Feeling of stress anxiety and so much more I have felt a spiritual block: I feel like I have been unable to connect spiritually and just feel I have been surrounded by negativity. Unable to escape it for some time now. I felt drained , self conscious, unhappy with myself in so many ways.unable to break unhealthy habits. I want to get back on track and back to where I was a year ago I just have been finding it so hard any suggestions ?
I hear you It sounds like a lot and must be overwhelming to the point that you’re not sure how to dig yourself out. I think other wise ones here will have more advice than I. But I would suggest returning to what used to inspire you and doing that until you get the spark back. Like being in nature, sitting under the moon, a new book or tool, a new meditation, being near like-minded people?
Sending positive energy your way!
Am sending love. Sounds like you’re overwhelmed lovely . Maybe lighten you’re load. We can’t do everything, or be everything. We are people first, witches second. Who is your god or go to spiritual spirit? Maybe just make a cuppa of something you like, take a candle and sit under the stars, light it, and just sit. Let all the stress drain. No need to say anything. Just be.
Here’s a few links that may help.
It’s Ok to Fail in Witchcraft
Remember, the gods love you, you! just as you are.
Thank you I need to get back to it it’s like I start and then another thing gets added to my shoulders. I used to be good at letting things go. I need to learn to do that again. I’m glad you guys are here. I don’t have many who are in the craft and that I can talk to
Thank you !!! As I said I’m happy I can turn here for guidance I’ll check out the links !!
I’m feeling pretty sure the lovely and talented @MeganB had a video on witches who are burned out but I can’t find it right now. But there is a video on self-care you might be interested in!
And then Hearthwitch had a good video on burnout that might give you some ideas.
I’m Burned Out/ How to Fix It
Anyhow, it’s normal for people to go through ebbs and flows in your practice. Be kind to yourself, it’ll be okay. You’ll either start over from the beginning or on a Sunday or a New Moon or some other date that’s important to you and things will be good.
Just, take your time and love yourself.
I am sorry to hear of your struggles. You’ve already received some wonderful advice and suggestions from others in the coven. I’ve dug around in the forum for similar threads that might help you
Sending you light, hope, and strength
I am just coming out of a similar set of experiences. I did self care all along, and still went into a breakdown I couldn’t seem to pull myself out of. Here’s what I learned in the process:
It’s not my fault. Even when I felt extreme guilt, it wasn’t my fault. Fighting to repair guilt kept me pulled down. I found that I was sensing energies around me which were not part of me. The moment I was able to forgive myself for not being able to keep up with my childhood training and let others take care of their own responsibilities, I started calming down.
I realized that meditations I was doing were digging even deeper into the shadows when what I needed was to change directions and pull myself out of the rut of attempting to heal. I tried to remove negativity around me and found that I was pulling more and more negativity toward me! I forced myself to come to as complete a stop as possible. That’s easier said than done when external conditions encroach. Sometimes we just cannot create enough boundaries to get the rest we need, but it does help to remove extra stuff from our own shoulders.
It helps to tell myself I don’t have to or can no longer be in control of my own life anymore. If this is going to kill me, so be it. I did the best I could and found my limits. Then I did what I could to make sure my life’s work was free to live on its own so that wouldn’t hold me back from crossing over if it were my time. I took care of anything I would need to do at the end of my life to get it all off my shoulders.
I needed help getting away from my own ideas. Sometimes, it is OK to use escape mechanisms, if used in moderation after trying everything else. I ended up delving into computer games and movies. They pulled my mind off everything that needed to be done for inspections, recertification, monthly errands, social expectations, break downs, bugs, lack of transportation, survival issues, self defense, etc. I was able to stay home from places others wanted me but I didn’t want to be without creating boredom or Cabin Fever. The computer games and disaster movies raised my energy levels while keeping me seated and removing a sense of time so I didn’t use up what I was building. Yes, it seems like I was indulging in more negativity than necessary, and sometimes I cried out for a break, but the negative movies helped me see what was happening within myself without being real enough to drain me. I overdosed in order to make myself sick enough to stop.
Only when I had come to a complete stop did I overdose on saccharine sweet self esteem to begin rebuilding.
Then I acted like a child at play and called myself to a do over, starting again from scratch.
My process may be totally different from yours. It’s OK. This was only to give you an idea of what breakdown repair can look like.
I’m so sorry you are going through this.
Try stress relieving bath soaks if you haven’t already. Meditate during those soaks. I love to use lavender when relaxing. It helps ease the mind, body and soul.
Possibly an entire house cleanse? Clean out all negativity from your environment with a sage cleanse or other scent you prefer.
Take small steps to get back to your craft. Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do it all at once.
Sending love your way along with positive energy.
You are not alone. I’ve been struggling since February to maintain any sort of morning ritual, routine consistency. I’ve got a lot on my plate and I chose to focus on my physical health and work in the spiritual aspect when I have time. Grant yourself some grace and do only what you have the energy to do. Sending you love & light!
Thank you for making this post. I’m in a similar place. I’m burnt out and struggling with everything. I’m just trying to do a little bit here and there and not focus on what I’m not doing.
Sending you lots of love and light.
I dont have any advice, just wanted to say, me too. Im right there with you .
You’ve already gotten some wonderful advice I just want to echo the sentiments of others – you’re not alone. This happens to a lot of witches over the course of their lives.
My very basic advice would be to go back and “start over”. Start from the beginning and figure out what you want and what you believe. You don’t have to cast spells every day. You don’t have to celebrate the sabbats or esbats if you don’t want to. That’s not what makes a person a witch.
Clear out all the clutter of “should-be” and “have-to” and figure out what you want. That’s when the connection can start to rebuild.
I went through a similar thing a few months back.
All I did was step back from it for a couple of months, give myself time to heal and build on my belief and then started up again.
Seems to have worked.
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