Healthy digestion teas

Thank you for the advice. :black_heart: It really does help.

I didnā€™t know those potential issues. Theyā€™re very relevant as weā€™ve had ginger tea as a regular thing already (and, to a lesser extent, chamomile tea as well). Although, Iā€™ve never made more than one glass of each a day, it hasnā€™t been out of knowing to avoid having too much ginger. :grimacing: Going to make a mental note of no tea and stir fry on the same day. :laughing:

Good point to speak to the doctor about probiotics as well. Iā€™ve been trying to have two tablespoons of yoghurt every day or two. But they might tell me to adjust that.

A friend has also recommended this gut bacteria analysis done to get really specific advice, but we canā€™t afford to spend hundreds on that right now. I just need to find a way to manage my stress until we get results back. I know I shouldnā€™t be worrying over things I donā€™t have control over, butā€¦ Itā€™s proving difficult at times. :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ll pick up the book you mentioned sometime. :smile:


@starborn oh honey u are most welcome. A rule of thumb that i do and tell ppl when they ask about how much tea to drink. It isnt recommended to have more than 3 cups in a 24 hr period. U must remember natural herbs havent been modified, so u get the FULL effect of the herb.

Ha ha about the stir fry. I love making stir fry.

Just please be careful. All herbs can heal, even the baneful ones, and they can ALL kill at the same time.

Does meditation work for u?


Kind of? :smile: It really depends. With the guided ones, it might depend a lot on the person speaking. Sometimes, I find it unsettling; sometimes, I find myself falling asleep at the exact same moment every video. Sometimes, I just canā€™t sit/lie still at all. (I have ASD and ADHD, and Iā€™m not on medication for anything.)

Iā€™ve been having baths to try to relax. I turn the lights off, have some candles, sometimes some music, sometimes some bath salts and flowers/herbs. I massage my shoulders a bit, too. And my younger cat, Raven, likes to lie next to me. Thatā€™s been very helpful, but unfortunately, I canā€™t live in the bathtub. :joy:

Weā€™re getting there. I just need to manage it all for a few more days. :crossed_fingers:


Definatly got to try some of these as herbal teas are a part of my herbilsm /herbology / kitchen magic side of practice. Thanks for sharing theseā€‹:grin::cherry_blossom::sunflower::rose::blossom:


@starborn whilst yogurt is good, it doesnt completely treat the symptoms. Which is another reason i suggested a probiotic. This is what i personally use, 1 tablespoon every morning in my coffee (a little trick i learned from @Susurrus my twinsie), and BAM everything is great. No after taste nothing. If u do decide to go the route of probiotics just a heads up u will fart like crazy in the beginning, so make sure your partner is cool with u passing gas all day. But its how u know it working, your body is trying to release those gases and impurities from your body.


:joy: Thatā€™s okay. My partner is used to it. And they have IBSā€¦ Weā€™re used to having to help each other in nurse-like ways at times. :sweat_smile:

Ooh. Iā€™ll see if I can find this or similar.

So, it can go into a warm beverage. Thatā€™s great. I might try it in coffee or milk tea, as well. Maybe even hot chocolate or a milk and sugar mix. :thinking: Experimenting!


Darlin it can go into anything that will allow it to dissolve. I just use coffee bc i was always taught that for better dissolving use hot liquids.


Hi :wave: Iā€™m so happy that something I suggested has helped you @Mistress_Of_Herbs! That makes me feel better today! :revolving_hearts:

@starborn Iā€™m so sorry that you are having such issues & stress isnā€™t helping :frowning_face: I can say from my own things that stress does some very not nice things to my system. The rush of cortisol & adrenaline resulting from it shuts down my digestive system, including my appetite :roll_eyes:

I try to use herbal teas & such as well. For the last few years, Iā€™ve been on a quest to, at the very least, try alternatives to commercial medicine whenever I can. Herbal teas have been wonderful for me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I also have started eating yogurts for the live cultures at least once daily. Normally, it will be a regular yogurt. Sometimes, I will get the ones with the live cultures & the added probiotics to them (think Activia yogurts)

