My wife’s favorite flower is the daffodil. I wanted to buy her some bulbs for Valentine’s Day that she could plant this spring and I wondered if they could be used in magic like other flowers like Lilacs and Roses.
I know they’ve been talked about before in relation to Imbolc and Ostara. I also know this topic would have been great for another challenge. But when I use the earth element (North) in my circle casting and spells, I think of Gaia, Green Witches, trees with deep roots, and the symbolism behind many of the flowers, especially the lotus.
Turns out, daffodils are poisonous to pets. Since I love my 3 cats, I don’t believe I will be buying her bulbs this year.
But I did find some magical uses.
From Learn Religions:
Using Daffodils in Magic
- Put fresh daffodils in a vase in your home to bring about abundance.
- Place daffodils on your altar during workings related to love, especially if it’s a new relationship and you’re still trying to figure out how to navigate the waters.
- Add potted daffodil bulbs, don’t worry if they’re blooming yet, to your altar for spring celebrations, along with other spring flowers such as forsythia, crocus, and snowdrops.
- Wear this flower close to your heart to draw love, but be careful that your love is not one-sided.
Wigington, Patti. “Daffodil Magic, Legends, and Folklore.” Learn Religions. Daffodil Magic, Legends, and Folklore (accessed February 13, 2021).
Maybe only one or two on my wall altar this spring? They would be useful for me and pretty for her - even if not a Valentine’s gift. (By the way, which me luck because I still need to get her something before tomorrow.) We’ll see.