Has July Changed? 🥳 Collective Reading Touch Base 2021

June is over and we’re moving into July! Normally this post would have happened a few days ago but I’m a little late :sweat_smile: Oh well! This touch base is just to see if anything has changed, shifted, and come to light from the Collective Reading for 2021. Sometimes things move around and we need to be aware of them going into the next month.

Let’s look back at June and see if my Has June Changed? :beach_umbrella: Collective Reading Touchebase was of any help.

The collective reading saw June looking at the The Moon calling on us to confront our shadows and our fears. For the touch-base reading, I pulled the Two of Cups, The Hierophant Reversed, and the Four of Pentacles Reversed. All of these cards pointed to friendships, relationships, and protecting what’s ours. It was interesting to see these cards play out in June and honestly? I’m not even sure I remember most of June. It went way over my head as I was prepping for my procedure. How do you feel about June? Did the collective touch base make sense for you?

:ocean: This month, we’re looking at July. :ocean:

As a reminder, this is the card I pulled for June in the collective reading.

July 2021: Ace of Pentacles Reversed

Something will go missing this month. This will be due to a lack of planning and future-preparation and an opportunity will be missed. This could lead to money being lost, wealth in one form or another, or career opportunities. I’m inclined to think we may see an increase in the total number of unemployed this month due to circumstances that may have been hidden in The Moon.

Looking at this card, I pulled three more cards to give us a glimpse into the :crystal_ball: future.

The deck shown above is the Hanson Roberts tarot.

:wheel_of_dharma: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed → Fate is moving quickly and, whether we like it or not, there’s no sense in resisting it. What will be will come to pass. It’s best to just go with the flow of the month right now and see where we end up.

:star: The Six of Pentacles → In our daily lives, we may strive for generosity and giving the excess that we have to those who have none. If we’re on the opposite end of that, we may be on the receiving end of someone else’s generosity. In all regards, charity and kindness will show themselves this month, leading to a community coming together for the good of all.

:cup_with_straw: The Ten of Cups Reversed → Are you in harmony with your relationships? Do you sometimes find yourself wishing for something more in your home life? We may find ourselves evaluating our relationships this month and wondering where we’re going from here. It can point to a disconnect between what we want and what we feel like we need.

Just as a reminder…

:star: The Card of the Year: The Father of Pentacles, Reversed

  • obsession with gaining wealth, money, or status
  • having money and blowing through it quickly

:star: Goals of 2021: The Son of Wands

  • fighting for equitable change
  • inspired action fueled by passion and inspiration

:star: Obstacles of 2021: The Empress

  • too much of a good thing can turn those good things bad
  • an over-abundance of all things that help people grow

Putting it together…

Regardless of what goes missing this month as pointed to by the Ace of Pentacles reversed, I feel like there’s not much we’re going to be able to do to stop this. The Wheel of Fortune reversed comes in to clarify that even if we resist the change, it won’t stop it from happening. In July, we may be dealing with a lot more introspection than normal as we gather in a community form to help everyone with whatever they need.

Do you have any insight to share for June and how this reading affected your life? If you want to do your own reading for the new month, you can find a spread I created over on my website.


" Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) " Recorded by Doris Day, 1956


As a look back on June, I seemed to have followed right along with the reading. I was in my shadows & going through an awakening that took just about the entire month. As you may have gathered from the readings & other things that we talked about, even if briefly.

I’m looking forward to July on the whole & I’m actually doing pretty good with savings & sticking to a somewhat budget. So if I receive anything extra, hopefully I can put a good amount of it away because you just don’t know what is around the corner until you get there.


I’m happy you’ve got a positive outlook! I’m looking forward to July, too :revolving_hearts:


Looking back in June, i had job strain and friendship strains. However, i concentrated and focused more on me. Introspection, self reflection, and more spiritually grow in my Witchcraft practice. Definitely, more confidence inside and out. Also seen many people moving, either by choice or had too. (Including my parents in the process) i feel it was a month of much change. Seeing many people i know with financial struggles and tightening of their belts, including myself.

I hope July is well received . Hey, my birthday month! Hope it shines! Lol

@MeganB ,thank you for the readings.

Blessed be


You’re welcome :revolving_hearts: And a happy birthday month to you!


@MeganB , thank you.