🕛 Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Challenge entry 2

:pentagram: Symbols & Sigils – Wielder of Symbols

I enjoy making sigils, using the worksheets provided by Amy at Magical Crafting.

There are a few different ways that they can be done, but I find the easiest for me to use the witch’s grid.

First of all, you write out your intention. Then you remove all the vowels and any letters that are repeated. These are the letters you work with for your sigil.

Depending on which way you are creating it, you might note all the different lines and shapes of the letters, and combine them in a way which appeals to you to come up with a personalized sigil. I’m not very good at doing it that way.

The way I usually do it is to take my final letters and refer to a grid which designates each letter as a number. Then, using the witch’s grid, I place a dot in the area associated with the first letter/number, followed by the second etc. Then I draw a line between the dots - it can be straight, curved, whatever you want. I keep doing that until I have added all the letters, but usually draw it a few times before I am happy with the end result.

Not sure that I described it very well, but hopefully you get the idea.


Challenge Entry

  1. Polyglot.

I’m listening to an old CD of Triskelle d’Or, today- a favorite dance band when I visited France in high school. I thought I’d follow the flow and request health in French, even if it is a bit clumsy.

L’Esprit qui a cree,
Le feu,
La terre,
Donnez moi la bonne sante,
S’il vous plait.

I do not have accents on this tablet, so my French teacher would say several words are misspelled. Pardonnez moi, Mademoiselle Purvis.


Challenge Entry #3 - Lunar Witch

I am so excited about this one! This is my first recognized full moon as a baby witch! I missed last month’s due to sickness and I am looking forward to this full moon!

I’ve decided to make moon water, but what’s more awesome is that this is a blood moon! (I even did a Lunar eclipse tarot spread! But I used that spread for a different challenge I’ll post soon lol)

I plan to use the moon water to:
-Enhance my spell and ritual work
-Drink to help enhance my intuition and emotional healing
-And to create a connection

I will also be using the full moon to charge my selenite!

Blessed be! :purple_heart: :witch_moon:


Challenge Entry #4 - Nordic Practitioner

I am still very brand new to Norse Paganism, but it definitely called to me. I think it has always called to me.

When I was younger, I learned the Runes and their names, could write with them until my mother found out and forbid me to continue to do so (I had no idea that is was seen as bad to my Christianity at the time, I was maybe 12/13.) I made myself forget them, but I’ve been able to pick them up again. Not completely, but it’s like riding a bike lol.

I’ve always loved Norse mythology, but never tried to learn more, again, from the fear instilled in me.

And lastly, I’ve always seen pairs of Ravens, chocking it up to “I live(at the time) in Maryland, that’s why.” I know that the All-Father watches me, I asked my runes and for signs. I’m not sure if it’s from curiosity or for protection, but I feel very honored. (he has said he’s not ready to work with me just yet :grinning_cat_with_smiling_eyes: I have some growing to do with Freyja)

Speaking of: As some of you know, I did a deity spread with my tarot deck and learned that the beautiful, mighty and magnificent Freyja reached out to me.

I have an altar dedicated to the mighty Freyja in which I have the following offerings: cat blood, hair and shed claws (all naturally collected, the blood is from the pictured stinky head scratching himself open :roll_eyes:), black amber, citrine, red and white rose petals, a golden pig, rose quartz rabbit, crow’s feather, shells, a pretty rock, a fancy/pretty hair piece, and dried jasmine flower. It is all in a cat shaped offering bowl that I was blessed to find (I’m very sure she led me to it lmao).

Freyja is very sassy, but very honest and to straight the point. She has been helping me practice my divination and intuition skills, she’s also working with me as I re-learn how to love myself. Very much a tough love situation. Plus she helped rekindle some sparks with the hubs. :wink:

The biggest thing is that she’s been urging me to protect my home, almost as if preparing for battle. If you don’t know, Freyja is the goddess of both love and war. I’m not sure what’s coming, but I’ve taken steps in warding and protecting my family and home. (And to bring some health, wealth, and abundance in!) It started with a sleep sachet for my son (it’s another challenge entry above) to drawing bind runes on my doorways. :algiz:

I also do daily rune readings and cards pulls specifically to communicate with Freyja almost everyday.

And I use them in spreads I find to, because the more I do, the more I learn. Here is my lunar eclipse tarot spread that I

Anyways, I definitely consider myself a baby Nordic Practitioner. :purple_heart: :drinking_horn: