Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Props and Presents (Crystal Collector) 💎

Bravo and well done to the dazzling folks who joined in for the Nineteenth Weekly Witchy Challenge! :gem:

To everyone who dug deep into the wonderful world of crystals and explored their many magickal benefits- here is a special shout out for you! :loudspeaker:


In addition to new experiences, everyone who participated has received the prize of a shiny new title:

:national_park::gem: Crystal Collector :person_in_lotus_position::sparkles:

crystal collector

You worked hard for your fancy new title- wear it with honor! :star2:

To set your new title:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the gear symbol (:gear:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /“Preferences”"
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username, and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges”.

Enjoy- this is a trophy of your accomplishments! :trophy:

There was so much delightful knowledge and beautiful pictures shared this week- I am in truly in awe of how many crystal enthusiasts there are! For those both new to working with stones and experts with collections to rival the local mythic shop- it has been a pleasure to see your lovely crystal treasures :sparkles:

I hope everyone had fun with the challenge and continue to use crystals to enhance and guide your beautiful magick! :gem:

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! There will be another challenge coming very soon. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be! :sparkling_heart:


Thank you for the title & I can’t wait for the next challenge to start. I have to go over to the divination discussion. I can’t remember if I did it this week or not.


Thanks for the new title love! I only wish I could display them all at once, it’s difficult to choose just one! LOL


Thank you @BryWisteria :pray: bc I’ve finally found a name preference that I’m sticking with! :sweat_smile:


I missed it again because life happened but that’s okay. I was glad to see everyone else’s beautiful crystals!


I missed a challenge too, like the witches ladder! I like going back and reviewing all our hot topics! Thanks for everyone sharing! I had fun :star_struck: I have a crystal my friend gave me what do you think it is?



Thanks Travel Witch,
Thanks For this challenge, I feel more calm today with all my crystals in my living room!


You’re very welcome @Susurrus, @Amethyst, @Christina4, and @Jeannie1! :sparkling_heart: So glad you all enjoyed the challenge- there will be another one very soon, with the possibility of yet another title to add to your collection! :grin:

For title collectors, do you know that all your shiny badges are on display on your profile? Click “Badges” on anyone’s profile and you can see the collection of titles that they earned. So even for the ones you aren’t ‘wearing’ right now, they are still on display- showing off your skills and achievements! :trophy: :raised_hands:

No worries at all, @MeganB- life does happen, and I know you’ve been super busy with everything! :hugs:

A beautiful crystal, @Jeannie1! :heart_eyes: I don’t recognize it off the top of my head- but upload it to the Crystal Identifier and see what it is! :gem::grinning:


Hmm, I’m not sure exactly bc I’d have to do the scratch test but I’d say it’s emerald.


Every once in a while I check out what I have for badges. I can’t seem to let go of the one I wear in the forum. It just feels right to keep it on that badge. I like the other ones though and they show off how I have done since I joined in July. I feel like I am making some great progress with my craft.


I am am so glad you feel you are progressing!!Thats a great accomplishment!

Christina, emerald nice thanks! I never owned a emerald! :fairy:t2:‍♂ Thanks :blush:
:apple:Travel Witch thank you kindly for everything!



You have made amazing progress, @Susurrus! :clap: I am glad you enjoy the badges and I hope that looking at each one brings back happy memories and a sense of pride for how far you have come :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You are very welcome, @Jeannie1! :blush:


This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to find and join current challenges and other fun happenings.