⛰ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Of the Element Earth

For the challenge this week we’re working with Earth. I worked with Orange Calcite I am working on cleansing and rejuvenating my life. I am only working with one crystal at a time. I have been feeling stuck. This helps me to be grounded. I meditated with the Orange Calcite with my less dominate hand for receiving the energy of the Orange Calcite. I drew on hope in making small things significant instead of focusing on the big things. I need to stay optimistic and stay positive.
I have had a interest in working with Faery Wicca! So I made a Faery Garden 🪴 to incorporate my garden this season. I wrote a letter incorporating a wish to the Faery! I used dragon blood ink in my letter to the fey, so it will have more power. I have been reading Drawing down the moon & we had talked about the fey!! I just got that book I learned I am really drawn to the healing that is offered with this craft. But still I am a eclectic Witch :woman_mage: Anyway I felt like I was being called. I left Faery some bread with cheese and some milk. I spent all day preparing in my Faery Garden. I got some free moss I found and used red wood shingles and glued the moss for the roof! I think It turned out okay! Me and my friend found a crystal on a hike and I left the fey my favorite crystal that I got during my adventure with my friend. It is special. I didn’t look back! I heard when you leave something for the fey you should not look back! So I am excited about the Farey Garden! I think I will be protected buy the fey!
Blessed be





Ok I had to be more serious about this because it’s my true element. So, I made some bath salts.

Peony :cherry_blossom: and green apple :green_apple: scented. I wish I had smellovision!!! It smells phenomenol. I had some epsom salts and added essential oils and herbs along with flower petals.


I have a question, if I can’t pay through Etsy, I can still use PayPal right? Because you have some great items that I’d be glad to help you out with!!!


This is beautiful!!! I had an aventurine tree but not it’s just an aventurine from the bottom bc I used the chips from the top for a crystal grid hahaha


Yes, etsy takes all credit cards and PayPal payments. Every time I purchase items on Etsy I go through my PayPal account. And ty! :fire: :grin:


Ok great!!! Thanks :relaxed:


You are welcome. Thank you! :smiley:


The garden looks stunning! Great challenge!


I need to take more time to explain and possibly photograph my craft~I apologize for not doing that


OMG this is so cute!


Oh, thank you! I love your shop! I just went & marked it as a favorite for when I am looking for things. Perfect @SilverBear


Thanks, @Francisco! I appreciate the kind words!

Thank you! Glad you liked my picture and chant!

Oh man, I bet that smells great! Great idea!

LOL. You pruned your tree! Poor little thing!


Christina I like how you use a different sent, that is really unique and earthy! Thank you you always have such wonderful witchy wisdom. Jeannie


For my Element Earth Challenge, I re-planted a little plant that I started from a sprout (Bernice).

All my empty pots are a bit big for her, but I picked this stone one just for this challenge. Besides I figured the more room she has the bigger she can grow! :wink:
I played the Singing Tibetian Bowls (Breathe) while I re-planted her and burned an incense of Myrrh, so as to nurture us both.

Also, this past week was my husband and my 21st Anniversary we celebrated by going to Myrtle Beach and Wilmington NC for the weekend (last weekend). It was very cold and drab out but I thought I’d show you some pics… also the flowers from my hubby. :slight_smile:

This is Cape Fear in Wilmington NC

Just about Sunrise @Myrtle Beach

Apologies for all the pics but its so hard just pic 1 or 2 of our Beautiful Mother Earth …lol.
Blessed Be!


Those look great @christina4! I can’t smell them from here but I can imagine!!

I had a similar idea for my Element Earth Challenge entry but ended up making a 4-in-1 printable page: How to break a curse with the power of Salt!

(click to download it)

The four methods are:

  • Cleansing bath with Epsom salt, rosemary and chamomile. :bath:
  • Citrus aura cleanse with lemon and salt. :lemon:
  • Protective salt barrier using a mixture of salt water :sweat_drops:
  • Smoke cleansing (it’s not with salt but I wanted to include it anyway).

Thank you for this great page of Information @Francisco ! Printing it now… :smiley:


Thanks, Tamera!

That sounds lovely! That plant is going to be singing along with happiness! :grin: :herb:


@Francisco! Thank you for the next printable! Awesome amount of information in there.


Happy Anniversary. :slight_smile: Thank you for all of the pictures. I agree it would be hard to just pick one.