⛰ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Of the Element Earth

Hahahaha :rofl: that’s hilarious


That’s a good lesson you learned. Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it! I hope you’re able to curb your spending habits and put some money in your pocket, sounds like it should work!

Beautiful card @SacredBee! That’s just gorgeous!

Great spell and charm @NickWick! Very good to remember to love yourself on this day! Thanks for sharing!


I decided to do something with the Money Tree I have that represents the Element of Earth on my Element Altar.

It’s got chips of amethyst, aventurine, clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, and carnelian all secured to a resin base with copper wire. So I made this chant to energize it. I figure I’ll use it when I dust.

Stones and copper from the Earth’s bones,
Make this apartment a happy home.
Help me with grounding and rooting myself into the soil
And bring me prosperity and help that my work be not a toil.

With Harm to None, So Mote it Be!


@christina4 , thank you very much!


@Amethyst , these are beautiful!


@NickWick ,this is a great spell! I agree, at times we forget about self-love.


You’re welcome very much :relaxed:


My entry for earth is chocolate :chocolate_bar: :grin:
Seeing how it’s Valentine’s and all…

Magically delicious :yum:

Btw if it doesn’t count, well happy Valentine’s anyway!!!


Haha, that is funny! The spell worked! I guess we never know where the Xtra cash will be coming from lol…


Yas! Chocolates!:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:


Ohhh I love this! @Amethyst and the art of the tree is quite lovely. You did a great job :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I pieced together an Elemental Earth witchy box for my Etsy Store. I ended up making myself a box and using it LOL

It included an amazing earth connecting bath salt I made - it was heavily scented with Patchouli so of course my husband said I smelled like a hippie LOL.

I also had a crystal present and said a little chant to imbued it with elemental earth energy.

Pictured are all the goodies I used in my little Earth Honoring Ritual.


@walter thank you so much for that compliment :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: glad that you like it.


You’re very welcome!


Thanks, @walter!


I didn’t make the tree, sad to say. Amazon made it. LOL. But the words are mine.


@NickWick I loved reading your spell! I felt the enthusiasm and positivity as I read it. Thanks for sharing all the details with us!

@Amethyst Awesome project!! I love the colors, and the words too!

I hope you had a great Valentine’s @christina4 and everyone else!

@SilverBear what’s the link to your Etsy shop?? :shopping:


lol Yeah, that was one of my first spells. When I cast it, I said that I don’t mind how the money comes to me, as long as nobody gets hurt. I will definitely set my intentions more carefully next time. :sweat_smile:


Gorgeous crystal correspondences, @Missa- thanks for sharing both the list and your crystal wisdom! :gem::green_heart:

Well done, @AliceInWonderdab! The Heal Mother Earth is a lovely spell to work :earth_africa: :two_hearts:

Beautiful crystals, @walter- it sounds like you have a few that really resonate with you. Your crystal meditations must be very relaxing! :person_in_lotus_position: :gem:

That’s such a sweet idea, @praecog29- but yes, gotta watch out for our furry friends! It’s surprising how many common house plants are poisonous for pets (Lilies and poinsettia among others). Good for you for doing your research- a flower or two kept high and out of reach should be okay for altar work! :blush: Hope you both had a lovely Valentine’s Day! :rose:

It seems Earth magick was calling to you, @Magdelina! A perfect coincidence- and a very beautiful prosperity grid! :sparkles: Wishing you all the best- may the snows clear and abundance find its way to you. Congrats on the new customer- that seems like a sign in the right direction! :pray::blush:

Beautiful, @Stephanie89! May your prosperity oil and money spell help to welcome in new funds and an abundance for you- wishing you the best as you fill up your wallet! :raised_hands: :money_with_wings:

Your artwork is stunning, @SacredBee :heart_eyes: I love the colors and imagery you used- and you even included the Earth symbol as well! I love the card and the meaning it embodies- thank you for sharing! :green_heart:

A lovely idea for Valentine’s Day- I am all about the love spells and self release work, @NickWick! :grin: Your spellwork is beautiful and it sounds like you were able to connect with Apollo as well- I am sure your sigil will bring you many blessings! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I absolutely love your Money Tree, @Amethyst- what a perfect piece of your Element Altar! :deciduous_tree: :sparkles: And your chant is gorgeous- thanks so much for sharing, So Mote it Be! :pray:

Hahaha chocolate comes from the Earth, and it can be said that eating chocolate is a form of Self Love, @Christina4- one of my favorite aspects! :grin: Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to work some Chocolate Magick :chocolate_bar:

Beautiful, @Silverbear- and look at that lovely bracelet! :prayer_beads: :two_hearts: It looks like a perfect Earth Elemental box!


Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :grey_exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your earth magick experience by the deadline: Tomorrow: February 16th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)

Blessed be! :green_heart: :mountain: