Empath Needs Advice!

This is normally not an issue for me… I am able to build “walls” around myself sufficient to block the negative energy around me. But this morning, no matter what I do (sage, candles, crystals, oils, etc…) I find that my entire being is filled with all the negativity around me! It is almost as though I am being smothered by discord and it has become a physical pain I am feeling EVERYWHERE. I would appreciate hearing if other empathic witches out there are feeling it as strongly as I am and what you are doing to block it. I live in a rural area with no local community to turn to for help, and my family and friends just don’t understand. Thank you to anyone who responds to this plea!


There are alot of resources in the forum, I’m sure you’ll find something to help you. :white_heart:

Sending you strength, light, and protection. :white_heart:


I don’t classify myself as an empath, but the Mercury Retrograde shadow period is just about over – it ends today, Sept. 11. I know that this Mercury Retrograde hit my personal life sooooo hard and I’m just now coming out the other side of it :sweat_smile: that may have something to do with it.


I’m on the tail end of something similar which lasted quite some time for me. Mine was pretty intense, like your description. I found that all I could do was to chip away at it a little at a time. It was exhausting, but I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Why did mine last so long? I was told that one or more of my guides was going off to war against a greater negativity. My job was to hold on and wait for their return. I was a lot more patient than I could have been, which allowed the negativity to gain strength, making it all the harder to counter once I decided to defend myself.

Combine as much spell work as you can. Be the strong and beautiful you. Hold tight to your beliefs and practices. Remember that you are not alone. Do as much self care as you can in this time period. Remember that this too shall pass.


I wear an amethyst necklace to protect me from negativity. I charmed it with a protection spell. When I feel it’s energy getting low and negativity starting to seep in, I recharge it. It’s like having my own personal bubble around me all the time.


Merry meet @collette1,

There’s already been some wonderful advice and suggestions shared, so I’m just offering my love and support. I hope that whatever shadow passed over you is moving along now (if it hasn’t already). Wishing you love, light, and peace :people_hugging: :candle: :heart: