Gratitude for Sunlight ☀️

Yesterday the Sun finally appeared back in the sky after two weeks of being obscured by wildfire smoke. I decided to make an altar to thank the Sun :sun_with_face: for this week’s Witchy Challenge!

There’s some ginger, lemon, rosemary, thyme, and of course bay leaf :herb: ,
and yellow flowers from the garden.

With the worst wildfire season ever recorded in Oregon, this is what the midday sky looked like from my home last week:

The Sun was there but it was so eclipsed you could see spots in it, and the sky was red in the morning and dark throughout the day. :frowning:

Yesterday the winds cleared most of the smoke and now we can go out and see the sky and the Sun again!! :pray:

I never felt more grateful for sunlight before! It’s so easy to take it for granted.

The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy. - Henry Ward Beecher

࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙﹆ :sunny: ﹆࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙࿚࿙

Let the Sun shine on your soul!

And what I think is the most beautiful chant to the Sun to date: George Harrison’s Here Comes the Sun :musical_note:


What a lovely altar @Francisco! And looking at those pictures, you’re right to be thankful for seeing the sun again. Gosh. Still, I like your altar, it does look all sunny. Good job!


@Francisco, wow! Your Sun altar looks amazing! Gives off such a feeling of gratitude, rebirth,love and warmth! Very glad the :sun_with_face: is out again and the skies cleared for you! Stay safe!
Blessed be.


Thank you, @Amethyst and @walter!!

Yes! I placed everything right next to the window. I discovered a while ago that everything looks way more beautiful when it’s lit by the Sun! :sun_with_face:


A beautiful altar, and beautiful clear sunny skies! :sun_with_face: I know it was really rough there for a while- I am so glad to hear the weather has cleared for you, @Francisco! Awesome song too- thank you for sharing :grin: Enjoy that lovely sunshine! :yellow_heart:


I’m very happy that you have the sun back! Yes, I do agree that a lot of people take the sun for granted. I’m glad you are safe! And thanks for sharing!


Your altar looks stunning :heart_eyes: :sunny:
Also I :heart: The Beatles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That was a lovely altar. A lot of people do take the Sun for granted. I love the sun and it has an effect on my mood when the Sun has been hidden for more than a day. Right now we are on day 3 of no Sun and my mood isn’t very bright and cheery. My doctor actually also noticed and a couple of years ago recommended that I get a UV Light Box for the Winter because it is so gray here all the time.


I know the feeling. I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun (a week maybe?) and it, along with the cold and snow, is making me sluggish. But eating oranges gives a great boost of energy. :tangerine:

Lovely altar by the way, Francisco! Hopefully Oregon won’t have any problems with wildfires this year.


Thanks Stephanie! I sure hope so! :pray:

@Susurrus Same here! Luckily this winter has been mild. The way I have been coping is by going outside and doing stuff even if it’s cloudy or rainy. That’s the first thing they told me when I moved here, and it has worked so far!


@Francisco, I go outside & walk to the top of my street & back home. That seems to help, just getting out and getting the fresh air. Sometimes I walk further if I can. I do it a few times a day as long as it’s not raining or slippery out.


I see you did well and you were inspired that’s really creative and it came from your heart :heart: :blush:happy to hear we are all so blessed to have the beautiful :sun_with_face: sun & its warmth so we can play again! I feel that too, I like all the bright colors in your alter! Very earthy and it is very Subtle energy! I didn’t realize there was a fire :fire: in Oregon so glad that your safe! I am so glad to see the beautiful things in the sky! I take pics of the sky too! That’s awesome, thank you for all of our challenges I am sure that this one will be fun!
Blessed be


What perfect timing to happen upon this song. I was waiting for a package with my Imbolc and Ostara kit and some herbs and someone stole it! I’m devastated needless to say. This is my first year celebrating any sabbats and this happens. I just wish whoever stole my package would put it back! Pleeeaaaaaase! :black_heart::pray:


Oh no! I hope they put it back or, at the very least, you’re reimbursed for it and sent a new package :pray: :sparkles:


Thank you, me too. I’m beyond saddened by this. I’m not quite sure what to do for Imbolc now. I ordered from Etsy and am still awaiting a response from the seller. I called the local police department as well. All I can do is make a report online and wait. Most likely nothing will come of it seeing as I don’t gave any evidence as to who the thief was. :frowning: :cry:


I believe Etsy has a buyer protection but I’m not sure how that affects the seller since it wasn’t their fault… :thinking: hopefully the seller is open to solving the problem!