How do you bless a digital book of shadows?

Hi Everyone

Been a while since i’ve posted here. I recently felt inspired by you lovely people to start a digital BOS as i just wasnt finding the traditional format working for me very well. I found it hard to organise, ive moved house plenty of times so has gotten lost as well sadly and i felt guilty printing things and using alot of paper!

Im wondering how you would bless a digital book of shadows? Im also curious who has set it up on onenote as thats the program im using at present and any suggestions or advice your happy to share.

Hope your all doing well.


I’m going to tag @MeganB for this because I believe she keeps a digital Book of Shadows and will be able to help~!


Thanks lovely much appreciated :slight_smile:


I’d say the same way as anything else. Just hold ur hand over after smoke cleanse or sound cleanse


Would the smoke damage the laptop though ?


Hi @kira-marie :wave: Nice to see you again!

I’m working on a physical BOS, but I have a lot on my computer right now in a file labeled BOS, and other files are separating different things.

I cleaned my laptop and tend to keep the camera covered whenever I use it. As for rest, I would physically clean the computer and lock the screen like locking mirrors. You can create a sigil to put in the BOS file or files with a transparent protection layer over the image or icon for protection, too, or one that goes over the entire home screen of your laptop. Then, whatever you open or work on will be protected.

You can use other elements on the physical laptop rather than smoke. I’m not sure that it would damage the computer, but there’s also sound that you could use for it, too, whether outside the physical laptop or playing it from your computer.

I will hunt around. We have information about digital BOS and technological practices, so I’ll be back soon! :hugs:


I found a few topics on technomancy…

:technologist: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Technology & Modern Magick
Techno witch blessing prayer
Digital Defense :pentagram: Magic for the Matrix
:shield: Digital Protection Magick

I hope something from there can help you, too! Maybe give you some ideas on how to move forward with the digital BOS :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’ve gotten some great advice already! I don’t know if I have anything else to add :sweat_smile:


I was gonna say the same. If it’s smoke you don’t need to saturate the laptop just a quick once over orsound cleanse by ringing a bell over the item


thank you thats really helpful i really appreciate you getting back to me :slight_smile:


You’re welcome! Having it on my computer has helped me organize the information to make things easier. So, it works for me when I can download stuff without printing them. I hope it works for you, too!


im finding its already easier going digital i can just organise things, copy paste stuff, put links to shops, put photos in i never thought i would enjoy a digital BOS but i seriously am converted and wish i did this years ago would make my life so much easier and id probs me more consistent with things and less overwhelmed.


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