☑ What Type of Witch Are You? Coven Roll Call and POLL!

Cheers to that! This is beautifully written and was a delight to read- you have quite the way with words, @cosmin! :clap::heart:

Keep on being your wonderful self and all that entails- blessed be! :sparkles:


@cosmin wonderfully written & an amazing response!


Now that I have been studying for (only!) a month, I have come to realize that I am a Wiccan witch. A bit eclectic (and maybe a bit eccentric! haha), but definitely Wiccan. As I said, I’ve only been studying and practising for a month, but Wicca resounds deep within my soul, like I’ve finally found what’s been missing in my life. The more I practice, the more complete I feel. I just quit smoking (literally yesterday), but this morning I still stood outside the house for 10 minutes just meditating on the lunar eclipse, even though it was only 2 C out! And you know what - it was both energizing and relaxing - way better than having a smoke. Sorry, now I know I’m rambling; my point is that Wicca is fulfilling to me. Blessed be!


I’m so happy you’ve found your way home in your Craft, @Catharine- that is a very powerful thing! :heart: And a huge congrats to you on quitting smoking- it sounds like you have truly discovered your own empowerment! I am proud and happy for you :blush::two_hearts:

Much love and many blessings! :sparkles:


A Wiccan witch, and also a water, earth and ocean/sea witch!! Actually because I am a true water sign as I have both rising and moon in Pisces, so I love The Oceans!! As well as The Earth - A Green Gala Gown! And obviously The Sacred Water! :relaxed: As for wicca, I fortunately stumbled on the term in a paranormal witchy romance novel! :wink::relaxed: And guess what? I got completely Love Struck :heart:


I love this! :heart: We all find our way to exploring magick in different ways- I love hearing about how others got started on their journeys :blush:

Thanks for sharing, @Solasta_Amore- blessed be! :spakrles:


Blessed be and Love you too! :relaxed::dizzy::heart:


I instantly identified as a Green witch from the onset of my studies. As well I have always felt close to the term Seer to define my proclivity towards the psychic area of magic, upon reading the book Psychic Witch, and it’s follow up Mastering Magick: a course in spellcasting for the psychic witch, written by Mat Auryn I definitely view myself as a psychic witch. I still feel Seer defines that.

I use music, bells, and incense which makes Air an important part of my craft, although I’ve never used that as a descriptor, but seeing it here, I kinda love it. I also incorporate lights into most of my spell work.

Officially I’d say my witchy title would be Light Grand Green Witch of the Air, Seer of True Vision. :wind_face::leaves::elf::see_no_evil:

I like having chosen a distinct path, albeit open and evolving, it helps me to structure and define my work with purpose.


I love this! :heart: It’s a really beautiful title and it sounds like it describes you and many of the things you enjoy most in your practice. Thank you for sharing, @Jefeseus- may you continue to wear your chosen title with pride! :blush:


I have been practicing for almost two years now. Idk what type of witch i am amd have yet to take that course :upside_down_face: on spells8.com (but i will). From all the things i have learned and dabbled with over these last two years herbs and :crescent_moon: cycles are the most consistent.


It sounds like you have come to know yourself and your strengths/areas of interest, @sea- I think that’s much more important than choosing a label! If you do ever decide you’d like to wear a witch type, you’re already in a great place to be able to choose what you feel suits you and your practice :blush:

Congrats on two years in your Craft- may there be many more blessed years to come! :mage: :sparkles::heart:


Thank u so much for the reassurance, it is very comforting.


Awww you’re welcome, @sea- that’s what a coven is here for! Witches gotta support one another :woman_mage: :handshake: :heart:

Blessed be!


I identify as Pagan, with strong influences from Astrology and I worship Selene :full_moon: It’s very interesting seeing everyones labels - the difference and similarities, and how as a group we are so inclusive :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it’s fab!


Since I’ve been here a while & my practice has changed immensely… I’m a witch. Lol… that’s all. I can’t really label myself as anything else or it would be quite the mouthful. I’m happy just being a witch :rofl:


LOL I totally understand! I think that’s mainly why I just settle on “Pagan” for most conversations. It gets complicated when I start adding I like the moon and the stars and the planets, I read tarot and light candles and love crystals… :sweat_smile: I guess just saying I’m Pagan or a witch really takes a lot of the work out when I’m talking to people who aren’t in the club :joy:


I’ll be honest, I say either Pagan or Witch. It kind of depends on the conversation & who its with… most of the time I just don’t bring it up & do more of an introvert silent listening thing. :rofl:


Definitely agree with the silent listening :joy: IRL only @praecog29 knows the full extent of my belief system, my ex and best friends know a little, and my mum knows I read tarot and “light candles” though I don’t believe she’s as clueless as she pretends, as her MIL once told her she’d cursed her and I casually said “don’t worry I’ll protect you” and a week later she brought it up again and said “but I’m not worried about that old witch now because you said you would stop it, did’t you?” :rofl:


You and me both :laughing: It definitely depends on who I’m talking to and the context of the conversation. I’ve brought it up and had great conversations, but I’ve also had really terrible ones so now I’m just a bit careful about where I am and who’s around.


I can say that there is honestly 2 MAYBE 3 people that know & accept my beliefs & practices. One of them understands because of question asking, as they do not practice, but they want to know where I’m coming from with different things to do with my practice.

My immediate family as a whole (within my house) they know I’m a witch. My son that is Norse pagan, knows I practice Celtic but not the nitty gritty I guess. Just kind of a basic idea really.

My husband is the question asker & we have some amazing conversations around my beliefs & things that make him go… well… that makes sense & we can talk about how different things were absorbed into Catholicism as the Romans came across the Celtic lands.

Outside of my house… I am kind of quiet around people & do more listening than talking.