February 2022 Daily Single Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draw

February 1, 2022

February Daily Oracle/Rune/Tarot


It’s the start of a new month :tada:, & a special time of year with the sabbat Imbolc :bouquet: kicking off February also. It also means that there is an updated place to share your card draws with the rest of the coven/forum. I will post a daily oracle card regardless but feel free to add your own whenever you feel called to do so. Please give credit to the specific deck & the creator that you are using for your draws.

I hope everyone has a great month of February, Happy Imbolc, & Blessings to you all :two_hearts: :sparkles:

Everyone is welcome to post a single card draw, from any deck they choose & the meaning for that card with source credit. I hope everyone takes the chance to share their draws with us. Obviously, any rune that is posted with a little blurb about its meaning would be much appreciated.

I will only be posting Oracle Draws each day though. The rest is up to you! :heartpulse: :infinite_roots:

I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by Amanda Lynn Hails & drew:

You Deserve to be Seen

We each have a desire to be seen & accepted as we are. This is a natural desire that is crucial to our wellbeing & the embodiment of our true self. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Give yourself the gift of being seen & accepted as you are in this moment by yourself & by others who appreciate you, allowing yourself to take up the space you need.

I hope this reaches everyone that needs to know this today. Enjoy your Imbolc celebrations! :heartpulse:


A beautiful Oracle to start off the new month- thank you so much for sharing this, @Susurrus! :heart: :blush:

Blessed Imbolc!


Good afternoon everyone, happy Imbolc :mage: :magic_wand:

February 1, 2022

I shuffled my deck and received Queen of wands :magic_wand:

LIGHT SEER: creativity, passion, determination, confidence, joy, bold expression, helping others as you build your queendom, power.

SHADOW SEER: jealously, being afraid to take a risk, not being totally honest with yourself, an optimal time to build your self-confidence and to let go of what other people think, waning passions

image source: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

You are capable and fierce. It’s time to root into your purpose and boldly step into the limelight of your life. The Queen of Wands radiates creativity and passion wherever she goes, and when she enters a room her exuberant charisma and confidence are palpable. Don’t be afraid to be the center of attention, and for Goddess’ sake, stop acting small in order to make those around you more comfortable. Make sure fiery bursts of productivity are accompanied by laughter and gratitude … connection, appreciation, and love. It’s okay to hold shadow in all of this light. Don’t push it down so deeply that you can’t find it again. Accept the parts of you that you don’t openly share. The past failures that have held you back? They don’t define you, so transmute that shadow. Sit with it briefly and then light it on fire, because you don’t need it anymore.

I fill my world with an intense light that connects and incites passions.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


February 2, 2022

I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by: Amanda Lynn Hails & drew:

Connect with the Cosmos

  • The night sky holds many a wonder, some that we see with our eyes & some that we know with our hearts. If you have pulled this card then it is time to look beyond. Go Stargazing, learn the constellations, study astrology or take time in prayer to the Divine. Let the magic of the universe connect to the boundlessness within you.


Good Evening Everyone, hope you :magic_wand: :mage: all had a lovely day. :magic_wand:

February 2, 2022, Wednesday

Shuffled the deck and received The Magician

LIGHT SEER: skill, natural talents, powers of manifestation, creativity, resourcefulness.

SHADOW SEER: unused potential, latent talents, questionable intentions, manipulation, selfishness, unfocused or blocked creative energy.

image source: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

The Magician brings forth a powerful message of creation and potential: You. Are. Magic. You have everything you need to succeed. Badass manifesting energy from the Cosmos? All the skills you require? They’re at your fingertips! Beautiful creator, go create! Activate the magic in your veins by focusing your energy, willpower, desire, and actions. When you consciously step into your personal power and decide to shape the material world in this way, every breath in (and every breath out) is an opportunity to carve new meanings and new perspectives into reality. If you are unsure of your ability to create the life you desire, trust in the latent potential that resides within you. Feeling less than inspired at this time reminds you that it’s time to find your muse. Find your spark. Find your why. With everything you need sitting in front of you like a giant Universe cauldron, what is it that you desire to bring to life? And what can you do today that will bring it one step closer to reality?

I can manifest the life I desire through energy and action.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


I absolutely adore my Light Seer deck! It’s one of my favorites to work with! :heart: Thanks for sharing your reading!


