I figured since I missed the Star Magick challenge, I would go ahead and write up a post about using the Zodiac
in magick. This is something new to me, too, so my research is your research!
I see it all over social media when the Full Moon comes, or when a planet shifts into a different star sign – The Full Moon is in Aquarius! Take this time to work magick regarding x, y, and z! My problem is I have never worked with the zodiac in my magic. I barely work with the days of the week
However, I want to start incorporating more astrological correspondences in my spellwork, and to do that, I need to learn about it!
The moon moves through all twelve signs of the zodiac throughout one moon cycle, so about every 28 days (1). Different planets move faster or slower, so their movements will obviously be different. I am just focusing on the moon for this post because it is easier. Each zodiac sign has different correspondences for magick and different things that are generally focused on. I will go through some correspondences for all twelve signs and then give an idea of how you can work with these in your magick.
Finding good sources for zodiac magick has proven to be difficult because the search terms are innocuous. Looking at just the zodiac, it has been hard for me to really figure out what each one represents beyond a few basic keywords. I am using a book that was recommended to me called Fixed Star, Sign, and Constellation Magic by Christopher Warnock . I am reading it on Scribd, but I’m sure you can find it on Amazon or another online bookstore.
According to Warnock, different zodiac signs correspond to different physical attributes and can work as talismans for different things. (2)
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) - helpful with fevers, paralysis and tremors, edema; allows the user to be accepted, eloquent, ingenious, and honorable
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) - heals disease and makes the user healthier, creates friendship, harmony, and decreases depression
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) - heals fevers and reduces anger
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) - cures illnesses caused by excessive heat, ephemeral fevers; makes the user grateful, acceptable, eloquent, devout, and religious
He also goes on to give keywords associated with each sign as well as an invocation for each one. I have shared their keywords here as well as the invocation for Scorpio.
Aries - energy, change and new beginnings, audacity
Taurus - determination, love, sensuality, strength
Gemini - intelligence, thought, sociability
Cancer - emotion, sensitivity, empathy, protective love
Leo - ambition, authority, fame, determination
Virgo - precision, practicality, harvest
Libra - diplomacy, justice, elegance
Scorpio - determination, strength, secrecy
Invocation of Scorpio (sharing this one because I’m a Scorpio)
O Barbiel, angel of Scorpio, sign of the Scorpion, I call upon you! Fill this talisman with your power, spirit, and pneuma, and allow it to bring its user determination, strength, secrecy.
Saggitarius - optimism, idealism, gain
Capricorn - practicality, hard work, grounding
Aquarius - avant-garde, humanitarian, big picture patterning
Pisces - mystic, poetic, intuitive, empathetic
Some people are able to take the moon in its phase and combine it with the zodiac sign it’s in and work very specific magick. I would like to think I could eventually get to that point, but it honestly feels a bit ceremonial and restrictive to me. Would it be helpful for larger workings? Absolutely, but I think for everyday things it really isn’t a necessity.
With that being said, I know you can also work with the energy of the sun as it moves through different planets every day. It always amazes me the different things we have for correspondences and ways we can boost the powers of our spells.
This coming full moon will be in Libra which, according to the above keywords, would be a good time for workings involving justice and balance. Do you have any specific plans? Do you involve the zodiac or astrology into your magick at all? I would love to hear your thoughts, too, because even though I’m not a new witch, I’m still learning every single day!
(1) How long does a planet stay in a sign-planetary movements – Skydog Institute
(2) https://www.scribd.com/document/444634727/Christopher-Warnock-Fixed-Star-Sign-and-Constel-z-lib-org