šŸ““ Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden

Soā€¦ I restarted from the beginning and I am just checking in with everyone else on a turn of phrase in the bookā€¦ I need to check in to make sure I am not the one living under a rock and completely misunderstanding.

This is from chapter 2 subheading seasons (sorry, I have the Kindle version, so I will omit the page number since it will not line up to the book):

ā€œSleep is often called the little deathā€¦ā€

Has anyone heard this before? I side eyed this thinking no one actually says that because I only know the french expression la petite mort/the little death which refers to something delightful that happens in bed that is definitely not sleep (well, I imagine for most people. Iā€™m not here to shame preferencesā€¦)

I think where she took that to is fitting for what she claimed it to be - it painted a beautiful picture. However, I donā€™t believe the phrase meant what she believes it to mean and if I recall correctly, I kept finding things like this throughout the book that made me question the author. I will keep reading on because itā€™s an easy read (at least early on).

Edited to add: later in the chapter, she quotes philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer with him using the phrase in a similar wayā€¦ so I guess I am at least partially under a rock.


Welcome, @Elle! :blush:

Francisco is right- you can join the book club at any time! Iā€™ve added you in here and also on the main thread for this Book Club Reading Session. If you donā€™t finish this week, you are free to continue reading the book into next reading session :open_book:

Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period will end in one week :grey_exclamation:

A Readerā€™s Review post will appear in the forums in one week for everyone to share their thoughts and see what other coven members were reading.

I hope everyone is finding Year of the Witch to be an interesting read! I canā€™t wait to hear your thoughts on the book :open_book:

Happy reading and blessed be :sparkling_heart:


I had the same thought @Elle, Iā€™ve only ever heard that phrase referring to orgasms :rofl:


@elle & @IrisW Well I must definitely be under a rock, Iā€™ve never heard that! :joy:


Same here!

I have heard sleep called ā€œthe little deathā€ before, but I canā€™t remember where I heard it :thinking:


I honestly canā€™t remember ever hearing that! Itā€™s interesting that it refers to a couple of different things though. Learn something new every day.


Also, while Iā€™m thinking about it, I just wanted to give everyone a headā€™s up: I apologize in advance if my write-up/review for this book is even longer than usual ā€“ I have a LOT to say about this book :3 haha


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club VI - Readersā€™ Reviews!

Iā€™m really struggling to continue with it, and that doesnā€™t often happen with books. Think Iā€™m going to skip to the chapter on Beltane today then maybe dip back in throughout the year.

It had promise at the start and Iā€™ve enjoyed parts, but I think Iā€™d rather focus my attention on something I enjoy reading.


Hello Year of the Witch readers!

The current session of the Book Club has come to an end- thanks for joining in! :blush:

You are all warmly invited to share your thoughts on this (apparently quite controversial and surprising!) book in the Book Club VI - Readersā€™ Reviews thread :scroll:

The few wonderful reviews already posted here have since been re-homed there. You can still find them, along with reviews from those who read other books this session, in the new thread.

Thanks again! Hopefully you all found something interesting in Year of the Witch :notebook: :sparkles:


This book was reviewed as part of the Spells8 Book Club. Are you a book-lover? Visit the Activities Category to join the current session of Book Club! :books: