♀ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - The Divine Feminine

@Cosmic_Curiosity I love learning new things :hugs: You’re very welcome!

@brandy20 that is a point of inspiration for going throught the course! I had a spark of the same type when I started putting together the Master Posts for pantheons. :smiling_face:


How beautiful challenge entries from everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Especially enjoyed the Isis one by @Cosmic_Curiosity, she’s been drawing me too and I loved reading more about her :blush: :revolving_hearts:

I’ve been feeling all over the place, what to do, so many things… until it just came to me, I wanted to try Drawing Down the Moon, she’s still full too, and I’ve been flirting with her all weekend… :sweat_smile: :two_hearts: :full_moon:


Any questions about her, just ask and I’ll do my best to help


I figured since I did an Invocation for the God, I should do one for the Goddess, make it all even so to speak. LOL! Hope you like it!

Invocation to the Triple Goddess

I call to the Lady! To the Maiden, Mother, and Crone!
Grant me your wisdom and help me with my magic to hone!
I call to the great Lady, who sails across the sky!
Bless me and guide me from where you are up high!

You who are Maiden, and blushes as sweetly as the rose,
You who are Mother, heal us from head to toe,
You who are Grandmother Crone,
Triumph is written on your face with every wrinkle,
Watch over us from the night sky, where the stars twinkle!

Be welcome in our Circle, I ask you to stay,
Till the sun comes and chases your silvery chariot away!

Blessed be!


@Heav3n Thank you so much. I am being pulled toward Goddesses Morrigan and Hecate. Hecate a little more than Morrigan. Trying to learn more about them.


@Medea Thank you for your kindness and for reading my entry.
Bendeciones (Blessings)


My intuition told me not to after all… I guess I don’t need any more of the eclipse energy in me, it’s already messing with my emotions…


I am too!!! I thought it was just me.


Thank you, I am so fascinated. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Challenge entry

To our Great Mother to whom all my devotion is placed in the realm of Divine Feminine. She has gone by many names and is in all cultures revered. Gaia, Terra, Mẫu Địa Tiên and many others. I see Her in all my flowers as I walk through my gardens, in the gentle rain as it feeds the many plants, in the deer as it walks across the road, the wind as it makes my chimes dance and sing. The trees tell of her if one takes the time to listen and the birds sing her praise while they tell me I’m cheap “cheep cheep”

I’ve also seen her power in her floods and typhoons. She has the power to destroy as well as nurture. She gives us all we need and we are all Her. She is our very life and sustenance. Seems we often forget this.

In my devotion to Her I try my best not to pollute her and to provide a fertile environment for her to give life to our flowers, herbs and vegetables. I planted callendulas, dhalias, and geraniums today in our garden along with sage and mint. She provides so much beauty which brings joy to my soul and provides health through her many herbs and veggies.

I have made a portal of health with an abundance of crystals that transmits energies from the crystals to Her very heart that I energize periodically. The portal is shielded and protected and each crystal is given intent

We mere mortals think we can can affect the health of the planet by digging up a bunch of rocks and polish and arrange them to counter the harm we have done to Her… but I try anyway. I think living more responsibly may be a better choice.

Our Great Mother is my representative for the Divine Feminine

And I need to dust and clean the portal before She gets mad at me …


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

The Divine Feminine energy is strong this week- I had a feeling the coven would rise to the occasion, and the wonderful entries shared so far don’t disappoint! :blush: Thank you so much to everyone who embraced the Divine Feminine in their practice so far- I’m really enjoying the entries! :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :female_sign: :sparkles:


That is absolutely mesmerizing


Wow. This is wonderful! I love your BoS entries and that pop-up altar is fantastic!
I have been very interested in Egyptian magic recently and Spells8 has great information available.
Are there any books you would recommend, aside from the Isis one you listed, for those of us who are interested in more information about the complete pantheon. I learned about it in 6th grade, but need to refresh quite a bit :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Wysteria_Norn Thank you for your kind words.

I have been obsessed with Egypt since childhood so have done a lot of reading. Others that I have and would recommend are:

These are quite comprehensive in explaining the deities and their mythologies.

Ive also referred to the following to build my practice:


Challenge entry

I’ve been wanting to do something very special for this challenge, but the eclipse energies have been foiling my plans :sweat_smile:

I’ve done plenty of small things though… like it says in the Charge of the Goddess, “all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals” :smiling_face: :sparkling_heart:

I see love everywhere, and where I see love I see the Goddess :white_heart:

While planning for Drawing Down the Moon, I realized something… I have a hard time asking her for things. I trust her to give me what I need in each moment, and to know better what exactly it is that I need. Sometimes it can be a hard lesson that I definitely wouldn’t have asked for, but can see in hindsight to have been just the thing. Instead I want to give her my unconditional love, however it happens to manifest at that moment :pink_heart:

I believe that she has uncountable names and faces, as well as a composite, non-dual form. Like we might look at a single facet of a crystal or the whole stone, or a single tree or plant in a forest, or the whole interconnected macro-organism. Recently I’ve started relating more with her non-dual form that’s just pure love. That’s something I want to channel here with my whole being. :revolving_hearts:

I recognize that because of my own energetic nature and my personal history I can relate much better with divine feminine than divine masculine. That was one reason why Christianity never really appealed to me. Stories with mostly male protagonists and male interests, and a masculine God. I needed something different, and I needed something very personal, and I finally found it in my eclectic mix of tantric witchcraft :wink:


Good luck on learning more about them. Both great choices.


