Gemini New Moon 🌑 June 2024

Gemini New Moon 2024

Can you believe that the year is almost halfway over already? June is the sixth month of the year, and with it comes the next Solstice. However, before we get to the solstice, we have another New Moon! I am grateful for the times the New Moon comes around. It affords us a period of rest and reflection, as well as a time for new beginnings! We can take this a step further and work with the energy of the Zodiac, embracing the sign of Gemini for this moon.

Depending on your time zone, the New Moon will be on 2024-06-06T12:37:00Z. Find the exact time of this month’s New Moon here: Moon Calendar from Astro-Seek.

What Is A New Moon?

If you need a recap of what a New Moon is, click here! 🌑

Astronomically speaking, a New Moon is the period of time when the moon is at 0% illumination. The Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth. This causes Earth’s shadow to fully cover the Moon leaving the night sky in darkness.

There are several different beliefs regarding the New Moon and witchcraft. Some witches believe this is the time to start new projects. Others believe it is a time of rest and recovery where no magic should be done.

What does a new moon symbolize? This is a time of introspection, self-analysis and reflection. An opportunity for a fresh start and a New You. - New Moon Rituals (Spells8)

The Sign Of Gemini

Gemini is the twin sign of the Zodiac – two sides of the same coin. Gemini is a mutable air sign, the third of the Zodiac, and is ruled by Mercury. Just as chatty as two people can be, Gemini enjoys communication and is very sociable. With their knack for words, it is common to see a Gemini at the center of attention, keeping everyone captivated with their storytelling and speech. This is good for the Gemini as they often need constant stimulation to keep themselves engaged – Mercury plays a role here in communication, as does the element of Air. Gemini is wistful, flitting between different subjects and places that interest them. It can be difficult to hold their concentration as long, boring, and arduous tasks are uninteresting to them.

Learn more about Gemini :gemini: : → Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

The Gemini New Moon :new_moon:

This New Moon, we may find ourselves apt to change our communication style or focus of mental energy. Tasks that were once interesting to us may change, and the New Moon is a great time for that to happen. If you are interested in a specific subject, this Gemini New Moon can help you learn new things! You might find yourself ready to embrace your curiosity and be more social – this is a wonderful time to get out of your comfort zone and begin new projects with new people!

Activities For The Gemini New Moon :tada:

Digital Defense

If you do a lot of your socialization online, this New Moon in Gemini is an auspicious time for some protection magick! The social aspect of Gemini’s communication style will benefit from defensive magick in your online spaces. Consider creating a sigil for your profile picture or an emoji spell for your text messages.

Digital Defense :pentagram: Magic for the Matrix

Make New Friends

Since the New Moon is just beginning, and Gemini is all about communication and socialization, now is a good time for spells and rituals related to finding (or enhancing) your group of friends. From calling in friendship to strengthening bonds that are already there, a friendship spell might be exactly what you need!

Friendship Spells: Adding Magic to any Relationship

Upgrade Your Wardrobe

With the creativity of Gemini and the freshness of the New Moon, now would be a wonderful time to switch up your wardrobe! @stavroula has been doing a wonderful series on dressing for your Venus sign, aligning your outfits and style with the backing of astrology. The series is not quite finished but you can find inspiration in the posts already done!

Dress For Your Venus Star Sign :gemini: Gemini Venus

Dress For Your Venus Star Sign :pisces: Pisces Venus

Dress For Your Venus Star Sign :aries: Aries Venus

Dress For Your Venus Star Sign :taurus: Taurus venus

Remember, the energy of the New Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the New Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this New Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a New Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


at New Moon I set goals
I make sigils and charge them and keep them until the full moon, scan them with my eyes and burn them, I usually make three together so I don’t remember which is which… :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


That sounds like a good practice to me! Is there a reason you scan them with your eyes?


the singles get more energy this way @MeganB :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pentagram: :hekate_wheel:


Ahh, I get it now lol thanks for explaining your thought process!


The last full moon in Sagittarius was a bit too spicy for me, so I’m welcoming this new moon in Gemini one with open arms! :hugs: :new_moon:

I’m brainstorming a cleansing ritual with salt (salt water, maybe?) but haven’t worked out the details yet.

Thank you for this very handy guide to the moon, Megan - wishing everyone a blessed new moon in Gemini! :sparkles:


You’re welcome, @BryWisteria :heart: I think a cleansing ritual with salt water is a great idea :clap: sounds like a trip to the beach is in order!


Agreed! :laughing: :+1: :beach_umbrella:

Thanks again, Megan! Happy New Moon! :new_moon_with_face: :sparkles:


Happy New Moon to you, too! :new_moon_with_face:


@MeganB Thank you! :hugs: :new_moon: :two_hearts:


The New Moon has come and gone :new_moon: fear not! Browse the moon-magick tag for more lunar inspiration!