Thanks, @Susurrus!! This is great! :heart:


Your Welcome @BrightBear, I like my light seer deck too,


You’re welcome, I’m waiting for my new cards to arrive & I love the Inner Child deck right now. I’m happy that you enjoy them @BrightBear!

The 3 of us have the same deck! I love that deck. I should do a reading with it soon.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

  • I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by: Amanda Lynn Hails & drew:

It is now time to practice speaking the words you have always longed to hear to yourself. Find a mirror & get comfortable. Look deep into your eyes & proceed to give yourself what you wish others had given you, particularly as a child. It may feel awkward but stick with it, as there is much healing in this practice.


Good Morning everyone, wishing you all a fabulous day :mage: :dragon:

February 3, 2022, Thursday

Shuffled the deck and received 7 of Swords

**LIGHT SEER:**decption or betrayal, taking only what’s needed, the Universe bearing witness to true intentions, getting away something being strategic, being grateful for the resources you have, moving silently and quickly.

SHADOW SEER: lying to yourself or to others, a need for perspective and honesty, secrets, something stolen, taking more than your fair share, being held back by impostor syndrome.

image source The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Traditionally, this card warns us that we must be on the lookout for deception, thievery, and betrayal. While we can sometimes find ourselves the victim of someone else’s deceit, it’s also a nudge to act in alignment with our own highest morality. Be sure you are being honest with yourself about the nature of your reality right now. Sometimes we pretend that everything is okay, or that we are doing the best we can even when we’re not. Sometimes this shows up as recklessness or as avoidance of responsibilities. Take only what’s needed, and remember that no excuse outweighs your ability to act from a place of love and integrity. You cannot deceive your own heart, and the Universe will always bear witness to your truest intentions. For you, alone and vulnerable under the light of the full moon, the only thing that matters is the truth. Move forward and the lightness of conscience to guide you.

I act from a place of love and morality, and the Universe witnesses my honest intentions.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


Friday, February 4, 2022

  • I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by Amanda Lynn Hails 3 times & drew:

Get Lost

The magic of imagination is calling to you now. Create space to get lost in new & exciting worlds. Read a book, watch a movie, write a story, create a work of art. Let your imagination run wild & do what connects you to the wonderment of childhood, where anything was possible & the extraordinary lay just around the corner.


I was a bit startled when I read the name of this oracle card- but luckily the actual meaning is nothing like how the voice in my head read it! :joy::+1:

A really beautiful card for the day and one that resonates with me a lot. Sounds like a great setup for a creative weekend! :blush: Thank you, Siofra! :heart:


:joy: I did the same thing… I was like… is my Inner Child being all attitude with me right now? Then I read the rest of it. :rofl:


Saturday, February 5, 2022

  • I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by Amanda Lynn Hails 3 times & drew:

You Deserve to Be Seen

We each have a desire to be seen & accepted as we are. This is a natural desire that is crucial to our wellbeing & the embodiment of our true self. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Give yourself the gift of being seen & accepted as you are in this moment by yourself & by others who appreciate you, allowing yourself to take up the space you need.


Good afternoon everyone, sorry for missing a day or two, but as we all know things do come up and interfere with our plans. :mage: :magic_wand:

February 5, 2022, Saturday

Shuffled the deck and received 9 of Swords :tarot_card:

LIGHT SEER: Nightmares, worry, feelings of depression or anxiety, insomnia, fear, an opportunity to find courage, a time to focus on safety, and the things that are going well in your life.

SHADOW SEER: paranoia, deeply anchored fears, inability to think clearly, inner turmoil, negative self-talk affecting self-esteem, an opportunity to actively begin the healing journey.

image source: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

What’s keeping you up at night, sweet seer? This card suggests a time in your life when negative thoughts are gaining momentum, and when you may find yourself expending too much energy worrying about the future. Preception is everything, so don’t allow negative self-talk to trip you up! If a pessimistic mindset spirals wildly out of control, it can lead to anxiety, stress, or depression – even when your thoughts carry no truth. Are you imagining the worst instead of activating the best? Flip your perspective and send nurturing, loving thoughts to your situation to overcome any disturbing thoughts. Look to the light in your situation and notice that even the tiniest window of brightness can keep fear at bay. Use your light to expose the illusions and allow worries to dissipate and soften as your bad dreams are illuminated for what they really are.

