing_heart: My membership has crossed 14 days so yes…I can’t do it on my own… :sweat_smile:


@Solasta_Amore you are all set! I hope you wear it proudly & love it! :two_hearts:


Thank youuuuu :revolving_hearts:


You are very welcome :two_hearts:


Thank you! I was a Daddy’s girl when I was little and this is my way of honoring that.

Thanks, love!


Challenge Entry

I love my witch name… Ailey Gray. First things first… I love names! Any names… and the stories behind where names come from. I am the person who has kept a list of names for babies and novels my entire life. Names make me happy!

A few months ago, when I began my journey with the craft, I was reading all the things (if you know me, you know that’s what I do!) and I read that long ago, witches often took a witch name to protect themselves. When they gathered with a coven, they only knew each other by their witch name, which protected everyone should they be questioned by an inquisitor later. You couldn’t lie about something you didn’t know.

I was super anxious, in the beginning, about engaging in an online coven, so I chose a witch name. Ailey Gray was one of the names I had loved forever. It’s what I wanted to name a little girl if I ever had one. I have 4 boys… so my list of girl names has been unused, so I took it for myself.

Later, during my first ritual, I had a really profound experience with the light from my candle and a moth. Ailey means light and moths signify working with your shadow self and spiritual exploration. It kind of tied everything together for me and my witchy persona was born… Ailey Gray


Oh! @AileyGrey thats an awesome story too! I love the connection & reinforcement as you went through your practice!

I love to read all the things too! Names were always a thing for me & when I had children, I could never choose. So my first son, my mom, Nana, & I sat at the kitchen table going over the list I had for boys. Then we were stumped on his middle name, in walks my brother asking what we were doing & he said what about this name, then I can call him this… we were like… hmmm :thinking:

When we put the 2 names together, thats what it was! Since my brother was his Godfather, when he got his baby ring he had the 2 initials engraved on it & called him that for about 5 years. Once we both kind of moved & marriages etc… we’ve always called him by his first name or a variation of it then little nicknames around the house.

Oddly enough, we call both boys Bubba at times but they each have their own nicknames only used in the house or by me. The ones by me are for when their significant others or friends aren’t around though :rofl: Can’t ruin my 2nd sons reputation calling him Muffin around his friends. :joy:


Oh @Susurrus! I love that! My step son got a family name (I didn’t name him or his name would have been so much cooler), but the other three boys are all named after characters that my husband and I love from books and t.v. The characters embodied traits that we held dear and wanted to pass on to our kids. Funny enough, each boy embodies most of those qualities. Their middle names are a combination of saints and family names. I love them!

My teen recently came out as non binary and asked to be called a different name. I agreed, but I had to meditate hard to be really ok with it because I love their name so much. Names have such power! It’s who we are… but with that realization, I also had to accept that new name (which is also amazing) because names have such power… it’s who we are!