Anxiety & stress have tremendous effects on me, especially this past year. My primary care doctor is an MD & DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), which has really benefited me. She recommended an all-natural herbal tea :tea: that is chamomile & lavender with added probiotics to it to help me. So I will drink that late afternoon or after dinner when possible. If you would like me to see what the name is, Iā€™d be happy to look! :hugs:

Different things that immediately come to mind that currently help me

Meditation helps me with my anxiety & stress when I can practice it & even more if it is a regular thing. It keeps me grounded & in the present. It helps me clear out my mind & improve my focus on the things I can control, too. When I cannot do a typical meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:, I will try different types of them.

If whatever is going on is causing a lot of tension throughout my body or difficult energy to be stored, I use a Progressive Muscle Relaxation meditation that is done while lying down. Other times, I will lie down & get as comfortable as I can, turn out the lights, turn off the TV if itā€™s on, (a lot of times, having soft things that I can put against my face & hold onto wrapped around my hands/arms will help. Fleece/plush blankets are usually my go-to), something firm but soft to put up against me to kind of lean on or support me (my pibble will lay against my back, I will use a blanket rolled up behind me, the back of the couch, or a weighted blanket over my soft comforter, wear my weighted hoodie that has a soft faux fur lining inside the entire thing), close my eyes, & use breathing techniques while focusing on a mantra or affirmationā€¦ sometimes more than one.

I use a few different breathing techniques. Even box breathing or breathe in through my nose for 4, hold for 4, & breathe out through my mouth for 5 or 6, hold for at least 2, & repeat. Sometimes, I must start with one type and then transition to another. It really depends on how much anxiety & stress I am experiencing or other strong emotions.

Warm herbal showers or bath things have helped me; diffuser blends, incense blends, scented candles, water (either water sounds or soundscapes, putting my feet in the water at the beach & closing my eyes, or just letting warm water run down my back from the shower). I have found some great soundscapes & meditations on the Insight Timer app & Spotify!


@Mistress_Of_Herbs great list congrats!thanks for sharing it with us!


Where do you buy your herbs for tea?


WellsOfHealth on Etsy and
Are my main two that i order from.


Iā€™ve started this, too. :partying_face: :raised_hands:

Yes, please. :smile:

I have a Notion document where Iā€™m compiling a list of all these things to try. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Besides baths, Iā€™ve also been using some diffuser blends, certain types of music and ambient sounds, andā€¦ Putting my feet in a bucket for a little bit when the weather is too hot. :joy:

Iā€™m also trying water sounds to see if they make the weather feel more bearable. Itā€™s too hot right now ā€“ the Bureau of Meteorology keeps sending out heatwave warnings, so weā€™ve had them for a week straight. And given the forecast for the next few months, it doesnā€™t seem like they actually end until March or April. :grimacing:


Hi :wave: the tea that I drink is:

ā†’ Bigelow: Lavender & Chamomile Herbal Tea with ProBiotics. Itā€™s really good too

I LOVE :heart: LOVE :heart: LOVE :heart: diffuser blends for all the things. I use essential oils other ways too, but diffuser blends are 1 of my favorites. Iā€™ll have to see if I have any for relaxing, stress, anxiety, & those types of things. @Mistress_Of_Herbs has helped me with quite a few blends whether for wearable oils or diffusers. She is really good with those too! Iā€™ll see what I have :thinking:

I do especially well with water sounds & at times rain or thunderstorms. I have a Celtic calming music playlist that is mostly instrumental.

I know we also have some sprays for the hotā€¦ because when it gets into those kinds of temperatures with extended times it can be roughā€¦

ā†’ Heat Exhaustion Cooling Spray
ā†’ Some Recipes for Tinctures/Spraysā€¦ Headache, Sleep, Cleansing, Clearing


Thank you. :black_heart:


Youā€™re welcome :revolving_hearts:

Recently I was told to start taking Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotics. They have Probiotics & Prebiotics in them (she also specified not the store brand) by the time I had taken them again, I had already felt better. So that may be an option if dietary changes arenā€™t helping enough too.