I see my fears as the illusions that they are.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


I’m working on spending more time with my family & being present while accepting that they are spending time with me too tonight. Thank you @debra2


Sunday, February 6, 2022

  • I hope everyone is going to have a great Sunday! I’m taking it as a family rest day. I am open to going on adventures with my son though. He likes to take me on adventures… which is actually errands, but when he was younger I always said we are going out for our adventures today. Sounded better to a little boy than mom & you have some errands to run
  • I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by Amanda Lynn Hails 3 times & drew:

You Are Wanted

The fear of abandonment can be a driving force in our lives. If we felt unwanted as a child, we can continue these patterns into adulthood through compulsively seeking or rejecting the attention of others. Take time to journal about what abandonment & rejection mean to you. How can you show your Inner Child today that they are wanted?

I can’t deny that this hits a nail right on the head for me. Like drove that nail straight in, first shot. Looks like I will be journaling a bit today. I just haven’t decided if I want to start with my next journal or my free writing email to no one. If anyone has any ideas let me know! I have added a picture of my new journal that starts as early as today.

  • I found this journal & fell in love with it. I just had to have it. For me, it screams the Morrigan & journaling is a great way to keep her with me especially if it’s related to facing my shadow, which this last New (Dark) Moon was full of, but at least I know that afterward, I have to release the energy inside through talking, yelling at the Universe, throwing rocks & shells into the ocean. This journal though, there’s just something about it. I love it & I’m excited to start using it.

  • The free writing email though is also good because I can just keep typing whatever pops into my head that I am struggling or overthinking or can’t get the thoughts to stop. I can use the email to get it all out then close the program or delete/shred the email.

  • Both methods work well for me, there are times that I go through the journaling & then I have to talk to my husband. I try to do it when the kids aren’t around, but with 3 of differing ages & activities… easier said than done sometimes. Luckily we have a lock on our bedroom door for when I really can’t wait to talk to him without losing it in some way.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

I wanted to share my rune draw today. I always do the actual draw from my blue agate runes. Then when I carry it with me, depending on what is happening I will either put the agate rune or the black tourmaline version of the rune in my daily crystal pouch. Which currently consisits of a Rose Quartz in the shape of a heart with wings & a small tumble. Black Tourmaline, & Clear Quartz. Self Love, Protection, Amplification of those energies. I also put the drawn runes on a large Clear Quartz & do my meditation to whichever deity I need to connect with based on again, the happenings. Yesterday was the Morrigan. Today I am taking a break & I did the Flametender Oracle & it was that I was filled with gratitude & then I did the Inner Child Oracle & that card spoke to me also. So I decided to share my rune draw today too:

I’m pretty confident that taking today to rest from my work over the last few weeks, that spending the day with my family will give me some insight for synchronicities that may not have been able to put together before. Since we do have some wildlife around here, I will watch for what comes along when I am outside today or during errands. I’ll keep an eye out for numbers & such too. I know my allies are with me, I’ve been told that I am not alone. So I look forward to what they have to tell me.

I will keep the Black Tourmaline rune on my altar & put the Blue Agate rune in my crystal pouch. :heartpulse:

This is 1 of the pouches that my daughter gave back to me for my witchiness… like I said, I think of Japanese style from the pouches because of the designs on them. :heart_eyes:


Monday, February 7, 2022

  • I shuffled my Inner Child Oracle Deck by Amanda Lynn Hails 3 times & drew:

    • Let Go

it is now time to let go of all that no longer serves you. Free the pent-up energy inside of you & imagine it leaving your body as you breathe deeply. Forgive disappointments & pains, do not allow bitterness in. Let go of control & allow for that which needs to die to die, so that you may blossom once more.

:iwaz: I drew the Ehwaz Rune today!

The concept of faithfulness also applies to yourself and your goals. If your reading is about a specific pursuit, Ehwaz is reminding you that you have what it takes to accomplish it, but you must dedicate yourself fully to the endeavor in order to see it through. Steady progress is made by placing one foot in front of the other. Provided you do your part, the support you need will arise and you will gain momentum.

I will keep it in my special pouch & during my gratitude, I will place the black tourmaline rune on the quartz next to my Brighid statue. Already a good day with these draws!

Now to get my daughter up for school. I will be back in the forum once I am home & settled! :heartpulse:

Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes . Chamberlain Publications, 2018.