**CHALLENGE ENTRY - The Divine Feminine

Okay - I think I have to agree with @Garnet on surmising that this challenge had so many moving parts that perhaps I needed to take a step back and look at this differently. The Divine Feminine certainly has emotional rollercoasters - and no pun intended on this either. The Divine Masculine was easier to approach given its practicality.

So, for my study I stayed directly with the Divine myths and symbols to see if anything would resonate: The Goddess’ Temple: Myths & Symbols of the Divine Feminine in History – Spells8

My attention caught those Divine Feminine aspects that had triplicities - and came across a very intriguing video that Francisco did on the Triqueta Symbol - it’s history and meaning. This certainly went along with the feminine deities that displayed triplicities - Maiden, Mother, Crone; Water, Air, Earth, et al. I have a statue of Hecate, and one that (just for me) represents the Moon and a woman’s life phase - beautiful statue, along with my favorite onyx crows. I came away with feeling that a feminine deity or spirit is “fluid” given the propensity of her divine nature.

For my practice, I did the Flower Moon Spell and had to substitute the ribbon for a piece of red paper. Prior to writing out my intention - I did the red candle mediation. Because there was a prior full moon, I was able to make moon water - FINALLY! :new_moon_with_face: :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

I am just curious if anyone tried the Tarot card read to see what Deity was reaching out??

Sorry to cut that one short, but because of the time zone difference, I needed to post my entry and did not write down exactly where I saw the Tarot reference, but found this one which is what I did. Just not with the Rider Waite deck. I used Moon Oracle cards.


Challenge Entry - The Divine Feminine

Remember this glass vessel I used to display my flower crown from my Beltane celebration?

It was a rescue from work. Someone at some point had a plan for it but that never happened and was just taking up space and needed a new home. I jumped at the chance. It’s been sitting on my craft desk for a couple of months while I found the perfect stick and then I waited for inspiration to hit.

Which was this week! I took the opportunity to create the terrarium as a chance to work with the Divine Feminine as well. I cleared my space and my energy and set out my tools to put the terrarium together. I chose to call upon Demeter as I worked as she is a connection with the natural world and the cycles of life and death. I tend to create little ecosystems in my terrariums with minimal interference after they are created with soil, plants, water, and springtails.

I picked a Bronze Venus maidenhair fern, a variegated creeping fig, Pink Angel Fittonia (nerve plant), and several different types of moss that I’ve collected over the past year from the woods near my house and around where I work. The rocks were all collected from the trail at work and set in the full moon this week to charge.

Both this and the past challenge were interesting. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies were not something I’d given much thought to before. The quizzes during the last challenge all indicated I had more masculine energy than feminine, which really wasn’t a surprise. But then I started thinking about the goddess I have worked with The Morrigan and Artemis and while I do absolutely see feminine energy in both, I realized they also have strong masculine energy as well. I find that similarity interesting as well as the fact that I have been drawn to them both.

Creating this terrarium was a much-needed hands-in-the-dirt, work-with-nature, there-is-no-wrong kind of project that I needed to clear my head after several incredibly frustrating failed attempts at creating silver memorial paw and noseprint pendants.


My plans to sort of infuse my space with more Devine Feminine energy didn’t happen in time. Rethinking my energy I started thinking about Lilith.

So many thoughts that I can’t get out right now I have to sort of summarize

She is often thought of as the ideal Devine Feminine. I disagree. I have rather different thoughts of her all together. So many of her darker aspects could be seen in different ways.

Shape shifting to sleep with a woman’s husband could be compared to the things said by a group of women when a woman that they feel threatened by moves into the neighborhood

She’s breathtakingly beautiful and absolute feminine perfection. But she is also strong-willed. She isn’t going to do something just because that is what is expected of a woman. She knows what she wants and isn’t going to do it any other way.

In my opinion, Lilith is a total balance of Devine Feminine and Devine Masculine.

I wish I could get out more than the condensed version but that’s all I can get out


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Great job to everyone who jumped in to explore the Divine Feminine this week! :raised_hands: Whether it was a topic you hold dear in your practice, something completely new, or a particularly challenging theme to explore- thank you so much for taking the time to work through it with the coven this week. It’s been really inspirational reading everyone’s entries! :pray: :heart:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :female_sign::sparkles: