Cleansing Without burning Incense/Sage

Hello Everyone! I am wondering what alternitives yall have for cleansing your home, tools, etc without burning incense or sage. My husband has asthma and burning anything other than candles messes with my allergies. Im open to all suggestions or methods! Thanks in advance!


Some people like to use sprays. There are various ways to achieve this with them.

Another alternative is using sound. Quite a few witches here use bells, music, or song. That and more ideas below.


A simple cleanse, which I use, is to go through your house, room by room, knocking on all the external walls and ringing a bell in each room. :partying_face::green_heart:


@christy6 you got some great helps here already. I do the same as @tracyS posted for house cleansing. For my tools and such if I have time I will put them in a windowsill in the moonlight. If I need them for a spell and don’t have until the next day to wait for moon cleansing, I will cleanse them in the candle smoke or flame.


I use music. Awake Nation has all sorts of beautiful vids to cleans yourself and your house with. There are others, of Tibetan Singing Bowls and things like that. Get on YouTube and see what you like!


Hi @christy6,

You’ve already got some great cleansing suggestions from the coven - adding another vote for the sprays and sound/music. Those are great ways to clean and as a bonus, they don’t require any cleaning up!

For cleansing a large space, sprays and sound are great methods that don’t involve smoke. For cleansing tools and small items, my current favorite cleanser is salt :salt:

Using sea salt taps into Ocean Magick and the immense power of the sea. It helps to wash away negativity or things you need to let go of, and bring in a wave of abundance and vitality.

Salt is a general cleanser, but it is also incorporated into specific cleansing spells - such as hex/curse removal, banishing illness, and removing stress from the mind and the body.

I hope you can find some cleansing methods that work well for you, Christy - good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


Thank you so much everyone! These have all been extremely helpful! :slight_smile:


You’re welcome! Good luck and blessed be :sparkles: :blush: