Thank you for sharing the bird’s eye view and apologies for the delay, @Sissie! I can see you’ve already got some excellent readings and insights from both Francisco and Eliza 

You may have already formed your own personal readings of the wax which is awesome as, again- when it comes to reading spell results, the caster of the spell will always have the best and most relevant interpretation in my book! But in the hopes that it may help you find more insights or see a new angle, I’m happy to share what I saw in the wax for you to consider as well

As someone who primarily reads for tea leaves, that’s where my mind went first when looking at this candle, but since it is a wax reading I tried to look more at the shape of the wax as a whole 

Two things immediately jumped out to me, which are:
A creature, perhaps a mink or ermine is laying curled up in a small ball. It appears timid and defensive- almost like it is hiding from something or waiting for something to pass before moving.
The tail of a scorpion wraps around the rim of the candle- it is likely this presence that is containing the creature within. However, it is not actually touching it- it appears to be simply the aura or energy of the scorpion that is causing the containment of the mink. Also, the tail is not completely enclosed- there is a space for the mink to escape, if only it choose to turn around and see the exit.
Again, I’m not a wax reading expert and I’m only looking at the symbolism here, but from what I can see it looks like your lovely spellwork has revealed insights about a situation- someone (represented by the mink/ermine) is holding back or being repressed by something else (the scorpion- this may be a person who is a Scorpio
or some other dark force, as Scorpio is tied to the darker worlds and the unseen). However, there is an escape- revealed behind your lovely herbs in the wax is a way out to freedom

Whether it is something that is coming that you should avoid, or a message about a way out of a current situation is something you would have to explore for yourself. Either way, I hope these thoughts can help you in some way! 
Thanks for sharing your candle spell remains, @Sissie- I hope you are able to unravel their meanings for you!