Hello @veronica1,
I’m so sorry, it sounds like a difficult situation- I think you’re right to find a way to remove the energy cord if it is carrying extra anxiety your way.
Absolutely! I want to second what Artemisia and Jeannie already mentioned about the Cord Cutting- this is a strong and final way to break a bond between two clearly-specified parties. Those not involved/not mentioned in the ritual will not be affected by the cord cutting. It is a great way to sever an unwanted tie between two people
Artemisia already shared several cord cutting spells you might use. I would suggest taking a look at those (and feeling free to adapt any of them to best suit your needs, if you wish).
An Empath’s abilities are strong- after the cord cutting, you might consider looking into ways to lay protections over your energies and prevent unwanted energies/emotions of others from coming through and affecting you in negative ways in the future.
There’s a great guide about being an Empath that I recommend reading (here: Are you an Empath? ) and there are several resources about Empath Protection in the forum that may be of use to you. Here are a few:
- Empath Shielding
- Protection for Empaths - Spell Jar
- Bind Rune - Protection for Interacting with People
- More can be found in the empath tag
Whatever you choose to do, wishing you all the best, Veronica! Blessed be