Weā€™ll try all we can. Thanks again. :black_heart:

For the past ten years, my partner has tried a new GP every year. The new GP inevitably says, ā€œI canā€™t believe youā€™re living like this! We have to help!ā€ So they go through the gauntlet of examinations and tests, trialling different diets and supplements, and so on.

Eventually, the doctor gives up and says, ā€œSorry, I have no idea what we can do for you.ā€ And thatā€™s itā€¦ Until we try again a few years later.

We know to avoid some specific foods that make it a whole lot worse, which isnā€™t particularly enlightening or surprising, like fried chicken or lots of leafy greens at once.

Then, earlier this year, they kind of reached a low point. They apologised to me and said that they think this stress on their body will take years off their life. This upset me, so I decided it was time to try other things. Iā€™ve had some small successes, but everything is inconsistent so far.

Anyway, thatā€™s the context. Hopefully, Iā€™m not repeating myself. Iā€™ve been in a bit of a daze for the past 24 hours. But the point is just to help alleviate any concerns by showing that, at least with my partner, weā€™re not starting by trying all these ā€“ weā€™ve been going through the recommended pathway of ā€œsee your doctorā€ for a decade already.


@starborn, no explanation is needed at all! :revolving_hearts: I have been in similar situations & have my own that, for a long time, made my providers go :woman_shrugging: Iā€™m in the midst of one of those now that has been going on for about a year and a half.

They have helped me so much with alternatives & things to try for different situations. One thing about stress & anxiety & medical conditions is that the latter can also cause stress responsesā€¦ For long-term things or chronic conditions, what happens is a flood of cortisol & an adrenaline response for what seems like a constant state, then almost your normal day-to-day feelings. When that is happening, everything else is increased in their effects also. It becomes a thing where, Yes, you have to treat the underlying things, but because of the stress & anxiety causing the symptoms to worsen, you first need to manage those before you can even figure out how to manage the actual condition which may have the same symptoms on their own but to a lesser degree :green_salad:

Wow, I really hope that makes sense :thinking: :people_hugging:

I can completely understand what you both are going through & how challenging it can be for them, you, & both of you. I have been there myself, and it affected my family as well; itā€™s difficult, but small successes are still a win :partying_face: Inconsistencies will be present, but it will get a lot easier once you figure out which things work for different reactions and when it does and donā€™t seem to work. Itā€™s like if this is present, then do this, but if this is present, then this wonā€™t work, but this over here will provide some relief. I completely understand, and keeping it all together and straight is difficult. :people_hugging:


Sweet Baby Baphometā€¦

I totally understand what youā€™re saying (and I did mean to say so aaaages ago, sorry), but there are so many layers. Onions have less layers! :laughing:

Iā€™ve been learning a lot about myself in this regard recently. Iā€™m noticing there are some ingredients that work and those that donā€™t. And how much fibre messes with absolutely everything. (I indulged in too many grapes yesterday like I was being some Greek goddess and wow, did I have a terrible evening.) And itā€™s all new because I usually didnā€™t think of my own digestion much, as itā€™s my partner who has IBS and I donā€™t. But Iā€™m finding a lot of value in this learning process.

My partner is trying some various small changes. But the data of the experiment gets messy when one unknown thing blows up, and we canā€™t figure out what it was because there are things that only become problems when things are already bad on top of it all. For example, nuts and seeds are fine on a normal day. Nuts and seeds on a bad day are absolutely terrible.

It might be time for us to start writing things down. :smile: This lax method of just keeping it in our heads wonā€™t do for something so complex.


@starborn I donā€™t know if youā€™ve heard of the FODMAP diet but it was recommended to me by my gastroenterologist. Iā€™m thinking this is something I may revisit.


Weā€™ve tried it on and off since 2015. There are some high FODMAP foods that we generally avoid, even in between attempts. But it doesnā€™t seem to change much.

Iā€™m always willing to give it another go, though. Cause why not? It does no harm to try. :black_heart: