Rune Name: Eiwaz/Ihwaz/Elwaz 
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Germanic Name: Eihwaz, Yew
Phonetic Value: E,I, as in EI
Pronunciation: AY-wahz
Translation: Yew
Modern English: Yew
Rune Number: 13 of the Elder Futhark & 5th Rune of Heimdall’s Aett
Polarity: Union of Masculine & Feminine
Color Association(s): Dark Blue
Elemental Association(s): Air , Earth
, Fire
, Water
, Ether
Herbal Association(s): Mandrake
Tree Association(s): Yew
Astrological Association(s): Scorpio
Month/Days: December 28 – January 13
Chakras: Crown , Heart
, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Throat
Tarot Card(s): The Magician, The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, The World
Magickal Uses: Chant or inscribe to help reach out to the other worlds. Meditating or slipping into a shamanic trance, inscribe this rune on you to facilitate your journey as well as to protect you while you are on it.
Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Tree of Life, Magic, Initiation, Death, Guardian, Responsibility, Hidden Cosmic Knowledge.
Through purposeful sacrifice, a united will can be achieved. As above, so below. As within, so without. This commitment brings knowledge & guidance for the highest good of all if you are ready & willing to work it out.
Affirmation: Alignment & enlightenment are what I seek. Guide me in my quest for balanced ascendence & grounding as roots dug deep, eyes to the skies, I travel between worlds.
The principle of the vertical axis that penetrates into the world above & the world below & connects the human realm to the heavenly & chlonic regions. Synthesis of above & below, light & dark, life & death. The yew is a flexible force but also hard, it endures beyond all other things.
Brightstave/Upright: The yew promotes spiritual enlightenment along the vertical axis of consciousness. Mental toughness & flexibility is needed. The inner flame must be ignited through discipline. Seek independence from the natural/mechanical order of the cosmos. Controlled changes in consciousness are indicated. (Initiation) Realization of inner strength will protect you from outside dangers. Bring together the light & the dark.
Edit Merkstave/Reversed is for those that happen to read all runes with a Merkstave/Reversed meaning which means that they are pulled sideways instead of upright. However,
Eihwaz traditionally doesn’t have a reversed meaning.
Merkstave/Reversed: Coming too early in the life of a person can cause deep confusion & consternation. The hot fires unconsciously ignited may cause “burn out” leading to death & decay. A stoppage of the yew principle in those who are prepared for it causes a profound sense of dissatisfaction. Boredom, & meaninglessness. It also can soften your will & sense of self-discipline.
Eihwaz Rune Meditation - Magin Rose
Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes . Chamberlain Publications, 2018.
Kristina, Jillian. “Wild Runes Deck - Tamed Wild.” Nashville Metropolitan Area, Nashville, 2020. Wild Runes Deck – Tamed Wild
Simonds, Josh. The Beginner’s Guide to Runes: Divination and Magic with the Elder Futhark Runes. Rockridge Press, 2020.
Thorsson, Edred. Big Book of Runes and Rune Magic: A Complete Guide to Interpreting Runes, Rune Lore, and the Art of Runecasting . Red Wheel/Weiser, 2018.